
chart.ApplyCustomType(ChartType, [TypeName])


Applies an autoformat to a chart.




xlBuiltIn selects from a set of built-in autoformats; xlUserDefined selects from a set of user-defined autoformats.


The name of the autoformat to apply.


If you omit TypeName, ApplyCustomType is equivalent to setting the ChartType property and the ChartType argument then accepts xlChartType constants.

To see the available autoformats, select a chart, choose Chart → Chart Type, and click the Custom Types tab. The ChartType and TypeName arguments correspond to items on the Chart Type dialog box as shown in Figure 16-7.

Applying an autoformat to a chart

Figure 16-7. Applying an autoformat to a chart

The following code applies the B&W Column autoformat to a chart:

Sub ApplyAutoFormat(  )
    Dim chrt As Chart
    Set chrt = Charts("New Chart")
    chrt.ApplyCustomType xlBuiltIn, "B&W Column"
End Sub

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