Find the Right Object

The hardest part about Excel programming is finding the right object for the job. Excel’s object library is huge and not always easy to understand. One way to tackle that problem is to categorize the objects by task. The chapters later in this book take that approach, as shown by Table 4-4.

Table 4-4. How this book organizes Excel objects by task



Covers these objects

7, Controlling Excel

Control Excel’s general options and display and respond to application-level events

Application, AutoCorrect, AutoRecover, ErrorChecking, Windows, and Panes

8, Opening, Saving, and Sharing Workbooks

Access workbooks and their properties and respond to workbook events

Workbook and RecentFile

9, Working with Worksheets and Ranges

Perform general tasks on ranges of cells including inserting values, search and replace, and formatting and respond to worksheet events

Worksheet and Range

10, Linking and Embedding

Add comments, hyperlinks, and various OLE objects to worksheets

Comment, Hyperlink, OLEObject, Speech, and UsedObjects

11, Printing and Publishing

Create hardcopy and online output from workbooks

AutoFilter, Filter, HPageBreak, VPageBreak, PageSetup, Graphic, PublishObject, DefaultWebOptions, and WebOptions

12, Loading and Manipulating Data

Bring data into a workbook from a database or other data source

Parameter and QueryTable

ADO objects: Command, Connection, Field, Parameter, and RecordSet

DAO objects: Database, DbEngine, Document, QueryDef, and Recordset

13, Analyzing Data with Pivot Tables

Organize, sort, and filter data through pivot tables

CalculatedField, CalculatedMember, CubeField, PivotCache, PivotCell, PivotField, PivotFormula, PivotItem, PivotItemList, PivotLayout, and PivotTable

14, Sharing Data Using Lists

Use lists for data entry, filtering, sorting, and sharing data

ListObject, ListRow, ListColumn, and ListDataFormat

15, Working with XML

Import XML data into Excel and export data from workbooks in XML format

XmlMap, XmlDataBinding, XmlNamespace, XmlSchema, and XPath

16, Charting

Display numeric data graphically

Axis, Chart, ChartGroup, ChartObject, DataTable, Point, Series, and SeriesLines

17, Formatting Charts

Change low-level aspects of the chart

ChartArea, ChartColorFormat, ChartFillFormat, Corners, DataLabel, DownBars, DropLines, ErrorBars, Floor, Gridlines, HiLoLines, LeaderLines, Legend, LegendEntry, LegendKey, PlotArea, TickLabels, Trendline, Trendlines, UpBars, and Walls

18, Drawing Graphics

Create graphics on Excel worksheets

Adjustments, CalloutFormat, ColorFormat, ConnectorFormat, ControlFormat, FillFormat, FreeFormBuilder, GroupShapes, LineFormat, LinkFormat, PictureFormat, ShadowFormat, Shape, ShapeNode, ShapeRange, TextEffectFormat, TextFrame, and ThreeDFormat

19, Adding Menus and Toolbars

Add items to the Excel user interface

CommandBar, CommandBarButton, CommandBarComboBox, and CommandBarPopup

20, Building Dialog Boxes

Create forms and use controls in Excel

Forms 2.0 objects: UserForm, CheckBox, ComboBox, CommandButton, Control, Frame, Image, Label, ListBox, MultiPage, OptionButton, RefEdit, ScrollBar, SpinButton, TabStrip, and ToggleButton

21, Sending and Receiving Workbooks

Send mail from Excel

MsoEnvelope, MailItem, and RoutingSlip

22, Building Add-ins

Load and use add-ins as well as create and distribute new ones


26, Exploring Security in Depth

Limit edits to sheets and ranges of cells

AllowEditRange, Protection, Permission, UserAccess, UserAccessList

To give you an overview of how the Excel object library is organized, the following sections break the Excel object library into parts and illustrate how the objects are organized graphically. These illustrations are similar to those found in online Help as shown in Figure 4-10 earlier but are a little more complete (and I think more accurate) than Excel’s Help.

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