Variations on a Theme

Unlike software designed for general-purpose computers, embedded software cannot usually be run on other embedded systems without significant modification. This is mainly because of the incredible variety of hardware in use in embedded systems. The hardware in each embedded system is tailored specifically to the application, in order to keep system costs low. As a result, unnecessary circuitry is eliminated and hardware resources are shared wherever possible.

In this section, you will learn which hardware features are common across all embedded systems and why there is so much variation with respect to just about everything else. Later in the book, we will look at some techniques that can be used to minimize the impact of software changes so they are not needed throughout all layers of the software.

Common System Components

By definition, all embedded systems contain a processor and software, but what other features do they have in common? Certainly, in order to have software, there must be a place to store the executable code and temporary storage for runtime data manipulation. These take the form of read-only memory (ROM) and random access memory (RAM), respectively; most embedded systems have some of each. If only a small amount of memory is required, it might be contained within the same chip as the processor. Otherwise, one or both types of memory reside in external memory chips.

All embedded systems also contain some type of inputs and outputs. For example, in a microwave oven, the inputs are the buttons on the front panel and a temperature probe, and the outputs are the human-readable display and the microwave radiation. The outputs of the embedded system are almost always a function of its inputs and several other factors (elapsed time, current temperature, etc.). The inputs to the system usually take the form of sensors and probes, communication signals, or control knobs and buttons. The outputs are typically displays, communication signals, or changes to the physical world. See Figure 1-2 for a general example of an embedded system.

A generic embedded system

Figure 1-2. A generic embedded system

With the exception of these few common features, the rest of the embedded hardware is usually unique and, therefore, requires unique software. This variation is the result of many competing design criteria.

The software for the generic embedded system shown in Figure 1-2 varies depending on the functionality needed. The hardware is the blank canvas, and the software is the paint that we add in order to make the picture come to life. Figure 1-3 gives just a couple of possible high-level diagrams that could be implemented on such a generic embedded system.

(a) Basic embedded software diagram and (b) a more complex embedded software diagram

Figure 1-3. (a) Basic embedded software diagram and (b) a more complex embedded software diagram

Both the basic embedded software diagram in Figure 1-3(a) and the more complex embedded software diagram in Figure 1-3(b) contain very similar blocks. The hardware block is common in both diagrams.

The device drivers are embedded software modules that contain the functionality to operate the individual hardware devices. The reason for the device driver software is to remove the need for the application to know how to control each piece of hardware. Each individual device driver would typically need to know only how to control its hardware device. For instance, for a microwave oven, separate device drivers control the keypad, display, temperature probe, and radiation control.

If more functionality is required, it is sometimes necessary to include additional layers in the embedded software to assist with this added functionality. In this example, the complex diagram includes a real-time operating system (RTOS) and a networking stack. The RTOS can help the programmer separate the application’s functionality into distinct tasks for better organization of the application software and a more responsive system. We will investigate the use of an RTOS later in this book. The network stack also adds to the functionality of the basic embedded system; a microwave oven might use it to pop up a message on your desktop computer when your lunch is ready.

The responsibilities of the application software layer is the same in both the basic and the complex embedded software diagrams. In a microwave oven, the application processes the different inputs and controls the outputs based on what the user commands it to do.

You’ll notice that the software in Figure 1-3 is represented by discrete blocks stacked on top of one another with fixed borders. This is done deliberately, to indicate the separation of the different software functional layers that make up the complete embedded software system. Later, we will break down these blocks further to show you how you can keep your embedded software clean, easy to read, and portable. Keeping these software layers distinct, with well-defined methods that neighboring layers can use to communicate, helps you write good embedded software.

Requirements That Affect Design Choices

Each embedded system must meet a completely different set of requirements, any or all of which can affect the compromises and trade-offs made during the development of the product. For example, if the system must have a production cost of less than $10, other desirable traits—such as processing power and system reliability—might need to be sacrificed in order to meet that goal.

Of course, production cost is only one of the possible constraints under which embedded hardware designers work. Other common design requirements include:

Processing power

The workload that the main chip can handle. A common way to compare processing power is the millions of instructions per second (MIPS) rating. If two otherwise similar processors have ratings of 25 MIPS and 40 MIPS, the latter is said to be the more powerful. However, other important features of the processor need to be considered. One is the register width, which typically ranges from 8 to 64 bits. Today’s general-purpose computers use 32- and 64-bit processors exclusively, but embedded systems are still mainly built with less costly 4-, 8-, and 16-bit processors.


The amount of memory (ROM and RAM) required to hold the executable software and the data it manipulates. Here the hardware designer must usually make his best estimate up front and be prepared to increase or decrease the actual amount as the software is being developed. The amount of memory required can also affect the processor selection. In general, the register width of a processor establishes the upper limit of the amount of memory it can access (e.g., a 16-bit address register can address only 64 KB (216 ) memory locations). [1]

Number of units

The expected production run. The trade-off between production cost and development cost is affected most by the number of units expected to be produced and sold. For example, it rarely makes sense to develop custom hardware components for a low-volume product.

Power consumption

The amount of power used during operation. This is extremely important, especially for battery-powered portable devices. A common metric used to compare the power requirements of portable devices is mW/MIPS (milliwatts per MIPS); the greater this value, the more power is required to get work done. Lower power consumption can also lead to other favorable device characteristics, such as less heat, smaller batteries, less weight, smaller size, and simpler mechanical design.

Development cost

The cost of the hardware and software design processes, known as nonrecurring engineering (NRE). This is a fixed, one-time cost, so on some projects, money is no object (usually for high-volume products), whereas on other projects, this is the only accurate measure of system cost (for the production of a small number of units).


How long the product is expected to stay in use. The required or expected lifetime affects all sorts of design decisions, from the selection of hardware components to how much system development and production is allowed to cost. How long must the system continue to function (on average)? A month, a year, or a decade?


How reliable the final product must be. If it is a children’s toy, it may not have to work properly 100 percent of the time, but if it’s an antilock braking system for a car, it had sure better do what it is supposed to do each and every time.

In addition to these general requirements, each system has detailed functional requirements. These are the things that give the embedded system its unique identity as a microwave oven, pacemaker, or pager.

Table 1-1 illustrates the range of typical values for each of the previous design requirements. The “low,” “medium,” and “high” labels are meant for illustration purposes and should not be taken as strict delineations. An actual product has one selection from each row. In some cases, two or more of the criteria are linked. For example, increases in required processing power could lead to increased production costs. Conversely, we might imagine that the same increase in processing power would have the effect of decreasing the development costs—by reducing the complexity of the hardware and software design. So the values in a particular column do not necessarily go together.

Table 1-1. Common design requirements for embedded systems

Processor4- or 8-bit16-bit32- or 64-bit
Memory< 64 KB64 KB to 1 MB> 1 MB
Development cost< $100,000$100,000 to $1,000,000> $1,000,000
Production cost< $10$10 to $1,000> $1,000
Number of units< 100100 to 10,000> 10,000
Power consumption> 10 mW/MIPS1 to 10 mW/MIPS< 1 mW/MIPS
LifetimeDays, weeks, or monthsYearsDecades
ReliabilityMay occasionally failMust work reliablyMust be fail-proof

[1] The narrower the register width, the more likely it is that the processor employs tricks such as multiple address spaces to support more memory. There are still embedded systems that do the job with a few hundred bytes. However, several thousand bytes is a more likely minimum, even on an 8-bit processor.

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