Chapter 4

Checkbook on a Computer

In This Chapter

arrow Recording checks, deposits, and transfers

arrow Splitting categories

arrow Deleting and voiding your transactions

arrow Understanding the register phenomenon

arrow Discovering Quicken’s calculators and calendars

arrow Attaching an image, a flag, or a note to a transaction

This is it. The big time. You’re finally going to do those everyday Quicken things: entering checks, deposits, and transfers. Along the way, you also use some of the neat tools that Quicken provides for making these tasks easier, more precise, and faster.

Getting Started

Okay. I’m going to start at the very beginning.

As you start working with Quicken, you probably want to work from the Spending tab (shown in Figure 4-1). Basically, it looks and works (sort of) like a web page that provides clickable hyperlinks to some of the most popular banking and bookkeeping features of Quicken, and also supplies ...

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