Built-in Types and Operators
Operators and Precedence
Table 1-1 lists Python’s expression operators. Operators in lower cells of the table have higher precedence (i.e., bind tighter, when used in mixed expressions without parentheses).
Table 1-1. Operators and Precedence
Operators | Description |
X or Y, lambda args: expr | Logical ‘or’ (Y is only evaluated if X is false), anonymous function |
X and Y | Logical ‘and’ (Y is only evaluated if X is true) |
not X | Logical negation |
X < Y, X <= Y, X > Y, X >= Y, X == Y, X <> Y, X != Y, X is Y, X is not Y, X in S, X not in S | Comparison operators, equality operators, identity tests, sequence membership |
X | Y | Bitwise ‘or’ |
X ^ Y | Bitwise ‘exclusive or’ |
X & Y | Bitwise ‘and’ |
X << Y, X >> Y | Shift X left or right by Y bits |
X + Y, X — Y | Addition/concatenation, subtraction |
X * Y, X / Y, X % Y | Multiply/repetition, divide, remainder/format |
-X, +X, ~X, X**Y | Unary negation, identity, bitwise complement, power |
X[i], X[i:j], X.attr, X( . . . ) | Indexing, slicing, qualification, function calls |
( . . . ), [ . . . ], { . . . }, ` . . . ` | Tuple, list, dictionary, conversion to string |
Operations by Category
All types support comparisons and boolean operations.
True means any non-zero number, or any non-empty collection object (list, dictionary, etc.). The special object None is false.
Comparisons return 1 or 0 and are applied recursively in compound objects as needed to determine a result.
Boolean and and or operators stop as soon as a result is known (short-circuit) and return an operand object.
Table 1-2. Comparisons ...
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