Chapter 4. Symbian C++ Recipes

This chapter forms the major part of the book. It contains ten sections, each of which contain recipes to guide your development, step by step. The following subjects are described in the numbered sections below:

4.1 File Handling

4.2 Contacts and Calendar

4.3 Networking

4.4 Messaging

4.5 Graphics and Drawing

4.6 3D Graphics Using OpenGL ES

4.7 Multimedia

4.8 Telephony

4.9 Connectivity

4.10 Location-Based Services

Each recipe lists some preliminary information, as follows:

Amount of time required:

The amount of time to read the recipe, reflect on the major points in the snippets of example code shown in the book, and examine the full code sample (which can be downloaded from

Location of example code: (e.g., \Files)

This is the location in the set of example codes in which you can find the example code associated with the recipe.

Required library(s): (e.g., efsrv.lib)

A code project must link to this Symbian library in order for the code shown in the recipe to be successfully linked. You can either add the library to the MMP file, using the LIBRARY keyword, or add it using the MMP editor in the Carbide.c++ IDE. We always assume that your code project links to the Symbian OS user library (euser.lib) – since every recipe requires it – and do not list it below.

Required header file(s): (e.g., f32file.h)

The Symbian OS system header file required to access the APIs discussed in the recipe. Unless otherwise stated, the header file will ...

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