Get References
As the top-level object in Excel, Application
is the source of all other object references. However, the object name Application
isn’t always used in code because Excel includes shortcuts (called global members
) that let you omit it. For instance, the following two lines are equivalent:
Application.Selection.Clear ' Clear selected cells. Selection.Clear ' Same thing!
Figure 7-2. Use Application properties to get or set these options
In this case, Selection
returns the selected cells on the active worksheet as a Range
object. Table 7-2 lists the Application members that return references
to other objects.
Table 7-2. Application object members that return object references
ActiveCell |
ActiveChart |
ActivePrinter |
ActiveSheet |
ActiveWindow |
ActiveWorkbook |
AddIns |
Assistant |
AutoCorrect |
AutoRecover |
Cells |
Charts |
Columns |
COMAddIns |
CommandBars |
Dialogs |
ErrorCheckingOptions |
FileDialog |
FileFind |
FileSearch |
FindFile |
FindFormat |
International |
Intersect |
LanguageSettings |
Names |
NewWorkbook |
ODBCErrors |
OLEDBErrors |
PreviousSelections |
Range |
RecentFiles |
Rows |
Selection |
Sheets |
SmartTagRecognizers |
Speech |
SpellingOptions |
ThisCell |
ThisWorkbook |
Union |
UsedObjects |
Watches |
Windows |
Workbooks |
WorksheetFunction |
Worksheets |
Most of the names of the members in Table 7-2 are descriptive of the objects they return. The exceptions to that rule are the members that ...
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