Online Banking Using Register Mode
Register mode lets you see your full account register, which makes it easy for you to find a matching transaction that QuickBooks doesn’t recognize. You can edit transactions in the register, for example, to correct a typo that prevented the program from making a match. This section explains how to do your online banking using Register mode.
Sending and Receiving Items
In Register mode, choose Banking→Online Banking→Online Banking Center to begin connecting to your financial institution. Register mode’s Online Banking Center window is more compact than its Side-by-side sibling, as you can see in Figure 22-10.
Figure 22-10. If you have online services with more than one bank (your checking account with one bank and a credit card with another, say), in the Financial Institution drop-down list, choose one to connect to. QuickBooks automatically selects all requests (like downloading your transactions) in the Items To Send box. If you don’t want to send an item, uncheck it. Click the Send/Receive button to send the selected requests and connect to the bank’s website. In the “Access to <your bank>” dialog box, type your password or PIN, and then click OK.
To send requests to your bank, click Send/Receive. After you send your requests, the Online Transmission Summary dialog box tells you how many transactions QuickBooks downloaded from your bank. Click Close, ...
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