
Note: Page numbers followed by “b”, “f” and “t” refer to boxes, figures, and tables, respectively.


Abrupt underflow convention, 137
Abstraction, 484–486
memory bandwidth of filling kernels, 485t
programmer productivity, 484
real-world performance, 485–486
robustness, 484
Accelerator, 517
device, 414
management, 525–528, 526f
Accelerator, class, 525–526
Accelerator::set_default static method, 526
Accelerator_view, C++ AMP, 526
AddVecKernel function, 36, 120
Adjacency matrix, 258
representation of simple graph, 259f
sparse matrix representation of, 259f
Adjacent synchronization, 193
Algorithm, 153–156
considerations, 140–142
selection, 374–379
AMD Opteron family, 1
Amdahl’s law, 10, 373–374, 374
ANSI C code, ...

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