CFX Tags

As I mentioned in the beginning of the chapter, ColdFusion can be extended through another type of custom tag called a CFX tag. CFX tags differ from CFML custom tags in a number of ways:

  • They are created in Visual C++ or Java.

  • They are compiled (.dll for Visual C++, .class for Java).

  • They must be registered in the ColdFusion Administrator before they can be used.

  • They may or may not be cross-platform.

  • They can extend the capabilities of the ColdFusion Application Server in ways that CFML tags can’t by performing tasks not native to ColdFusion.

  • They generally execute faster than CFML tags (because they are compiled).

Registering CFX Tags

Before a CFX tag can be used, it must be registered in the ColdFusion Administrator. The following steps outline the procedure for ColdFusion MX. If you use an earlier version, the actual registration process and screens may vary slightly. Save the tag to your ColdFusion server. The default directory for custom tags is \cfusionmx\customtags.

  1. Under the Extensions section of the ColdFusion Administrator, click on the CFX Tags link. This takes you to the Registered CFX Tags page (shown in Figure 21-7).

  2. Click the button corresponding to the type of CFX tag you wish to register. Choose C++ for tags written in C++ or choose Java for tags written in Java.

  3. Depending on whether you are registering a C++ CFX tag or a Java CFX tag, follow the additional steps outlined in the appropriate following section.

Figure 21-7. Registering a CFX tag in the ...

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