Printing and Saving Reports

In QuickBooks, you can turn any report you create into either a hard copy or an electronic file. If you save a report as a file, you can feed it to other programs or edit the report in ways that you can’t do in QuickBooks.

Printing a report doesn’t take any imagination: In the toolbar at the top of a report window, click the Print button. In the Print Reports dialog box that opens, QuickBooks offers most of the same printing options you find in other programs, as you can see in Figure 21-4.

Select the Printer option and then, in the Printer drop-down list, choose the printer to which you want to send the report. You can print reports in portrait or landscape orientation, and specify the pages you want to print, how many copies to print, where you want page breaks, and whether to print in color. If a report is a bit too wide to fit on one page, turn on the “Fit report to” checkbox, which forces the report onto one (or more) pages.

Figure 21-4. Select the Printer option and then, in the Printer drop-down list, choose the printer to which you want to send the report. You can print reports in portrait or landscape orientation, and specify the pages you want to print, how many copies to print, where you want page breaks, and whether to print in color. If a report is a bit too wide to fit on one page, turn on the “Fit report to” checkbox, which forces the report onto one (or more) pages.

In the Print Reports dialog box, the Page Breaks section has two checkboxes that control where page breaks are placed in a report:

  • To stuff as much report as possible onto the fewest pages, turn off the “Smart page breaks (widow/orphan control)” checkbox. When you do, QuickBooks prints to the very last line of a page, even if it means that a single row of a section appears on one page with the rest of the section on another. ...

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