Putting It Together

Now we can build a set of management accounts. The example applications include a Word template, an Excel spreadsheet with a prebuilt chart, and a test routine in easyword.py. Thanks to helper methods, this is simple:

def test():
    outfilename = MYDIR + '\\pythonics_mgt_accounts.doc'
    w = WordWrap(MYDIR + '\\pythonics.dot')
    w.show()  # leave on screen for fun
    w.addStyledPara('Accounts for April', 'Title')
    #first some text
    w.addStyledPara("Chairman's Introduction", 'Heading 1')
    w.addStyledPara(randomText(), 'Normal')
    # now a table sections
    w.addStyledPara("Sales Figures for Year To Date", 'Heading 1')
    data = randomData()
    w.addTable(data, 37) # style wdTableStyleProfessional
    # finally a chart, on the first page of a ready-made spreadsheet
    w.addStyledPara("Cash Flow Projections", 'Heading 1')
    w.addInlineExcelChart(MYDIR + '\\wordchart.xls', 'Cash Flow Forecast')
    print 'saved in', outfilename

This runs visibly for fun, but would be much faster if kept off-screen. It produces the document in Figure 10.3.

The finished document
Figure 10.3. The finished document

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