You have a bunch of image files (or PostScript or PDF files) for which you would like to create smaller thumbnail images.
ImageMagick with Ghostscript support |
The ImageMagick package provides for several methods of thumbnailing images. One high-level method is the Visual Image Directory virtual file format that is defined by ImageMagick. You can convert a number of image files into a Visual Image Directory with the convert utility:
convert 'vid:*.gif' png:imageindex.png
If ImageMagick is installed on your system, this command will convert every GIF format file in the current directory into a single image that contains thumbnails of all of the images and will save it as a PNG file called imageindex.png. The resulting image will look like Figure 10.10.
Figure 10-10. ImageMagick’s Visual Image Directory format provides a quick and easy means of thumbnailing images
The Visual Image Directory is essentially a high-level function that uses some of the lower-level ImageMagick routines to read in a bunch of images, scale them into thumbnails, provide borders, labels, drop shadows, and a background, and write it out to the appropriate file. You can access all of these functions via the PerlMagick interface to ImageMagick (described in Chapter 5).
The Visual Image Directory has a number of default parameters. It will automatically place at most six thumbnails in a ...
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