

ActionTypes class 249

activities 11

Activity class 6768

adding speech to 345347

code design 6972

handling 6777

listening for new 310314

pinging 76

relationship changes 7273

sending 72, 316318

types 68

typing indicators 77, 7880

user data deletion 7576

Activity class 46, 5962, 6768

custom message Activity 6162

ActivityExtensions class 6062

ActivityType class 6869

ActivityType members 46

ActivityType.Message 46

Activity types 2425

ActivityTypes class 249

Adaptive cards 267276

handling actions 274275

layout with containers 271273

using controls 273274

AddRemainingFields method 175176

AddTieAsync method 56

Analytics tab 280283

AnalyzeImageAsync method 331

API Key 282

api/messages 36

Apple 6

Application ID 282

Application ...

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