Chapter 4. Action Controller


In the Rails architecture, Action Controller receives incoming requests and hands off each request to a particular action. Action Controller is tightly integrated with Action View; together they form Action Pack.

Action Controllers, or just “controllers,” are classes that inherit from ActionController::Base. These classes define the application’s business logic. A real estate web application might have one controller that handles searchable housing listings, and another controller devoted to administration of the site. In this way, controllers are grouped according to the data they operate on. Controllers often correspond to the model that they primarily operate on, although this doesn’t have to be the case.

A controller is made up of actions, which are the public methods of a controller class. To process incoming requests, Action Controller includes a routing module that maps URLs to specific actions. By default, a request to tries to invoke the listing action of the RentalController controller, passing in an id of 23. As with much of the Rails framework, if this behavior doesn’t fit your application’s requirements, it’s easy to configure something different.

After Action Controller has determined which action should handle the incoming request, the action gets to perform its task: for example, updating the domain model based on the parameters in the request object. When the action has finished, Rails usually attempts to render a view template with the same name as that action. There are several ways this normal process can be altered, though; an action can redirect to other actions, or it can request that a specific view be rendered. Eventually, a template or some form of output is rendered, completing the request cycle.

Understanding that business logic belongs in the controller rather than in the view and that domain logic should be separated into the model, is the key to maximizing the benefits of the MVC design pattern. Follow this pattern, and your applications will be easier to understand, maintain, and extend.

Accessing Form Data from a Controller


You have a web form that collects data from the user and passes it to a controller. You want to access that data within the controller.


Use the params hash. Given the form:


<h2>Form Data - enter</h2>

<% form_tag(:action => "show_data") do %>

  <%= text_field_tag("name","Web Programmer") %></p>

  <% opts = ["Perl", "Python", "Ruby"].map do |o|  
  end.to_s  %>
  <%= select_tag("tools[]", opts, :multiple => "true") %></p>
  <%= check_box_tag("platforms[]","Linux") %> Linux
  <%= check_box_tag("platforms[]","Mac OSX") %> Mac OSX 
  <%= check_box_tag("platforms[]","Windows") %> Windows</p>

  <%= submit_tag("Save Data") %>
<% end %>

When the form has been submitted, you can access the data using the params hash within your controller.


class DataController < ApplicationController

  def enter

  def show_data
    @name = params[:name]
    @tools = params[:tools] || []
    @platforms = params[:platforms] || []


The web server stores the elements of a submitted form in the request object. These elements are available to your application through the params hash. The params hash is unique because you can access its elements using strings or symbols as keys.

Figure 4-1 shows the form; it has three different types of HTML elements.

A web form containing several HTML input elements
Figure 4-1. A web form containing several HTML input elements

The following view displays the data that the form collects. The last line is a call to the debug template helper, which displays the contents of the params hash in yaml format:


<h2>Form Data - display</h2>

Name: <%= @name %>; 
Tools: <%= @tools.join(", ") %>; 
Platforms: <%= @platforms.join(", ") %>; 

<%= debug(params) %>
Form data displayed in a view with additional debugging output
Figure 4-2. Form data displayed in a view with additional debugging output

Figure 4-2 shows the rendered view.

To access the name field of the form, use :name as the key to the params hash (e.g., params[:name]). The selected elements of the multiselect list and the checkboxes are stored in the params hash as arrays named after their associated HTML element names.

For example, if you submit the form in the solution with Python and Ruby selected for Tools and Mac OS X checked for Platforms, the params hash contains the following arrays:

{ "tools"=>["Python", "Ruby"], "platforms"=>["Mac OSX"] }

This behavior is triggered by appending [] to the name of an element that can have more than one value. If no items are selected, there will be no variable in params corresponding to that element.

Form data can also be structured as an arbitrarily deeply nested tree of hashes and arrays within the params hash. Hashes are created by placing the name of the nested hash between the square brackets at the end of the field name. The following hidden form fields illustrate a nesting that is up to three levels deep (i.e., params contains a student hash, which contains a scores hash, which contains a :midterm array with values and :final key with a value).

<input type="hidden" name="student[scores][midterm][]" value="88">
<input type="hidden" name="student[scores][midterm][]" value="91">
<input type="hidden" name="student[scores][final]" value="95">

If you add these hidden fields to the solution’s form, you get the following student data structure params hash:

"student"=> {
    "scores"=> {
        "midterm"=> [

Here’s how to access the student’s second midterm scores:


Changing an Application’s Default Page


By default, when a browser requests, that request is mapped to public/index.html. Instead, you’d like such requests to call a specific action.


First, you need to rename or move public/index.html.

Then edit config/routes.rb to map URLs into the appropriate controllers and actions:


ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
  map.connect '', :controller => "customer", :action => "welcome" 

  map.connect ':controller/service.wsdl', :action => 'wsdl' 
  map.connect ':controller/:action/:id' 

Be sure that the line you add is the first call to map.connect in this file.


The routes.rb file is at the heart of the Rails routing system. This file contains rules that try to match the URL path of a request and determine where to direct that request. The rules are tested in the order that they’re defined in the file. The first rule to match a request’s URL path determines the fate of that request.

The rules in routes.rb are calls to map.connect. The first argument of map.connect describes how the URL path must be structured for this rule to be used. The remaining arguments are key/value pairs that specify how the request is routed to your application. Once a request matches a rule in this file, all remaining map.connect rules are ignored.

So, the rule we added has an initial argument of ''. This says, “Match any request where the URL path is empty.” The second argument specifies the controller to use and the third, the action. The entire rule states that requests with no URL path are to use the welcome action of the BooksController.

Finally, requests with an empty URL are really a special case because Rails directs them to /public/index.html. If that file exists, the rules in routes.rb do nothing; otherwise, the rules are evaluated.

Clarifying Your Code with Named Routes


You are using link_to throughout your application to generate URLs programmatically, but you still find that there’s duplication across these calls for URLs that you use often. You want a shorthand way to refer to the most common routes in your application.


Use named routes.


In your application’s config/routes.rb file, you can create named routes simply by replacing map.connect with map. name, where name can be a descriptive name for that specific route definition.

Here’s a named route, called admin_report, that routes a request to the report action of the Admin controller:

map.admin_report 'report/:year', 
                 :controller => 'admin', 
                 :action => 'report'

Having this named route in routes.rb tells Rails to create two new methods associated with this route: admin_report_url and hash_for_admin_report_url. You use the first method, admin_report_url, to reference this route anywhere that Rails requires a URL. The latter method just returns the routing hash for that route. With this named route defined, we can now use admin_report_url in a link_to helper:

<%= link_to "Administrative Report", admin_report_url(:year => 2005) %>

Internally, admin_report_url is a call to url_for that’s passed the hash from the route definition. Any additional hash entries can be passed as arguments to admin_report_url; these entries are merged with the hash from the route definition, and are dealt with according to the rules defined by that route. In this example, the year for the report is passed as an argument to the admin_report_url method.

It’s common to define a named route for the main page of your application. Here’s how to define such a route called home that takes you to the page managed by the Main controller:

map.home '', :controller => "main"

You can use this route in a redirect within a controller:

redirect_to home_url

Configuring Customized Routing Behavior


You need precise control over how Rails maps URLs into controllers actions. By default, a request to calls the show action of the Blog controller with an id of 5 (i.e., :controller/:action/:id, which you can see in the last map.connect line in config/routes.rb). You want Rails to route URLs constructed from date information directly to articles. But requests the 2005 action of the Blog controller, which makes little sense. How do you map URLs with dates into meaningful controllers and actions?


Add the following as the first rule in config/routes.rb:

ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|

  map.connect 'blog/:year/:month/:day', 
              :controller => 'blog', 
              :action => 'display_by_date',
              :month => nil, 
              :day => nil,
              :requirements => { :year => /\d{4}/, 
                                 :day => /\d{1,2}/, 
                                 :month => /\d{1,2}/ }

  map.connect ':controller/service.wsdl', :action => 'wsdl'
  map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'

With display_by_date defined in the Blog controller:


class BlogController < ApplicationController

  def display_by_date
    year = params[:year]
    month = params[:month]
    day = params[:day]
    day ='0'+day if day && day.size == 1
    @day = day
    if ( year && month && day )
      render(:template => "blog/#{year}/#{month}/#{day}")
    elsif ( year )
      render(:template => "blog/#{year}/list")



The solution routes a request to directly to the display_by_date method of the BlogController. The display_by_date method receives the following parameter hash:

params = { :year => 2005, 
            :day => 6, 
            :month => 11 }

When presented with these values, display_by_date retrieves the blog entry from November 6, 2005. This method has some additional display functionality as well, which we’ll get to in a moment.

Here’s how our map.connect rule works:

The first argument of map.connect is a pattern that describes the URL path that we’re looking for this rule to match. In this case, when we see a URL path of the form /blog/2005/6/11, we create a hash with :year => 2005, :month => 6, and :day => 11. (All this really matches is the /blog///; the stuff between the last three slashes is added to the hash.) This does nothing to guarantee that the stuff between the slashes has anything to do with an actual date; it just matches the pattern and adds key/value pairs to the hash.

The initial argument does not add :controller or :action keys to our hash. Without a controller specified, Rails produces a routing error. If we specify the Blog controller but no action, Rails assumes an action of index or throws an error if no index method is defined. So we’ve added :controller => 'blog' and :action => 'display_by_date' to explicitly tell Rails to use the display_by_date method of the Blog controller.

The next two arguments in our rule, :month => nil and :day => nil, set a default of nil to the :month and :day keys of the hash. Keys with nil values won’t get included in the params hash passed to display_by_date. Using nil values lets you specify the year but omit the month and day components of the URL path. display_by_date interprets the lack of month and day variables as a special request to display all blog entries for the specified year.

The last argument assigns a subhash to the :requirements key. This subhash contains specifics about what we’re willing to accept as a valid date. We use it to provide regular expressions that tell us whether we’re actually looking at a year, month, and a day—the value assigned to year must match /\d(4)/ (i.e., a string of four digits)—and so on.

Displaying Alert Messages with Flash


You’ve created an informative message while processing the current request. You want this message to be available for display during the next request. Additionally, the message should cease to be available following the next request.


You have a form that requests the user to enter a password that meets a certain criteria.


<h2>Please choose a good password:</h2>

<p style="color: red;"><%= flash[:notice] %></p>

<% form_tag(:action => 'check') do %>

  <input type="text" name="pass">
  <input type="submit">
  <p>(8 character minimum, at least 2 digits)</p>

<% end %>

The form submits to the Check controller, which strips the password candidate of all whitespace, and then a couple of regular expressions test that the password meets the criteria. The tests are broken up to provide more specific error message notifications.

If both matches succeed, the request is redirected to the success action and passed along to :pass for display. If either check fails, the request redirects back to the form action.


class PasswordController < ApplicationController

  def form

  def check
    password = params['pass'].strip.gsub(/ /,'')
    if password =~ /\w{8}/
      flash[:notice] = "Your password is long enough" 
      if password =~ /\d+.*\d+/
        flash[:notice] += " and contains enough digits." 
        redirect_to :action => 'success', :pass => password
        flash[:notice] = "Sorry, not enough digits." 
      flash[:notice] = "Sorry, not long enough." 
    redirect_to :action => 'form'

  def success
    @pass = params['pass']

Upon success, the user is redirected to success.rthml , and his password is displayed (without any whitespace it may have contained):


<% if flash[:notice] %>
  <p style="color: green;"><%= flash[:notice] %></p>
<% end %>


Building a usable web application hinges on keeping the user informed about what’s going on, and why things happen. Communicative alert messages are an integral part of most good applications. Displaying such messages is so common that Rails has a facility for doing so called the flash.

Internally, the flash is just a hash stored in the session object. It has the special quality of getting cleared out after the very next request (though you can alter this behavior with the flash.keep method).

Redirecting with redirect_to is often used to display a new URL in the location bar of the browser, somewhat hiding the inner workings of an application. Because messages stored in the flash are just stored in the session object, they are available across such redirects, unlike instance variables. And since they last only for one more request, hitting the refresh button makes the message disappear. From the user’s perspective, this is usually the ideal behavior.

If you find yourself tempted to use the flash to store more than just user notification messages (e.g., object IDs), make sure to consider whether using the standard session object would work as well or better.

Extending the Life of a Flash Message


You’ve created a flash message and are displaying it to the user. You’d like to extend the life of that message for one more request than would normally exist.


You can call the keep method of the Flash class on a specific entry, or the entire contents of the flash hash. This technique is useful for redisplaying flash messages in subsequent requests without explicitly recreating them.

To demonstrate this, create the following Rental Controller:


class RentalController < ApplicationController

  def step_one[:reminder] = 'There is a $20 fee for late payments.'

  def step_two

  def step_three

And create the following three views:


<h1>Step one!</h1>
<% if flash[:reminder] %>
  <p style="color: green;"><%= flash[:reminder] %></p>
<% end %>
<a href="step_two">step_two</a>


<h1>Step two!</h1>
<% if flash[:reminder] %>
  <p style="color: green;"><%= flash[:reminder] %></p>
<% end %>
<a href="step_three">step_tree</a>


<h1>Step three!</h1>
<% if flash[:reminder] %>
  <p style="color: green;"><%= flash[:reminder] %></p>
<% end %>
<a href="step_one">step_one</a>


As you can see in the solution, the controller creates a flash message only in the action called step_one.

From a browser, in the first step you see the reminder on the screen. When you click on the link at the bottom of the page, you call step_two. Now the flash message is shown a second time.

Step three is like step two, but we didn’t call the flash.keep in this method, and the message doesn’t reappear. The keep method holds the reminder for only one request.

Following Actions with Redirects


Submitting a form in your application calls an action that updates your model. You want this action to redirect to a second action that will handle rendering. This way, when the response is sent, the user will see a new URL; refreshing the page will not re-initiate the first action.


Call redirect_to, as in the following controller’s new action:


class AccountController < ApplicationController
  def list

  def new
    @account =[:account])
      flash[:notice] = 'Account was successfully created.'
      redirect_to :action => 'list'


The solution defines a new method that attempts to create a new account. If a newly created account is saved successfully, the new method stores a flash notice and calls redirect_to to redirect to the controller’s list action.

redirect_to takes an options hash as an argument. Internally, this hash is passed to url_for to create a URL. If it’s passed a string that begins with protocol information (e.g., http://), it uses the string as the entire relocation target. Otherwise, it interprets the string as a relative URI. Finally, redirect_to can be passed the symbol :back, which tells the browser to redirect to the referring URL or the contents of request.env["HTTP_REFERER"].

Redirection works by sending the browser an HTTP/1.1 302 Found status code, telling the browser that “the requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI,” or simply that it should redirect to the URI supplied in this response. This prevents users from creating duplicate accounts with their refresh button, because refreshing only reloads the list template.

A common question on the rubyonrails mailing list is when to use render, instead of redirect_to. As this solution demonstrates, if you don’t want a refresh to re-initiate an action that makes changes to your model, use redirect_to. If you want a search form URL, such as /books/search, to remain the same, even when results of the search are displayed by a new action, use render. (When running in development mode, renders are faster than redirects because they don’t reload the environment.)

Generating URLs Dynamically


There are many places in your code where you supply URLs to Rails methods that link to other parts of your application. You don’t want to lose the flexibility Rails’ Routes provide by hardcoding URL strings throughout your application, especially if you decide to change how routing works later. You want to generate URLs within your application based on the same rules that Routes uses to translate URL requests.


Use Action Controller’s url_for method to create URLs programmatically.


Let’s say your default route (as defined in config/routes.rb) is as follows:

map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'

Then a call to url_for, such as:

url_for :controller => "gallery", :action => "view", :id => 4

produces the URL, which is handled by the default route. If you don’t specify the controller, url_for assumes you want the current controller (the controller to which Rails delegated the current HTTP request).

This default behavior is useful because you’re often calling url_for to create a URL for another action in the current controller.

The same default behavior applies to the action and the ID: if you do not specify new ones, url_for defaults to the current one. Thus, for any of the components of the URL that you don’t explicitly specify, Rails attempts to use values from the current request to construct a possible route mapping.

As soon as url_for finds one component that is different from the current request, it essentially slashes off all components to the right of it in the URL and no longer uses them as defaults. So, if you specify a different controller that of the current request, then neither the action nor any of the other parts of the current URL will be used to construct the new URL.

If the specified controller name begins with a slash, no defaults are used. If the controller changes, the action defaults to 'index' unless you specify a new one.

How the defaults work can get a little complicated, but url_for is usually intuitive. If you’re having trouble with unpredictable defaults, you can render the generated URL with render_text temporarily:

render_text url_for :controller => "gallery", :action => "view", :id => 4

If you want to replace certain parts of the current URL without affecting any of the other parts of it, use the :overwrite_params option. For instance, if you want to change the current action to 'print', but keep the controller and the ID the same, use:

url_for :overwrite_params => { :action => 'print' }

This takes the current URL, replaces only the :action, and returns it as the new URL.

Inspecting Requests with Filters


You have taken over development of a Rails application, and you are trying to figure out how it processes requests. To do so, you want to install a logging mechanism that will let you inspect the request cycle in real time.


Use an after_filter to invoke a custom logging method for each request. Define a CustomLoggerFilter class:


require 'logger'
require 'pp'
require 'stringio'

class CustomLoggerFilter 

  def self.filter(controller)
    log ='/var/log/custom.log')
    log.warn("params: "+controller.params.print_pretty)

class Object
  def print_pretty 
    str =
    return str.string.chop

Install the logger in the AccountsController by passing it as an argument in a call to after_filter:


class AccountsController < ApplicationController

  after_filter CustomLoggerFilter

  def index
    render :action => 'list'

  def list
    @account_pages, @accounts = paginate :accounts, :per_page => 10

  def show
    @account = Account.find(params[:id])

  def new
    @account =

  def create
    @account =[:account])
      flash[:notice] = 'Account was successfully created.'
      redirect_to :action => 'list'
      render :action => 'new'

  def edit
    @account = Account.find(params[:id])

  def update
    @account = Account.find(params[:id])
    if @account.update_attributes(params[:account])
      flash[:notice] = 'Account was successfully updated.'
      redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @account
      render :action => 'edit'

  def destroy
    redirect_to :action => 'list'


Rails filters allow you to do additional processing before or after controller actions. In the solution, we’ve implemented a custom logging class that is invoked after calls to any actions in the Accounts controller. Our logger opens a filehandle and prints a formatted version of the params hash for easy inspection.

With the logger in place, you can use the Unix tail command to watch the logfile as it grows. You’ll see what happens to the params hash with every action that’s called:

tail -f /var/log/custom.log

For the AccountsController in the solution, you can watch the log as you list, create, and destroy accounts.

params: {"action"=>"list", "controller"=>"accounts"}
params: {"action"=>"new", "controller"=>"accounts"}
params: {"commit"=>"Create",
 "account"=>{"balance"=>"100.0", "first_name"=>"John", "last_name"=>"Smythe"},
params: {"action"=>"list", "controller"=>"accounts"}
params: {"action"=>"destroy", "id"=>"2", "controller"=>"accounts"}
params: {"action"=>"list", "controller"=>"accounts"}

Rails comes with a number of built-in logging facilities. This approach gives you an easy way to add logging to a controller with only one line of code. You can also limit what actions of the controller the filter is applied to.

Logging with Filters


You have an application for which you would like to log more information than you get from the standard Rails logging facilities.


Use the around_filter to record the times before and after each action is invoked, and log that information in your database.

First, create a database table to store the custom logging; we’ll call that table action_logs. Here’s a migration to create it:


class CreateActionLogs < ActiveRecord::Migration 
  def self.up
    create_table :action_logs do |t|
      t.column :action,     :string
      t.column :start_time, :datetime
      t.column :end_time,   :datetime
      t.column :total,      :float

  def self.down
    drop_table :action_logs

Then create the class named CustomLogger. This class must have before and after methods, which are called before and after each action of the controller that you’re logging. The before method records the initial time; the after method records the time after the action has completed, and stores the initial time, the final time, the elapsed time, and the name of the action in the action_logs table.


class CustomLogger

  def before(controller)
    @start =

  def after(controller)
    log =
    log.start_time = @start
    log.end_time = = log.end_time.to_f - @start.to_f
    log.action = controller.action_name

Next, apply the filter to the actions. Add the following line to the beginning of your controller:


Now, when you use your site, you’ll be logging data to the action_logs table in your database. Each log entry (start, finished, and elapsed times) is associated with the name of the method that was executing:

mysql> select * from action_logs;
| id | action      | start_time          | end_time            | total     |
|  1 | index       | 2006-01-12 00:47:52 | 2006-01-12 00:47:52 |  0.011997 |
|  2 | update_each | 2006-01-12 00:47:52 | 2006-01-12 00:47:54 |   1.75978 |
|  3 | update_all  | 2006-01-12 00:47:54 | 2006-01-12 00:47:54 | 0.0353839 |
|  4 | reverse     | 2006-01-12 00:47:55 | 2006-01-12 00:47:55 | 0.0259092 |
|  5 | show_names  | 2006-01-12 00:47:55 | 2006-01-12 00:47:55 | 0.0264592 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

You can see that the controller is spending a lot of its time in the update_each method; that method is therefore a target for optimization.

Of course, you can do much better than this; you can write a Rails application to display the results or write some other application to analyze the data.


around_filter requires that the object passed to it as an argument implement a before and an after method. The CustomLogger class records the current time in its before method. The after method creates a new ActionLog object and records the start and end times as well as the difference between the two. The other filters in Rails allow you to include or exclude the actions of the controller that they apply to. The around_filter doesn’t allow for such granularity and operates on all actions invoked by each request.

To be more specific about what actions the around_filter is applied to, wrap your code so that it executes only when the action matches a particular pattern. Doing this is simple, because the controller.action_name property tells you what action is being called. The following version of the after method shows how you can log only those actions whose names begin with the string update. If the action name doesn’t match this string, after just terminates, without recording any data:

def after(controller)
  if controller.action_name =~ /^update/
    log =
    log.start_time = @start
    log.end_time = = log.end_time.to_f - @start.to_f
    log.action = controller.action_name

Rendering Actions


You have an action that has gathered some data from your model, perhaps based on a user-defined query, and you want to render another action to display the results.


Use render :action => 'action_name', where action_name is the name of the action that displays the result. The search method in CategoriesController does just that:


class CategoriesController < ApplicationController

  def search_form

  def search 
    @categories = Category.find(:all,
                                :conditions => 
                                    ["name like ?", "%#{params[:cat]}%"])
    if @categories
      render :action => 'search_results'
      flash['notice'] = 'No Category found.'
      render :action => 'search_form'

  def search_results
    @category = Category.find(params[:id])


In the solution, if the find call in search action successfully returns a category, the search_results action is rendered. At that point, Rails looks for a template file named after that action, under a directory named after the controller, i.e., app/views/categories/search_results.rhtml.

This is probably the most common pattern of control flow in Rails: you perform a query, or some other immutable action, and then you display the results of that action with a second action. Ideally, these actions are separate because they do distinctly different tasks (the first allows the user to make a query; the second displays the results), and combining the two actions into a single method inhibits code reuse.

The solution calls render only once, whether or not a category is found in the database. It’s possible to render an action that renders another action, and so on, but you’ll get a DoubleRenderError if you try to render twice within the same action. Rails 0.13 added this error message to help avoid confusing side effects of parallel render attempts.

An action can continue processing after a call to render, but it usually makes more sense to call render at the end of the action (just before the return statement, if there is one). This way, the rendered action can communicate success or failure to the user.

Rails renders actions within the layout that is associated with the action’s controller. You can optionally render with no layout by specifying :layout=>false:

render :action => "display", :layout => false

Or you can specify another layout by supplying the name of that layout:

render :action => "display", :layout => "another_layout"

Restricting Access to Controller Methods


By default, all public methods in your controller can be accessed via a URL. You have a method in your controller that is used by other methods in that controller or by subclasses of that controller. For security reasons, you would like to prevent public requests from accessing that method.


Use Ruby’s private or protected methods to restrict public access to controller methods that should not be accessible from outside the class:


class EmployeeController < ApplicationController

  def add_accolade
    @employee = Employee.find(params[:id])
    @employee.accolade += 1
    double_bonus if @employee.accolade > 5

    def double_bonus
      @employee.bonus *= 2


Ruby has three levels of class method access control. They are specified with the following methods: public, private, and protected. Public methods can be called by any other object or class. Protected methods can be invoked by other objects of the same class and its subclasses, but not objects of other classes. Private methods can be invoked only by an object on itself.

By default, all class methods are public unless otherwise specified. Rails defines actions as public methods of a controller class. So by default, all of a controller’s class methods are actions and available via publicly routed requests.

The solution shows a situation in which you might not want all class methods publicly accessible. The double_bonus method is defined after a call to the private method, making the method unavailable to other classes. Therefore, double_bonus is no longer an action and is available only to other methods in the Employee controller or its subclasses. As a result, a web application user can’t create a URL that directly invokes double_bonus.

Likewise, to make some of your class’s methods protected, call the protected method before defining them. private and protected (and, for that matter, public) remain in effect until the end of the class definition, or until you call one of the other access modifiers.

Sending Files or Data Streams to the Browser


You want to send e-book contents directly from your database to the browser as text and give the user the option to download a compressed version of each book.


You have a table that stores plain text e-books:


ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 3) do

  create_table "ebooks", :force => true do |t|
    t.column "title", :string
    t.column "text", :text


In the Document Controller, define a view that calls send_data if the :download parameter is present, and render if it is not:


require 'zlib'  
require 'stringio' 

class DocumentController < ApplicationController

  def view
    @document = Ebook.find(params[:id])
    if (params[:download])
      send_data compress(@document.text), 
                :content_type => "application/x-gzip", 
                :filename => @document.title.gsub(' ','_') + ".gz" 
      render :text => @document.text

    def compress(text)
      gz = = 
      return out.string 


If the view action of the Document Controller is invoked with the URL, the e-book with an ID of 1 is rendered to the browser as plain text.

Adding the download parameter to the URL, which yields, requests that the contents of the e-book be compressed and sent to the browser as a binary file. The browser should download it, rather than trying to render it.

There are several different ways to render output in Rails. The most common are action renderers that process ERb templates, but it’s also customary to send binary image data to the browser.

Storing Session Information in a Database


By default, Rails uses Ruby’s PStore mechanism to maintain session information in the filesystem. However, your application may run across several web servers, complicating the use of a centralized filesystem-based solution. You want to change the default store from the filesystem to your database.


In environment.rb, update the session_store option by making sure it’s set to :active_record_store and that the line is uncommented:

config/environment.rb: do |config|
  # Settings in config/environments/* take precedence to those specified here

  config.action_controller.session_store = :active_record_store


Run the following rake command to create the session storage table in your database:

~/current$ rake create_sessions_table

Restart your web server for the changes to take effect.


Rails offers several options for session data storage, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The available options include: FileStore, MemoryStore, PStore (the Rails default), DRbStore, MemCacheStore, and ActiveRecordStore. The best solution for your application depends heavily on the amount of traffic you expect and your available resources. Benchmarking will ultimately tell you which option provides the best performance for your application. It’s up to you to decide if the fastest solution (usually in-memory storage) is worth the resources that it requires.

The solution uses ActiveRecordStore, which is enabled in the Rails environment configuration file. rake’s create_sessions_table task creates the database table that Rails needs to store the session details. If you’d like to reinitialize the session table, you can drop the current one with:

rake drop_sessions_table

Then recreate the table it with the rake command, and restart your web server.

The session table that rake creates looks like this:

mysql> desc sessions;
| Field      | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id         | int(11)      |      | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| session_id | varchar(255) | YES  | MUL | NULL    |                |
| data       | text         | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| updated_at | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
4 rows in set (0.02 sec)

The following line fetches an Active Record User object and stores it in the session hash.

session['user'] = User.find_by_username_and_password('rorsini','elvinj')

You can use the debug helper function <%=debug(session) %> to view session output. A dump of the session hash shows the contents of the current session. Here’s a fragment of the dump, showing the User object:

data: &id001 
  user: !ruby/object:User 
      username: rorsini
      id: "1" 
      first_name: Rob
      password: elvinj
      last_name: Orsini

The same session record can be viewed directly in the sessions table, but the serialized data will be unreadable. The updated_at field can be helpful if you find the sessions table getting large. You can use that date field to remove sessions that are more than a certain age and thus no longer valid.

mysql> select * from sessions\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
        id: 1
session_id: f61da28de115cf7f19c1d96beed4b960
      data: BAh7ByIJdXNlcm86CVVzZXIGOhBAYXR0cmlidXRlc3sKIg11c2VybmFtZSIM

updated_at: 2006-01-04 22:33:58
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Tracking Information with Sessions


You want to maintain state across several web pages of an application without using a database.


Use Rails’s built-in sessions to maintain state across multiple pages of a web application, such as the state of an online quiz.

Create an online quiz that consists of a sequence of questions, one per page. As a user proceeds through the quiz, her score is added to the total. The last screen of the quiz displays the results as the number correct out of the total number of questions.

Create a Quiz Controller that includes a data structure to store the questions, optional answers, and correct answers for each question. The controller contains methods for displaying each question, checking answers, displaying the results, and starting over.


class QuizController < ApplicationController

  @@quiz = [
    { :question => "What's the square root of 9?",
      :options => ['2','3','4'],
      :answer => "3" },
    { :question => "What's the square root of 4?",
      :options => ['16','2','8'],
      :answer => '16' },
    { :question => "How many feet in a mile?",
      :options => ['90','130','5,280','23,890'],
      :answer => '5,280' },
    { :question => "What's the total area of irrigated land in Nepal?",
      :options => ['742 sq km','11,350 sq km','5,000 sq km',
                                                'none of the above'],
      :answer => '11,350 sq km' },

  def index
    if session[:count].nil?
      session[:count] = 0
    @step = @@quiz[session[:count]]

  def check
    session[:correct] ||= 0
    if params[:answer] == @@quiz[session[:count]][:answer]
      session[:correct] += 1
    session[:count] += 1
    @step = @@quiz[session[:count]]
    if @step.nil?
      redirect_to :action => "results" 
      redirect_to :action => "index" 

  def results
    @correct = session[:correct]
    @possible = @@quiz.length

  def start_over
    redirect_to :action => "index" 

Create a template to display each question along with its optional answers:



<p><%= @step[:question] %></p>

<% form_tag :action => "check" do %>
  <% for answer in @step[:options] %>
    <%= radio_button_tag("answer", answer, checked = false) %>
      <%= answer %>;
  <% end %>
  <%= submit_tag "Answer" %>
<% end %>

At the end of the quiz, the following view displays the total score along with a link prompting to try again:



  You got <%= @correct %> out of <%= @possible %>!</p> 

<%= link_to "Try again?", :action => "start_over" %>


The Web is stateless, which means that each request from a browser carries all the information that the server needs to make the request. The server never says, “Oh, yes, I remember that your current score is 4 out of 5.” Being stateless makes it much easier to write web servers but harder to write complex applications, which often need to remember what went before: they need to remember which questions you’ve answered, what items you’ve put in your shopping cart, and so on.

This problem is solved by the use of sessions. A session stores a unique key as a cookie in the user’s browser. The browser presents the session key to the server, which can use the key to look up any state that it has stored as part of the session. The Web interaction is stateless: the HTTP request includes all the information needed to complete the request. But that information contains information the server can use to look up information about previous requests.

In the case of the quiz, the controller checks the answers to each question and maintains a running total, storing it in the session hash with the :correct key. Another key in the session hash is used to keep track of the current question. This number is used to access questions in the @@quiz class variable, which stores each question, its possible answers, and the correct answer in an array. Each question element consists of a hash containing all the information needed to display that question in the view.

The index view displays a form for each question and submits the user’s input to the check action of the controller. Using session[:count], the check action verifies the answer and increments session[:correct] if it’s correct. Either way, the question count is incremented, and the next question is rendered.

When the question count fails to retrieve an element—or question—from the @@quiz array, the quiz is over, and the results view is rendered. The total correct is pulled from the session hash and displayed with the total number of questions, which is determined from the length of the quiz array.

A quiz such as this lends itself reasonably well to the convenience of session storage. Be aware that sessions are considered somewhat volatile and potentially insecure, and are usually not used to store critical or sensitive information. For that type of data, a traditional database approach makes more sense.

Figure 4-3 shows the four steps of the session-driven online quiz.

An online quiz saving state with sessions
Figure 4-3. An online quiz saving state with sessions

Rails session support is on by default. As the solution demonstrates, you can access the session hash as if it’s just another instance variable. If your application doesn’t need session support, you can turn it off for a controller by using the :disabled option of Action Controller’s session method in the controller’s definition. The call to disable session support for a controller may also include or exclude specific actions within a controller by passing a list of actions to session’s :only or :except options. The following disables session support for the display action of the News Controller:

class NewsController < ActionController::Base
  session :off,  :only => "display" 

To turn session support off for your entire application, pass :off to the session method within your ApplicationController definition:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  session :off

Using Filters for Authentication


You want to authenticate users before they’re allowed to use certain areas of your application; you wish to redirect unauthenticated users to a login page. Furthermore, you want to remember the page that the user requested and, if authentication succeeds, redirect them to that page once they’ve authenticated. Finally, once a user has logged in, you want to remember his credentials and let him move around the site without having to re-authenticate.


Implement an authentication system, and apply it to selected controller actions using before_filter.

First, create a user database to store user account information and login credentials. Always store passwords as hashed strings in your database, in case your server is compromised.


class CreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def self.up
    create_table :users do |t|
      t.column :first_name,      :string
      t.column :last_name,       :string
      t.column :username,        :string
      t.column :hashed_password, :string

    User.create :first_name => 'Rob',
                :last_name => 'Orisni',
                :username => 'rorsini',
                :hashed_password => 

  def self.down
    drop_table :users

In your ApplicationController, define an authenticate method that checks if a user is logged in and stores the URL of the page the user initially requested:


# Filters added to this controller will be run for all controllers in the
# application.
# Likewise, all the methods added will be available for all controllers.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  def authenticate
    if session['user'].nil?
      session['initial_uri'] = request.request_uri
      redirect_to :controller => "users", :action => "login" 

To make sure the authenticate method is invoked, pass the symbol :authenticate to before_filter in each controller that gives access to pages requiring authentication. Here’s how to make sure that users are authenticated before they can access anything governed by the ArticlesController or the BooksController:


class ArticlesController < ApplicationController

  before_filter :authenticate

  def admin


class BooksController < ApplicationController

  before_filter :authenticate

  def admin

Now, create a login form template to collect user credentials:


<% if flash['notice'] %>
  <p style="color: red;"><%= flash['notice'] %></p>
<% end %>

<% form_tag :action => 'verify' do %>

  <p><label for="user_username">Username</label>;
  <%= text_field 'user', 'username'  %></p>  

  <p><label for="user_hashed_password">Password</label>;
  <%= password_field 'user', 'hashed_password'  %></p>  

  <%= submit_tag "Login" %>
<% end %>

The User sController defines login, verify, and logout methods to handle the authentication of new users:


class UsersController < ApplicationController

  def login

  def verify
    hash_pass = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(params[:user][:hashed_password])[0..39]
    user = User.find(:first,:conditions => 
                      ["username = ? and hashed_password = ?", 
                       params[:user][:username], hash_pass ])
    if user
      session['user'] = user
      redirect_to session['initial_uri']
      flash['notice'] = "Bad username/password!" 
      redirect_to :controller => "users", :action => "login" 

  def logout
    # Redirect users to Books#admin, which in turn sends them to 
    # Users#login, with a refering url of Books#admin:
    redirect_to :controller => "books", :action => "admin" 

Next, provide a mechanism for users to log themselves out if they’re not comfortable letting their session time out on its own. Create a "logout" link with a named route using logout_url:


<h1>Articles Admin</h1>

<%= link_to "logout", :logout_url  %>


<h1>Books Admin</h1>

<%= link_to "logout", :logout_url  %>

Finally, define the "logout " named route with its URL mapping:


ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|

  map.logout '/logout', :controller => "users", :action => "logout" 
  # Install the default route as the lowest priority.
  map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'


Adding authentication to a site is one of the most common tasks in web development. Almost any site that does anything meaningful requires some level of security, or at least a way to differentiate between site visitors.

The Rails before_filter lends itself perfectly to the task of access control by invoking an authentication method just before controller actions are executed. Code that is declared as a filter with before_filter has access to all the same objects as the controller, including the request and response objects, and the params and session hashes.

The solution places the authenticate filter in the Book and Article controllers. Every request to either controller first executes the code in authenticate. This code checks for the existence of a user object in the session hash, under the key of user. If that session key is empty, the URL of the request is stored in its own session key, and the request is redirected to the login method of the User controller.

The login form submits the username and password to the Login controller, which looks for a match in the database. If a user is found with that username and a matching hashed password, the request is redirected to the URL that was stored in the session earlier.

When the user wishes to log out, the logout action of the User controller calls reset_session, clearing out all the objects stored in the session. The user is then redirected to the login screen.

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