Chapter 4. Input and Output


All statistical work begins with data, and most data is stuck inside files and databases. Dealing with input is probably the first step of implementing any significant statistical project.

All statistical work ends with reporting numbers back to a client, even if you are the client. Formatting and producing output is probably the climax of your project.

Casual R users can solve their input problems by using basic functions such as read.csv to read CSV files and read.table to read more complicated, tabular data. They can use print, cat, and format to produce simple reports.

Users with heavy-duty input/output (I/O) needs are strongly encouraged to read the R Data Import/Export guide, available on CRAN at This manual includes important information on reading data from sources such as spreadsheets, binary files, other statistical systems, and relational databases.

A Philosophical Note

Several of my Statistical Analysis System (SAS) friends are disappointed with the input facilities of R. They point out that SAS has an elaborate set of commands for reading and parsing input files in many formats. R does not, and this leads them to conclude that R is not ready for real work. After all, if it can’t read your data, what good is it?

I think they do not understand the design philosophy behind R, which is based on a statistical package called S. The authors of S worked at Bell Labs and were steeped in the Unix design philosophy. A keystone of that philosophy is the idea of modular tools. Programs in Unix are not large, monolithic programs that try to do everything. Instead, they are smaller, specialized tools that each do one thing well. The Unix user joins the programs together like building blocks, creating systems from the components.

R does statistics and graphics well. Very well, in fact. It is superior in that way to many commercial packages.

R is not a great tool for preprocessing data files, however. The authors of S assumed you would perform that munging with some other tool: perl, awk, sed, cut, paste, whatever floats your boat. Why should they duplicate that capability?

If your data is difficult to access or difficult to parse, consider using an outboard tool to preprocess the data before loading it into R. Let R do what R does best.

4.1. Entering Data from the Keyboard


You have a small amount of data, too small to justify the overhead of creating an input file. You just want to enter the data directly into your workspace.


For very small datasets, enter the data as literals using the c() constructor for vectors:

> scores <- c(61, 66, 90, 88, 100)

Alternatively, you can create an empty data frame and then invoke the built-in, spreadsheet-like editor to populate it:

> scores <- data.frame()          # Create empty data frame
> scores <- edit(score)           # Invoke editor, overwrite with edited data

On Windows, you can also invoke the editor by selecting Edit Data frame... from the menu.


When I am working on a toy problem, I don’t want the hassle of creating and then reading the data file. I just want to enter the data into R. The easiest way is by using the c() constructor for vectors, as shown in the Solution.

This approach works for data frames, too, by entering each variable (column) as a vector:

> points <- data.frame(
+                 label=c("Low", "Mid", "High"),
+                 lbound=c(    0, 0.67,   1.64),
+                 ubound=c(0.674, 1.64,   2.33)
+           )

See Also

See Recipe 5.26 for more about using the built-in data editor, as suggested in the Solution.

4.2. Printing Fewer Digits (or More Digits)


Your output contains too many digits or too few digits. You want to print fewer or more.


For print, the digits parameter can control the number of printed digits.

For cat, use the format function (which also has a digits parameter) to alter the formatting of numbers.


R normally formats floating-point output to have seven digits:

> pi
[1] 3.141593
> 100*pi
[1] 314.1593

This works well most of the time but can become annoying when you have lots of numbers to print in a small space. It gets downright misleading when there are only a few significant digits in your numbers and R still prints seven.

The print function lets you vary the number of printed digits using the digits parameter:

> print(pi, digits=4)
[1] 3.142
> print(100*pi, digits=4)
[1] 314.2

The cat function does not give you direct control over formatting. Instead, use the format function to format your numbers before calling cat:

> cat(pi, "\n")
> cat(format(pi,digits=4), "\n")

This is R, so both print and format will format entire vectors at once:

> pnorm(-3:3)
[1] 0.001349898 0.022750132 0.158655254 0.500000000 0.841344746 0.977249868
[7] 0.998650102
> print(pnorm(-3:3), digits=3)
[1] 0.00135 0.02275 0.15866 0.50000 0.84134 0.97725 0.9986

Notice that print formats the vector elements consistently: finding the number of digits necessary to format the smallest number and then formatting all numbers to have the same width (though not necessarily the same number of digits). This is extremely useful for formating an entire table:

> q <- seq(from=0,to=3,by=0.5)
> tbl <- data.frame(Quant=q, Lower=pnorm(-q), Upper=pnorm(q))
> tbl                             # Unformatted print
  Quant       Lower     Upper
1   0.0 0.500000000 0.5000000
2   0.5 0.308537539 0.6914625
3   1.0 0.158655254 0.8413447
4   1.5 0.066807201 0.9331928
5   2.0 0.022750132 0.9772499
6   2.5 0.006209665 0.9937903
7   3.0 0.001349898 0.9986501
> print(tbl,digits=2)             # Formatted print: fewer digits
  Quant  Lower Upper
1   0.0 0.5000  0.50
2   0.5 0.3085  0.69
3   1.0 0.1587  0.84
4   1.5 0.0668  0.93
5   2.0 0.0228  0.98
6   2.5 0.0062  0.99
7   3.0 0.0013  1.00

You can also alter the format of all output by using the options function to change the default for digits:

> pi
[1] 3.141593
> options(digits=15)
> pi
[1] 3.14159265358979

But this is a poor choice in my experience, since it also alters the output from R’s built-in functions, and that alteration will likely be unpleasant.

See Also

Other functions for formatting numbers include sprintf and formatC; see their help pages for details.

4.3. Redirecting Output to a File


You want to redirect the output from R into a file instead of your console.


You can redirect the output of the cat function by using its file argument:

> cat("The answer is", answer, "\n", file="filename")

Use the sink function to redirect all output from both print and cat. Call sink with a filename argument to begin redirecting console output to that file. When you are done, use sink with no argument to close the file and resume output to the console:

> sink("filename")                     # Begin writing output to file

. . . other session work . . .

> sink()                               # Resume writing output to console


The print and cat functions normally write their output to your console. The cat function writes to a file if you supply a file argument, which can be either a filename or a connection. The print function cannot redirect its output, but the sink function can force all output to a file. A common use for sink is to capture the output of an R script:

> sink("script_output.txt")            # Redirect output to file
> source("script.R")                   # Run the script, capturing its output
> sink()                               # Resume writing output to console

If you are repeatedly cating items to one file, be sure to set append=TRUE. Otherwise, each call to cat will simply overwrite the file’s contents:

cat(data, file="analysisReport.out")
cat(results, file="analysisRepart.out", append=TRUE)
cat(conclusion, file="analysisReport.out", append=TRUE)

Hard-coding file names like this is a tedious and error-prone process. Did you notice that the filename is misspelled in the second line? Instead of hard-coding the filename repeatedly, I suggest opening a connection to the file and writing your output to the connection:

con <- file("analysisReport.out", "w")
cat(data, file=con)
cat(results, file=con)
cat(conclusion, file=con)

(You don’t need append=TRUE when writing to a connection because it’s implied.) This technique is especially valuable inside R scripts because it makes your code more reliable and more maintainable.

4.4. Listing Files


You want to see a listing of your files without the hassle of switching to your file browser.


The list.files function shows the contents of your working directory:

> list.files()


This function is just plain handy. If I can’t remember the name of my data file (was it sample_data.csv or sample-data.csv?), I do a quick list.files to refresh my memory:

> list.files()
[1] "sample-data.csv" "script.R"

To see all the files in your subdirectories, too, use list.files(recursive=T).

A possible “gotcha” of list.files is that it ignores hidden files—typically, any file whose name begins with a period. If you don’t see the file you expected to see, try setting all.files=TRUE:

> list.files(all.files=TRUE)

See Also

R has other handy functions for working with files; see help(files).

4.5. Dealing with “Cannot Open File” in Windows


You are running R on Windows, and you are using file names such as C:\data\sample.txt. R says it cannot open the file, but you know the file does exist.


The backslashes in the file path are causing trouble. You can solve this problem in one of two ways:

  • Change the backslashes to forward slashes: "C:/data/sample.txt".

  • Double the backslashes: "C:\\data\\sample.txt".


When you open a file in R, you give the file name as a character string. Problems arise when the name contains backslashes (\) because backslashes have a special meaning inside strings. You’ll probably get something like this:

> samp <- read.csv("C:\Data\sample-data.csv")
Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning messages:
1: '\D' is an unrecognized escape in a character string 
2: '\s' is an unrecognized escape in a character string 
3: unrecognized escapes removed from "C:\Data\sample-data.csv" 
4: In file(file, "rt") :
  cannot open file 'C:Datasample-data.csv': No such file or directory

R escapes every character that follows a backslash and then removes the backslashes. That leaves a meaningless file path, such as C:Datasample-data.csv in this example.

The simple solution is to use forward slashes instead of backslashes. R leaves the forward slashes alone, and Windows treats them just like backslashes. Problem solved:

> samp <- read.csv("C:/Data/sample-data.csv")

An alternative solution is to double the backslashes, since R replaces two consecutive backslashes with a single backslash:

> samp <- read.csv("C:\\Data\\sample-data.csv")

4.6. Reading Fixed-Width Records


You are reading data from a file of fixed-width records: records whose data items occur at fixed boundaries.


Read the file using the read.fwf function. The main arguments are the file name and the widths of the fields:

> records <- read.fwf("filename", widths=c(w1, w2, ..., wn))


Suppose we want to read an entire file of fixed-width records, such as fixed-width.txt, shown here:

Fisher    R.A.      1890 1962
Pearson   Karl      1857 1936
Cox       Gertrude  1900 1978
Yates     Frank     1902 1994
Smith     Kirstine  1878 1939

We need to know the column widths. In this case the columns are: last name, 10 characters; first name, 10 characters; year of birth, 4 characters; and year of death, 4 characters. In between the two last columns is a 1-character space. We can read the file this way:

> records <- read.fwf("fixed-width.txt", widths=c(10,10,4,-1,4))

The -1 in the widths argument says there is a one-character column that should be ignored. The result of read.fwf is a data frame:

> records
          V1         V2   V3   V4
1 Fisher     R.A.       1890 1962
2 Pearson    Karl       1857 1936
3 Cox        Gertrude   1900 1978
4 Yates      Frank      1902 1994
5 Smith      Kirstine   1878 1939

Note that R supplied some funky, synthetic column names. We can override that default by using a col.names argument:

> records <- read.fwf("fixed-width.txt", widths=c(10,10,4,-1,4),
+                     col.names=c("Last","First","Born","Died"))
> records
        Last      First Born Died
1 Fisher     R.A.       1890 1962
2 Pearson    Karl       1857 1936
3 Cox        Gertrude   1900 1978
4 Yates      Frank      1902 1994
5 Smith      Kirstine   1878 1939

read.fwf interprets nonnumeric data as a factor (categorical variable) by default. For instance, the Last and First columns just displayed were interpreted as factors. Set stringsAsFactors=FALSE to have the function read them as character strings.

The read.fwf function has many bells and whistles that may be useful for reading your data files. It also shares many bells and whistles with the read.table function. I suggest reading the help pages for both functions.

See Also

See Recipe 4.7 for more discussion of reading text files.

4.7. Reading Tabular Data Files


You want to read a text file that contains a table of data.


Use the read.table function, which returns a data frame:

> dfrm <- read.table("filename")


Tabular data files are quite common. They are text files with a simple format:

  • Each line contains one record.

  • Within each record, fields (items) are separated by a one-character delimiter, such as a space, tab, colon, or comma.

  • Each record contains the same number of fields.

This format is more free-form than the fixed-width format because fields needn’t be aligned by position. Here is the data file of Recipe 4.6 in tabular format, using a space character between fields:

Fisher R.A. 1890 1962
Pearson Karl 1857 1936
Cox Gertrude 1900 1978
Yates Frank 1902 1994
Smith Kirstine 1878 1939

The read.table function is built to read this file. By default, it assumes the data fields are separated by white space (blanks or tabs):

> dfrm <- read.table("statisticians.txt")
> print(dfrm)
       V1       V2   V3   V4
1  Fisher     R.A. 1890 1962
2 Pearson     Karl 1857 1936
3     Cox Gertrude 1900 1978
4   Yates    Frank 1902 1994
5   Smith Kirstine 1878 1939

If your file uses a separator other than white space, specify it using the sep parameter. If our file used colon (:) as the field separator, we would read it this way:

> dfrm <- read.table("statisticians.txt", sep=":")

You cannot tell from the printed output, but read.table interpreted the first and last names as factors, not strings. We see that by checking the class of the resulting column:

> class(dfrm$V1)
[1] "factor"

To prevent read.table from interpreting character strings as factors, set the stringsAsFactors parameter to FALSE:

> dfrm <- read.table("statisticians.txt", stringsAsFactor=FALSE)
> class(dfrm$V1)
[1] "character"

Now the class of the first column is character, not factor.

If any field contains the string “NA”, then read.table assumes that the value is missing and converts it to NA. Your data file might employ a different string to signal missing values, in which case use the na.strings parameter. The SAS convention, for example, is that missing values are signaled by a single period (.). We can read such data files in this way:

> dfrm <- read.table("filename.txt", na.strings=".")

I am a huge fan of self-describing data: data files which describe their own contents. (A computer scientist would say the file contains its own metadata.) The read.table function has two features that support this characteristic. First, you can include a header line at the top of your file that gives names to the columns. The line contains one name for every column, and it uses the same field separator as the data. Here is our data file with a header line that names the columns:

lastname firstname born died
Fisher R.A. 1890 1962
Pearson Karl 1857 1936
Cox Gertrude 1900 1978
Yates Frank 1902 1994
Smith Kirstine 1878 1939

Now we can tell read.table that our file contains a header line, and it will use the column names when it builds the data frame:

> dfrm <- read.table("statisticians.txt", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactor=FALSE)
> print(dfrm)
  lastname firstname born died
1   Fisher      R.A. 1890 1962
2  Pearson      Karl 1857 1936
3      Cox  Gertrude 1900 1978
4    Yates     Frank 1902 1994
5    Smith  Kirstine 1878 1939

The second feature of read.table is comment lines. Any line that begins with a pound sign (#) is ignored, so you can put comments on those lines:

# This is a data file of famous statisticians.
# Last edited on 1994-06-18
lastname firstname born died
Fisher R.A. 1890 1962
Pearson Karl 1857 1936
Cox Gertrude 1900 1978
Yates Frank 1902 1994
Smith Kirstine 1878 1939

read.table has many parameters for controlling how it reads and interprets the input file. See the help page for details.

See Also

If your data items are separated by commas, see Recipe 4.8 for reading a CSV file.

4.8. Reading from CSV Files


You want to read data from a comma-separated values (CSV) file.


The read.csv function can read CSV files. If your CSV file has a header line, use this:

> tbl <- read.csv("filename")

If your CSV file does not contain a header line, set the header option to FALSE:

> tbl <- read.csv("filename", header=FALSE)


The CSV file format is popular because many programs can import and export data in that format. Such programs include R, Excel, other spreadsheet programs, many database managers, and most statistical packages. It is a flat file of tabular data, where each line in the file is a row of data, and each row contains data items separated by commas. Here is a very simple CSV file with three rows and three columns (the first line is a header line that contains the column names, also separated by commas):


The read.csv file reads the data and creates a data frame, which is the usual R representation for tabular data. The function assumes that your file has a header line unless told otherwise:

> tbl <- read.csv("table-data.csv")
> tbl
  label lbound ubound
1   low  0.000  0.674
2   mid  0.674  1.640
3  high  1.640  2.330

Observe that read.csv took the column names from the header line for the data frame. If the file did not contain a header, then we would specify header=FALSE and R would synthesize column names for us (V1, V2, and V3 in this case):

> tbl <- read.csv("table-data-with-no-header.csv", header=FALSE)
> tbl
    V1    V2    V3
1  low 0.000 0.674
2  mid 0.674 1.640
3 high 1.640 2.330

A good feature of read.csv is that is automatically interprets nonnumeric data as a factor (categorical variable), which is often what you want since after all this is a statistical package, not Perl. The label variable in the tbl data frame just shown is actually a factor, not a character variable. You see that by inspecting the structure of tbl:

> str(tbl)
'data.frame':   3 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ label : Factor w/ 3 levels "high","low","mid": 2 3 1
 $ lbound: num  0 0.674 1.64
 $ ubound: num  0.674 1.64 2.33

Sometimes you really want your data interpreted as strings, not as a factor. In that case, set the parameter to TRUE; this indicates that R should not interpret nonnumeric data as a factor:

> tbl <- read.csv("table-data.csv",
> str(tbl)
'data.frame':   3 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ label : chr  "low" "mid" "high"
 $ lbound: num  0 0.674 1.64
 $ ubound: num  0.674 1.64 2.33

Notice that the label variable now has character-string values and is no longer a factor.

Another useful feature is that input lines starting with a pound sign (#) are ignored, which lets you embed comments in your data file. Disable this feature by specifying comment.char="".

The read.csv function has many useful bells and whistles. These include the ability to skip leading lines in the input file, control the conversion of individual columns, fill out short rows, limit the number of lines, and control the quoting of strings. See the R help page for details.

See Also

See Recipe 4.9. See the R help page for read.table, which is the basis for read.csv.

4.9. Writing to CSV Files


You want to save a matrix or data frame in a file using the comma-separated values format.


The write.csv function can write a CSV file:

> write.csv(x, file="filename", row.names=FALSE)


The write.csv function writes tabular data to an ASCII file in CSV format. Each row of data creates one line in the file, with data items separated by commas (,):

> print(tbl)
  label lbound ubound
1   low  0.000  0.674
2   mid  0.674  1.640
3  high  1.640  2.330
> write.csv(tbl, file="table-data.csv", row.names=T)

This example creates a file called table-data.csv in the current working directory. The file looks like this:


Notice that the function writes a column header line by default. Set col.names=FALSE to change that.

If we do not specify row.names=FALSE, the function prepends each row with a label taken from the row.names attribute of your data. If your data doesn’t have row names then the function just uses the row numbers, which creates a CSV file like this:


I rarely want row labels in my CSV files, which is why I recommend setting row.names=FALSE.

The function is intentionally inflexible. You cannot easily change the defaults because it really, really wants to write files in a valid CSV format. Use the write.table function to save your tabular data in other formats.

A sad limitation of write.csv is that it cannot append lines to a file. Use write.table instead.

See Also

See Recipe 3.1 for more about the current working directory and Recipe 4.14 for other ways to save data to files.

4.10. Reading Tabular or CSV Data from the Web


You want to read data directly from the Web into your R workspace.


Use the read.csv, read.table, and scan functions, but substitute a URL for a file name. The functions will read directly from the remote server:

> tbl <- read.csv("")

You can also open a connection using the URL and then read from the connection, which may be preferable for complicated files.


The Web is a gold mine of data. You could download the data into a file and then read the file into R, but it’s more convenient to read directly from the Web. Give the URL to read.csv, read.table, or scan (depending upon the format of the data), and the data will be downloaded and parsed for you. No fuss, no muss.

Aside from using a URL, this recipe is just like reading from a CSV file (Recipe 4.8) or a complex file (Recipe 4.12), so all the comments in those recipes apply here, too.

Remember that URLs work for FTP servers, not just HTTP servers. This means that R can also read data from FTP sites using URLs:

> tbl <- read.table("")

See Also

See Recipes 4.8 and 4.12.

4.11. Reading Data from HTML Tables


You want to read data from an HTML table on the Web.


Use the readHTMLTable function in the XML package. To read all tables on the page, simply give the URL:

> library(XML)
> url <- ''
> tbls <- readHTMLTable(url)

To read only specific tables, use the which parameter. This example reads the third table on the page:

> tbl <- readHTMLTable(url, which=3)


Web pages can contain several HTML tables. Calling readHTMLTable(url) reads all tables on the page and returns them in a list. This can be useful for exploring a page, but it’s annoying if you want just one specific table. In that case, use which=n to select the desired table. You’ll get only the nth table.

The following example, which is taken from the help page for readHTMLTable, loads all tables from the Wikipedia page entitled “World population”:

> library(XML)
> url <- ''
> tbls <- readHTMLTable(url)

As it turns out, that page contains 17 tables:

> length(tbls)
[1] 17

In this example we care only about the third table (which lists the largest populations by country), so we specify which=3:

> tbl <- readHTMLTable(url, which=3)

In that table, columns 2 and 3 contain the country name and population, respectively:

> tbl[,c(2,3)]
                Country / Territory    Population
1  Â People's Republic of China[44] 1,338,460,000
2                           Â India 1,182,800,000
3                   Â United States   309,659,000
4                       Â Indonesia   231,369,500
5                          Â Brazil   193,152,000
6                        Â Pakistan   169,928,500
7                      Â Bangladesh   162,221,000
8                         Â Nigeria   154,729,000
9                          Â Russia   141,927,297
10                          Â Japan   127,530,000
11                         Â Mexico   107,550,697
12                    Â Philippines    92,226,600
13                        Â Vietnam    85,789,573
14                        Â Germany    81,882,342
15                       Â Ethiopia    79,221,000
16                          Â Egypt    78,459,000

Right away, we can see problems with the data: the country names have some funky Unicode character stuck to the front. I don’t know why; it probably has something to do with formatting the Wikipedia page. Also, the name of the People’s Republic of China has “[44]” appended. On the Wikipedia website, that was a footnote reference, but now it’s just a bit of unwanted text. Adding insult to injury, the population numbers have embedded commas, so you cannot easily convert them to raw numbers. All these problems can be solved by some string processing, but each problem adds at least one more step to the process.

This illustrates the main obstacle to reading HTML tables. HTML was designed for presenting information to people, not to computers. When you “scrape” information off an HTML page, you get stuff that’s useful to people but annoying to computers. If you ever have a choice, choose instead a computer-oriented data representation such as XML, JSON, or CSV.

The readHTMLTable function is part of the XML package, which (by necessity) is large and complex. The XML package depends on a software library called libxml2, which you will need to obtain and install first. On Linux, you will also need the Linux package xml2-config, which is necessary for building the R package.

See Also

See Recipe 3.9 for downloading and installing packages such as the XML package.

4.12. Reading Files with a Complex Structure


You are reading data from a file that has a complex or irregular structure.


  • Use the readLines function to read individual lines; then process them as strings to extract data items.

  • Alternatively, use the scan function to read individual tokens and use the argument what to describe the stream of tokens in your file. The function can convert tokens into data and then assemble the data into records.


Life would be simple and beautiful if all our data files were organized into neat tables with cleanly delimited data. We could read those files using read.table and get on with living.

Dream on.

You will eventually encounter a funky file format, and your job—no matter how painful—is to read the file contents into R. The read.table and read.csv functions are line-oriented and probably won’t help. However, the readLines and scan functions are useful here because they let you process the individual lines and even tokens of the file.

The readLines function is pretty simple. It reads lines from a file and returns them as a list of character strings:

> lines <- readLines("input.txt")

You can limit the number of lines by using the n parameter, which gives the number of maximum number of lines to be read:

> lines <- readLines("input.txt", n=10)       # Read 10 lines and stop

The scan function is much richer. It reads one token at a time and handles it according to your instructions. The first argument is either a filename or a connection (more on connections later). The second argument is called what, and it describes the tokens that scan should expect in the input file. The description is cryptic but quite clever:


Interpret the next token as a number.


Interpret the next token as an integer.


Interpret the next token as complex number.


Interpret the next token as a character string.


Interpret the next token as a logical value.

The scan function will apply the given pattern repeatedly until all data is read.

Suppose your file is simply a sequence of numbers, like this:

2355.09 2246.73 1738.74 1841.01 2027.85

Use what=numeric(0) to say, “My file is a sequence of tokens, each of which is a number”:

> singles <- scan("singles.txt", what=numeric(0))
Read 5 items
> singles
[1] 2355.09 2246.73 1738.74 1841.01 2027.85

A key feature of scan is that the what can be a list containing several token types. The scan function will assume your file is a repeating sequence of those types. Suppose your file contains triplets of data, like this:

15-Oct-87 2439.78 2345.63 16-Oct-87 2396.21 2,207.73
19-Oct-87 2164.16 1677.55 20-Oct-87 2067.47 1,616.21
21-Oct-87 2081.07 1951.76

Use a list to tell scan that it should expect a repeating, three-token sequence:

> triples <- scan("triples.txt", what=list(character(0),numeric(0),numeric(0)))

Give names to the list elements, and scan will assign those names to the data:

> triples <- scan("triples.txt",
+                 what=list(date=character(0), high=numeric(0), low=numeric(0)))
Read 5 records
> triples
[1] "15-Oct-87" "16-Oct-87" "19-Oct-87" "20-Oct-87" "21-Oct-87"

[1] 2439.78 2396.21 2164.16 2067.47 2081.07

[1] 2345.63 2207.73 1677.55 1616.21 1951.76

The scan function has many bells and whistles, but the following are especially useful:


Stop after reading this many tokens. (Default: stop at end of file.)


Stop after reading this many input lines. (Default: stop at end of file.)


Number of input lines to skip before reading data.


A list of strings to be interpreted as NA.

An Example

Let’s use this recipe to read a dataset from StatLib, the repository of statistical data and software maintained by Carnegie Mellon University. Jeff Witmer contributed a dataset called wseries that shows the pattern of wins and losses for every World Series since 1903. The dataset is stored in an ASCII file with 35 lines of comments followed by 23 lines of data. The data itself looks like this:

1903  LWLlwwwW    1927  wwWW      1950  wwWW      1973  WLwllWW
1905  wLwWW       1928  WWww      1951  LWlwwW    1974  wlWWW
1906  wLwLwW      1929  wwLWW     1952  lwLWLww   1975  lwWLWlw
1907  WWww        1930  WWllwW    1953  WWllwW    1976  WWww
1908  wWLww       1931  LWwlwLW   1954  WWww      1977  WLwwlW

. (etc.)

The data is encoded as follows: L = loss at home, l = loss on the road, W = win at home, w = win on the road. The data appears in column order, not row order, which complicates our lives a bit.

Here is the R code for reading the raw data:

# Read the wseries dataset:
#     - Skip the first 35 lines
#     - Then read 23 lines of data
#     - The data occurs in pairs: a year and a pattern (char string)
world.series <- scan("",
                        skip = 35,
                        nlines = 23,
                        what = list(year = integer(0),
                                    pattern = character(0)),

The scan function returns a list, so we get a list with two elements: year and pattern. The function reads from left to right, but the dataset is organized by columns and so the years appear in a strange order:

> world.series$year
 [1] 1903 1927 1950 1973 1905 1928 1951 1974 1906 1929 1952
[12] 1975 1907 1930 1953 1976 1908 1931 1954 1977 1909 1932

. (etc.)

We can fix that by sorting the list elements according to year:

> perm <- order(world.series$year)
> world.series <- list(year    = world.series$year[perm],
+                      pattern = world.series$pattern[perm])

Now the data appears in chronological order:

> world.series$year
 [1] 1903 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914
[12] 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925

. (etc.)

> world.series$pattern
 [1] "LWLlwwwW" "wLwWW"    "wLwLwW"   "WWww"     "wWLww"   
 [6] "WLwlWlw"  "WWwlw"    "lWwWlW"   "wLwWlLW"  "wLwWw"   
[11] "wwWW"     "lwWWw"    "WWlwW"    "WWllWw"   "wlwWLW"  
[16] "WWlwwLLw" "wllWWWW"  "LlWwLwWw" "WWwW"     "LwLwWw"

. (etc.)

4.13. Reading from MySQL Databases


You want access to data stored in a MySQL database.


  1. Install the RMySQL package on your computer.

  2. Open a database connection using the dbConnect function.

  3. Use dbGetQuery to initiate a SELECT and return the result sets.

  4. Use dbDisconnect to terminate the database connection when you are done.


This recipe requires that the RMySQL package be installed on your computer. That package requires, in turn, the MySQL client software. If the MySQL client software is not already installed and configured, consult the MySQL documentation or your system administrator.

Use the dbConnect function to establish a connection to the MySQL database. It returns a connection object which is used in subsequent calls to RMySQL functions:

con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), user="userid", password="pswd",
                 host="hostname", client.flag=CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS)

Setting client.flag=CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS is necessary to correctly handle multiple result sets. Even if your queries return a single result set, you must set client.flag this way because MySQL might include additional status result sets after your data.

The username, password, and host parameters are the same parameters used for accessing MySQL through the mysql client program. The example given here shows them hard-coded into the dbConnect call. Actually, that is an ill-advised practice. It puts your password out in the open, creating a security problem. It also creates a major headache whenever your password or host change, requiring you to hunt down the hard-coded values. I strongly recommend using the security mechanism of MySQL instead. Put those three parameters into your MySQL configuration file, which is $HOME/.my.cnf on Unix and C:\my.cnf on Windows. Make sure the file is unreadable by anyone except you. The file is delimited into sections with markers such as [client]. Put the parameters into the [client] section, so that your config file will contain something like this:

user = userid
password = password
host = hostname

Once the parameters are defined in the config file, you no longer need to supply them in the dbConnect call, which then becomes much simpler:

con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), client.flag=CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS)

Use the dbGetQuery function to submit your SQL to the database and read the result sets. Doing so requires an open database connection:

sql <- "SELECT * from SurveyResults WHERE City = 'Chicago'"
rows <- dbGetQuery(con, sql)

You will need to construct your own SQL query, of course; this is just an example. You are not restricted to SELECT statements. Any SQL that generates a result set is OK. I generally use CALL statements, for example, because all my SQL is encapsulated in stored procedures and those stored procedures contain embedded SELECT statements.

Using dbGetQuery is convenient because it packages the result set into a data frame and returns the data frame. This is the perfect representation of an SQL result set. The result set is a tabular data structure of rows and columns, and so is a data frame. The result set’s columns have names given by the SQL SELECT statement, and R uses them for naming the columns of the data frame.

After the first result set of data, MySQL can return a second result set containing status information. You can choose to inspect the status or ignore it, but you must read it. Otherwise, MySQL will complain that there are unprocessed result sets and then halt. So call dbNextResult if necessary:

if (dbMoreResults(con)) dbNextResult(con)

Call dbGetQuery repeatedly to perform multiple queries, checking for the result status after each call (and reading it, if necessary). When you are done, close the database connection using dbDisconnect:


Here is a complete session that reads and prints three rows from my database of stock prices. The query selects the price of IBM stock for the last three days of 2008. It assumes that the username, password, and host are defined in the my.cnf file:

> con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), client.flag=CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS)
> sql <- paste("select * from DailyBar where Symbol = 'IBM'",
+              "and Day between '2008-12-29' and '2008-12-31'")
> rows <- dbGetQuery(con, sql)
> if (dbMoreResults(con)) dbNextResults(con)
> print(rows)
  Symbol        Day       Next OpenPx HighPx LowPx ClosePx AdjClosePx
1    IBM 2008-12-29 2008-12-30  81.72  81.72 79.68   81.25      81.25
2    IBM 2008-12-30 2008-12-31  81.83  83.64 81.52   83.55      83.55
3    IBM 2008-12-31 2009-01-02  83.50  85.00 83.50   84.16      84.16
  HistClosePx  Volume OpenInt
1       81.25 6062600      NA
2       83.55 5774400      NA
3       84.16 6667700      NA
> dbDisconnect(con)
[1] TRUE

See Also

See Recipe 3.9 and the documentation for RMySQL, which contains more details about configuring and using the package.

R can read from several other RDBMS systems, including Oracle, Sybase, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. For more information, see the R Data Import/Export guide, which is supplied with the base distribution (Recipe 1.6) and is also available on CRAN at

4.14. Saving and Transporting Objects


You want to store one or more R objects in a file for later use, or you want to copy an R object from one machine to another.


Write the objects to a file using the save function:

> save(myData, file="myData.RData")

Read them back using the load function, either on your computer or on any platform that supports R:

> load("myData.RData")

The save function writes binary data. To save in an ASCII format, use dput or dump instead:

> dput(myData, file="myData.txt")
> dump("myData", file="myData.txt")          # Note quotes around variable name


I normally save my data in my workspace, but sometimes I need to save data outside my workspace. I may have a large, complicated data object that I want to load into other workspaces, or I may want to move R objects between my Linux box and my Windows box. The load and save functions let me do all this: save will store the object in a file that is portable across machines, and load can read those files.

When you run load, it does not return your data per se; rather, it creates variables in your workspace, loads your data into those variables, and then returns the names of the variables (in a list). The first time I used load, I did this:

> myData <- load("myFile.RData")     # Achtung! Might not do what you think

I was extremely puzzled because myData did not contain my data at all and because my variables had mysteriously appeared in my workspace. Eventually, I broke down and read the documentation for load, which explained everything.

The save function writes in a binary format to keep the file small. Sometimes you want an ASCII format instead. When you submit a question to a mailing list, for example, including an ASCII dump of the data lets others re-create your problem. In such cases use dput or dump, which write an ASCII representation.

Be careful when you save and load objects created by a particular R package. When you load the objects, R does not automatically load the required packages, too, so it will not “understand” the object unless you previously loaded the package yourself. For instance, suppose you have an object called z created by the zoo package, and suppose we save the object in a file called z.RData. The following sequence of functions will create some confusion:

> load("z.RData")      # Create and populate the z variable
> plot(z)              # Does not plot what we expected: zoo pkg not loaded

We should have loaded the zoo package before printing or plotting any zoo objects, like this:

> library(zoo)         # Load the zoo package into memory
> load("z.RData")      # Create and populate the z variable
> plot(z)              # Ahhh. Now plotting works correctly

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