Chapter 4. Interaction Design

In this chapter, we look at some recipes that address a bunch of typical interface problems. How do you deal with errors? How do you help people use your system? How do you create complex input sequences without writing a bunch of spaghetti code?

This is a collection of tips that we’ve found useful, time and again. At the end of the chapter, we look at various ways of adding animation to your application. We take a low-tech approach where possible, and ideally, the recipes we include will add meaning to your interface designs with a minimum of fuss.

4.1 Build a Centralized Error Handler


It’s hard to define precisely what makes good software good. But one thing that most excellent software has in common is how it responds to errors and exceptions. There will always be exceptional, unexpected situations when people are running your code: the network can disappear, the server can crash, the storage can become corrupted. It’s important to consider how you should deal with these situations when they occur.

One approach that is almost certain to fail is to ignore the fact that error conditions occur and to hide the gory details of what went wrong. Somewhere, somehow, you need to leave a trail of evidence that you can use to prevent that error from happening again.

When we’re writing server code, we might log the error details and return an appropriate message to a request. But if we’re writing client code, we need a plan for how we’ll deal with local errors. We might choose to display the crash’s details to the user and ask them to file an error report. We might use a third-party service like to log the details remotely.

Whatever our code does, it should be consistent. But how can we handle exceptions consistently in a React application?


In this recipe, we’re going to look at one way of creating a centralized error handler. To be clear: this code won’t automatically capture all exceptions. It still needs to be added explicitly to JavaScript catch blocks. It’s also not a replacement for dealing with any error from which we can otherwise recover. If an order fails because the server is down for maintenance, it is much better to ask the user to try again later.

But this technique helps catch any errors for which we have not previously planned.

As a general principle, when something goes wrong, there are three things that you should tell the user:

  • What happened

  • Why it happened

  • What they should do about it

In the example we show here, we’re going to handle errors by displaying a dialog box that shows the details of a JavaScript Error object and asks the user to email the contents to systems support. We want a simple error-handler function that we can call when an error happens:

setVisibleError('Cannot do that thing', errorObject)

If we want to make the function readily available across the entire application, the usual way is by using a context. A context is a kind of scope that we can wrap around a set of React components. Anything we put into that context is available to all the child components. We will use our context to store the error-handler function that we can run when an error occurs.

We’ll call our context ErrorHandlerContext:

import React from 'react'

const ErrorHandlerContext = React.createContext(() => {})

export default ErrorHandlerContext

To allow us to make the context available to a set of components, let’s create an ErrorHandlerProvider component that will create an instance of the context and make it available to any child components we pass to it:

import ErrorHandlerContext from './ErrorHandlerContext'

let setError = () => {}

const ErrorHandlerProvider = (props) => {
  if (props.callback) {
    setError = props.callback

  return (
    <ErrorHandlerContext.Provider value={setError}>

export default ErrorHandlerProvider

Now we need some code that says what to do when we call the error-handler function. In our case, we need some code that will respond to an error report by displaying a dialog box containing all of the error details. If you want to handle errors differently, this is the code you need to modify:

import { useCallback, useState } from 'react'
import ErrorHandlerProvider from './ErrorHandlerProvider'
import ErrorDialog from './ErrorDialog'

const ErrorContainer = (props) => {
  const [error, setError] = useState()
  const [errorTitle, setErrorTitle] = useState()
  const [action, setAction] = useState()

  if (error) {
      'An error has been thrown',

  const callback = useCallback((title, err, action) => {
    console.error('ERROR RAISED ')
    console.error('Error title: ', title)
    console.error('Error content', JSON.stringify(err))
  }, [])
  return (
    <ErrorHandlerProvider callback={callback}>

      {error && (
          onClose={() => {

export default ErrorContainer

The ErrorContainer displays the details using an ErrorDialog. We won’t go into the details of the code for ErrorDialog here as this is the code that you are most likely to replace with your implementation.1

We need to wrap the bulk of our application in an ErrorContainer. Any components inside the ErrorContainer will be able to call the error handler:

import './App.css'
import ErrorContainer from './ErrorContainer'
import ClockIn from './ClockIn'

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
        <ClockIn />

export default App

How does a component use the error handler? We’ll create a custom hook called useErrorHandler(), which will get the error-handler function out of the context and return it:

import ErrorHandlerContext from './ErrorHandlerContext'
import { useContext } from 'react'

const useErrorHandler = () => useContext(ErrorHandlerContext)

export default useErrorHandler

That’s quite a complex set of code, but now we come to use the error handler; it’s very simple. This example code makes a network request when a user clicks a button. If the network request fails, then the details of the error are passed to the error handler:

import useErrorHandler from './useErrorHandler'
import axios from 'axios'

const ClockIn = () => {
  const setVisibleError = useErrorHandler()

  const doClockIn = async () => {
    try {
      await axios.put('/clockTime')
    } catch (err) {
      setVisibleError('Unable to record work start time', err)

  return (
      <h1>Click Button to Record Start Time</h1>
      <button onClick={doClockIn}>Start work</button>

export default ClockIn

You can see what the app looks like in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1. The time-recording app

When you click the button, the network request fails because the server code doesn’t exist. Figure 4-2 shows the error dialog that appears. Notice that it shows what went wrong, why it went wrong, and what the user should do about it.

Figure 4-2. When the network request throws an exception, we pass it to the error handler


Of all the recipes that we’ve created over the years, this one has saved the most time. During development, code often breaks, and if the only evidence of a failure is a stack trace hidden away inside the JavaScript console, you are likely to miss it.

Significantly, when some piece of infrastructure (networks, gateways, servers, databases) fails, this small amount of code can save you untold hours tracking down the cause.

You can download the source for this recipe from the GitHub site.

4.2 Create an Interactive Help Guide


Tim Berners-Lee deliberately designed the web to have very few features. It has a simple protocol (HTTP), and it originally had a straightforward markup language (HTML). The lack of complexity meant that new users of websites immediately knew how to use them. If you saw something that looked like a hyperlink, you could click on it and go to another page.

But rich JavaScript applications have changed all that. No longer are web applications a collection of hyperlinked web pages. Instead, they resemble old desktop applications; they are more powerful and feature-rich, but the downside is that they are now far more complex to use.

How do you build an interactive guide into your application?


We’re going to build a simple help system that you can overlay onto an existing application. When the user opens the help, they will see a series of pop-up notes that describe how to use the various features they can see on the page, as shown in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3. Show a sequence of help messages when the user asks

We want something that will be easy to maintain and will provide help only for visible components. That sounds like quite a big task, so let’s begin by first constructing a component that will display a pop-up help message:

import { Popper } from '@material-ui/core'
import './HelpBubble.css'

const HelpBubble = (props) => {
  const element = props.forElement
    ? document.querySelector(props.forElement)
    : null

  return element ? (
      placement={props.placement || 'bottom-start'}
      <div className="HelpBubble-close" onClick={props.onClose}>
        Close [X]
      <div className="HelpBubble-controls">
        {props.previousLabel ? (
            className="HelpBubble-control HelpBubble-previous"
            &lt; {props.previousLabel}
        ) : (
        {props.nextLabel ? (
            className="HelpBubble-control HelpBubble-next"
            {props.nextLabel} &gt;
        ) : (
  ) : null

export default HelpBubble

We’re using the Popper component from the @material-ui library. The Popper component can be anchored on the page, next to some other component. Our Help​Bub⁠ble takes a forElement string, which will represent a CSS selector such as .class-name or #some-id. We will use selectors to associate things on the screen with pop-up messages.

Now that we have a pop-up message component, we’ll need something that coordinates a sequence of HelpBubbles. We’ll call this the HelpSequence:

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'

import HelpBubble from './HelpBubble'

function isVisible(e) {
  return !!(
    e.offsetWidth ||
    e.offsetHeight ||

const HelpSequence = (props) => {
  const [position, setPosition] = useState(0)
  const [sequence, setSequence] = useState()

  useEffect(() => {
    if (props.sequence) {
      const filter = props.sequence.filter((i) => {
        if (!i.forElement) {
          return false
        const element = document.querySelector(i.forElement)
        if (!element) {
          return false
        return isVisible(element)
    } else {
  }, [props.sequence,])

  const data = sequence && sequence[position]

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [])

  const onNext = () =>
    setPosition((p) => {
      if (p === sequence.length - 1) {
        props.onClose && props.onClose()
      return p + 1

  const onPrevious = () =>
    setPosition((p) => {
      if (p === 0) {
        props.onClose && props.onClose()
      return p - 1

  return (
    <div className="HelpSequence-container">
      {data && (
          previousLabel={position > 0 && 'Previous'}
            position < sequence.length - 1 ? 'Next' : 'Finish'

export default HelpSequence

The HelpSequence takes an array of JavaScript objects like this:

    {forElement: "p",
        text: "This is some introductory text telling you how to start"},
    {forElement: ".App-link", text: "This will show you how to use React"},
    {forElement: ".App-nowhere", text: "This help text will never appear"},

and converts it into a dynamic sequence of HelpBubbles. It will show a HelpBubble only if it can find an element that matches the forElement selector. It then places the HelpBubble next to the element and shows the help text.

Let’s add a HelpSequence to the default App.js code generated by create-react-app:

import { useState } from 'react'
import logo from './logo.svg'
import HelpSequence from './HelpSequence'
import './App.css'

function App() {
  const [showHelp, setShowHelp] = useState(false)

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <header className="App-header">
        <img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
          Edit <code>src/App.js</code> and save to reload.
          rel="noopener noreferrer"
          Learn React
      <button onClick={() => setShowHelp(true)}>Show help</button>
            forElement: 'p',
            text: 'This is some introductory text telling you how to start',
            forElement: '.App-link',
            text: 'This will show you how to use React',
            forElement: '.App-nowhere',
            text: 'This help text will never appear',
        onClose={() => setShowHelp(false)}

export default App

To begin with, we cannot see anything different other than a help button (see Figure 4-4).

Figure 4-4. The application, when it first loads

When the user clicks the help button, the first help topic appears, as shown in Figure 4-5.

Figure 4-5. When the user clicks the help button, the help bubble appears for the first match

Figure 4-6 shows the help moving to the next element when the user clicks Next. The user can continue to move from item to item until there are no more matching elements visible.

Figure 4-6. The final element has a Finish button


Adding interactive help to your application makes your user interface discoverable. Developers spend a lot of their time adding functionality to applications that people might never use, simply because they don’t know that it’s there.

The implementation in this recipe displays the help as simple plain text. You might consider using Markdown, as that will allow for a richer experience, and help topics can then include links to other more expansive help pages.2

The help topics are automatically limited to just those elements that are visible on the page. You could choose to create either a separate help sequence for each page or a single large help sequence that will automatically adapt to the user’s current view of the interface.

Finally, a help system like this is ideally suited for storage in a headless CMS, which will allow you to update help dynamically, without the need to create a new deployment each time.

You can download the source for this recipe from the GitHub site.

4.3 Use Reducers for Complex Interactions


Applications frequently need users to follow a sequence of actions. They might be completing the steps in a wizard, or they might need to log in and confirm some dangerous operation (see Figure 4-7).

Figure 4-7. This deletion process requires logging in and then confirming the deletion

Not only will the user need to perform a sequence of steps, but the steps might be conditional. If the user has logged in recently, they perhaps don’t need to log in again. They might want to cancel partway through the sequence.

If you model the complex sequences inside your components, you can soon find your application is full of spaghetti code.


We are going to use a reducer to manage a complex sequence of operations. We introduced reducers for managing state in Chapter 3. A reducer is a function that accepts a state object and an action. The reducer uses the action to decide how to change the state, and it must have no side effects.

Because reducers have no user-interface code, they are perfect for managing gnarly pieces of interrelated state without worrying about the visual appearance. They are particularly amenable to unit testing.

For example, let’s say we implement the deletion sequence mentioned at the start of this recipe. We can begin in classic test-driven style by writing a unit test:

import deletionReducer from './deletionReducer'

describe('deletionReducer', () => {
  it('should show the login dialog if we are not logged in', () => {
    const actual = deletionReducer({}, { type: 'START_DELETION' })

Here our reducer function is going to be called deletionReducer. We pass it an empty object ({}) and an action that says we want to start the deletion process ({type: 'START_DELETION'}). We then say that we expect the new version of the state to have a showLogin value of true, a showConfirmation value of false, and so on.

We can then implement the code for a reducer to do just that:

function deletionReducer(state, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'START_DELETION':
      return {
        showLogin: true,
        message: '',
        deleteButtonDisabled: true,
        loginError: '',
        showConfirmation: false,
      return null // Or anything

At first, we are merely setting the state attributes to values that pass the test. As we add more and more tests, our reducer improves as it handles more situations.

Eventually, we get something that looks like this:3

function deletionReducer(state, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'START_DELETION':
      return {
        showLogin: !state.loggedIn,
        message: '',
        deleteButtonDisabled: true,
        loginError: '',
        showConfirmation: !!state.loggedIn,
      return {
        showLogin: false,
        showConfirmation: false,
        showResult: false,
        message: 'Deletion canceled',
        deleteButtonDisabled: false,
    case 'LOGIN':
      const passwordCorrect = action.payload === 'swordfish'
      return {
        showLogin: !passwordCorrect,
        showConfirmation: passwordCorrect,
        loginError: passwordCorrect ? '' : 'Invalid password',
        loggedIn: true,
      return {
        showConfirmation: false,
        showResult: true,
        message: 'Widget deleted',
    case 'FINISH':
      return {
        showLogin: false,
        showConfirmation: false,
        showResult: false,
        deleteButtonDisabled: false,
      throw new Error('Unknown action: ' + action.type)

export default deletionReducer

Although this code is complicated, you can write it quickly if you create the tests first.

Now that we have the reducer, we can use it in our application:

import { useReducer, useState } from 'react'
import './App.css'
import deletionReducer from './deletionReducer'

function App() {
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(deletionReducer, {})
  const [password, setPassword] = useState()

  return (
    <div className="App">
        onClick={() => {
          dispatch({ type: 'START_DELETION' })
        Delete Widget!
      <div className="App-message">{state.message}</div>
      {state.showLogin && (
        <div className="App-dialog">
          <p>Enter your password</p>
            onChange={(evt) => setPassword(}
            onClick={() =>
              dispatch({ type: 'LOGIN', payload: password })
            onClick={() => dispatch({ type: 'CANCEL_DELETION' })}
          <div className="App-error">{state.loginError}</div>
      {state.showConfirmation && (
        <div className="App-dialog">
          <p>Are you sure you want to delete the widget?</p>
            onClick={() =>
                type: 'CONFIRM_DELETION',
            onClick={() =>
                type: 'CANCEL_DELETION',
      {state.showResult && (
        <div className="App-dialog">
          <p>The widget was deleted</p>
            onClick={() =>
                type: 'FINISH',

export default App

Most of this code is purely creating the user interface for each of the dialogs in the sequence. There is virtually no logic in this component. It just does what the reducer tells it. It will take the user through the happy path of logging in and confirming the deletion (see Figure 4-8).

Figure 4-8. The final result

But Figure 4-9 shows it also handles all of the edge cases, such as invalid passwords and cancellation.

Figure 4-9. The edge cases are all handled by the reducer


There are times when reducers can make your code convoluted; if you have few pieces of state with few interactions between them, you probably don’t need a reducer. But if you find yourself drawing a flowchart or a state diagram to describe a sequence of user interactions, that’s a sign that you might need a reducer.

You can download the source for this recipe from the GitHub site.

4.4 Add Keyboard Interaction


Power users like to use keyboards for frequently used operations. React components can respond to keyboard events, but only when they (or their children) have focus. What do you do if you want your component to respond to events at the document level?


We’re going to create a key-listener hook to listen for keydown events at the document level. Still, it could be easily modified to listen for any other JavaScript event in the DOM. This is the hook:

import { useEffect } from 'react'

const useKeyListener = (callback) => {
  useEffect(() => {
    const listener = (e) => {
      e = e || window.event
      const tagName = ||
      // Only accept key-events that originated at the body level
      // to avoid key-strokes in e.g. text-fields being included
      if (tagName.toUpperCase() === 'BODY') {
    document.addEventListener('keydown', listener, true)
    return () => {
      document.removeEventListener('keydown', listener, true)
  }, [callback])

export default useKeyListener

The hook accepts a callback function and registers it for keydown events on the document object. At the end of the useEffect, it returns a function that will unregister the callback. If the callback function we pass in changes, we will first unregister the old function before registering the new one.

How do we use the hook? Here is an example. See if you notice the little coding wrinkle we have to deal with:

import { useCallback, useState } from 'react'
import './App.css'
import useKeyListener from './useKeyListener'

const RIGHT_ARROW = 39
const LEFT_ARROW = 37
const ESCAPE = 27

function App() {
  const [angle, setAngle] = useState(0)
  const [lastKey, setLastKey] = useState('')

  let onKeyDown = useCallback(
    (evt) => {
      if (evt.keyCode === LEFT_ARROW) {
        setAngle((c) => Math.max(-360, c - 10))
      } else if (evt.keyCode === RIGHT_ARROW) {
        setAngle((c) => Math.min(360, c + 10))
      } else if (evt.keyCode === ESCAPE) {

  return (
    <div className="App">
        Angle: {angle} Last key: {lastKey}
          transform: `rotate(${angle}deg)`,
        <polyline points="100,200 200,0 300,200" />
        <polyline points="200,0 200,400" />

export default App

This code listens for the user pressing the left/right cursor keys. Our onKeyDown function says what should happen when those key clicks occur, but notice that we’ve wrapped it in a useCallback. If we didn’t do that, the browser would re-create the onKeyDown function each time it rendered the App component. The new function would do the same as the old onKeyDown function, but it would live in a different place in memory, and the useKeyListener would keep unregistering and re-registering it.


If you forget to wrap your callback function in a useCallback, it may result in a blizzard of render calls, which might slow your application down.

By using useCallback, we can ensure that we only create the function if setAngle changes.

If you run the application, you will see an arrow on the screen. If you press the left/right cursor keys (Figure 4-10), you can rotate the image. If you press the Escape key, you can reset it to vertical.

Figure 4-10. Pressing the left/right/Escape keys causes the arrow to rotate


We are careful in the useKeyListener function to only listen to events that originated at the body level. If the user clicks the arrow keys in a text field, the browser won’t send those events to your code.

You can download the source for this recipe from the GitHub site.

4.5 Use Markdown for Rich Content


If your application allows users to provide large blocks of text content, it would be helpful if that content could also include formatted text, links, and so forth. However, allowing users to pass in such horrors as raw HTML can lead to security flaws and untold misery for developers.

How do you allow users to post rich content without undermining the security of your application?


Markdown is an excellent way of allowing users to post rich content into your application safely. To see how to use Markdown in your application, let’s consider this simple application, which allows a user to post a timestamped series of messages into a list:

import { useState } from 'react'
import './Forum.css'

const Forum = () => {
  const [text, setText] = useState('')
  const [messages, setMessages] = useState([])

  return (
    <section className="Forum">
        onChange={(evt) => setText(}
        onClick={() => {
          setMessages((msgs) => [
              body: text,
              timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
      { => {
        return (

export default Forum

When you run the application (Figure 4-11), you see a large text area. When you post a plain-text message, the app preserves white space and line breaks.

Figure 4-11. A user enters text into a text area, and it gets posted as a plain-text message

If your application contains a text area, it’s worth considering allowing the user to enter Markdown content.

There are many, many Markdown libraries available, but most of them are wrappers for react-markdown or a syntax highlighter like PrismJS or CodeMirror.

We’ll look at a library called react-md-editor that adds extra features to react-markdown and allows you to display Markdown and edit it. We will begin by installing the library:

$ npm install @uiw/react-md-editor

We’ll now convert our plain-text area to a Markdown editor and convert the posted messages from Markdown to HTML:

import { useState } from 'react'
import MDEditor from '@uiw/react-md-editor'

const MarkdownForum = () => {
  const [text, setText] = useState('')
  const [messages, setMessages] = useState([])

  return (
    <section className="Forum">
      <MDEditor height={300} value={text} onChange={setText} />
        onClick={() => {
          setMessages((msgs) => [
              body: text,
              timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
      { => {
        return (
              <MDEditor.Markdown source={msg.body} />

export default MarkdownForum

Converting plain text to Markdown is a small change with a significant return. As you can see in Figure 4-12, the user can apply rich formatting to a message and choose to edit it full-screen before posting it.

Figure 4-12. The Markdown editor shows a preview as you type and also allows you to work full-screen


Adding Markdown to an application is quick and improves the user’s experience with minimal effort. For more details on Markdown, see John Gruber’s original guide.

You can download the source for this recipe from the GitHub site.

4.6 Animate with CSS Classes


You want to add a small amount of simple animation to your application, but you don’t want to increase your application size by installing a third-party library.


Most of the animation you are ever likely to need in a React application will probably not require a third-party animation library. That’s because CSS animation now gives browsers the native ability to animate CSS properties with minimal effort. It takes very little code, and the animation is smooth because the graphics hardware will generate it. GPU animation uses less power, making it more appropriate for mobile devices.


If you are looking to add animation to your React application, begin with CSS animation before looking elsewhere.

How does CSS animation work? It uses a CSS property called transition. Let’s say we want to create an expandable information panel. When the user clicks the button, the panel opens smoothly. When they click it again, it closes smoothly, as shown in Figure 4-13.

Figure 4-13. Simple CSS animation will smoothly expand and contract the panel

We can create this effect using the CSS transition property:

.InfoPanel-details {
    height: 350px;
    transition: height 0.5s;

This CSS specifies a height, as well as a transition property. This combination translates to “Whatever your current height, animate to my preferred height during the next half-second.”

The animation will occur whenever the height of the element changes, such as when an additional CSS rule becomes valid. For example, if we have an extra CSS class-name with a different height, the transition property will animate the height change when an element switches to a different class:

.InfoPanel-details {
    height: 350px;
    transition: height 0.5s;
.InfoPanel-details.InfoPanel-details-closed {
    height: 0;

This class name structure is an example of block element modifier (BEM) naming. The block is the component (InfoPanel), the element is a thing inside the block (details), and the modifier says something about the element’s current state (closed). The BEM convention reduces the chances of name clashes in your code.

If an InfoPanel-details element suddenly acquires an additional .InfoPanel-details-closed class, the height will change from 350px to 0, and the transition property will smoothly shrink the element. Conversely, if the component loses the .InfoPanel-details-closed class, the element will expand again.

That means that we can defer the hard work to CSS, and all we need to do in our React code is add or remove the class to an element:

import { useState } from 'react'

import './InfoPanel.css'

const InfoPanel = ({ title, children }) => {
  const [open, setOpen] = useState(false)

  return (
    <section className="InfoPanel">
        <button onClick={() => setOpen((v) => !v)}>
          {open ? '^' : '​v'}
        className={`InfoPanel-details ${
          open ? '' : 'InfoPanel-details-closed'

export default InfoPanel


We have frequently seen many projects bundle in third-party component libraries to use some small widget that expands or contracts its contents. As you can see, such animation is trivial to include.

You can download the source for this recipe from the GitHub site.

4.7 Animate with React Animation


CSS animations are very low-tech and will be appropriate for most animations that you are likely to need.

However, they require you to understand a lot about the various CSS properties and the effects of animating them. If you want to illustrate an item being deleted by it rapidly expanding and becoming transparent, how do you do that?

Libraries such as Animate.css contain a whole host of pre-canned CSS animations, but they often require more advanced CSS animation concepts like keyframes and are not particularly tuned for React. How can we add CSS library animations to a React application?


The React Animations library is a React wrapper for the Animate.css library. It will efficiently add animated styling to your components without generating unnecessary renders or significantly increasing the size of the generated DOM.

It’s able to work so efficiently because React Animations works with a CSS-in-JS library. CSS-in-JS is a technique for coding your style information directly in your JavaScript code. React will let you add your style attributes as React components, but CSS-in-JS does this more efficiently, dynamically creating shared style elements in the head of the page.

There are several CSS-in-JS libraries to choose from, but in this recipe, we’re going to use one called Radium.

Let’s begin by installing Radium and React Animations:

$ npm install radium
$ npm install react-animations

Our example application (Figure 4-14) will run an animation each time we add an image item to the collection.

Figure 4-14. Clicking the Add button will load a new image from

Likewise, when a user clicks an image, it shows a fade-out animation before removing the images from the list, as shown in Figure 4-15.4

Figure 4-15. If we click the fifth image, it will fade out from the list and disappear

We’ll begin by importing some animations and helper code from Radium:

import { pulse, zoomOut, shake, merge } from 'react-animations'
import Radium, { StyleRoot } from 'radium'

const styles = {
  created: {
    animation: 'x 0.5s',
    animationName: Radium.keyframes(pulse, 'pulse'),
  deleted: {
    animation: 'x 0.5s',
    animationName: Radium.keyframes(merge(zoomOut, shake), 'zoomOut'),

From React Animations we get pulse, zoomOut, and shake animations. We are going to use the pulse animation when we add an image. We’ll use a combined animation of zoomOut and shake when we remove an image. We can combine animations using React Animations’ merge function.

The styles generate all of the CSS styles needed to run each of these half-second animations. The call to Radium.keyframes() handles all of the animation details for us.

We must know when an animation has completely ended. If we delete an image before the deletion-animation completes, there would be no image to animate.

We can keep track of CSS animations by passing an onAnimationEnd callback to any element we are going to animate. For each item in our image collection, we are going to track three things:

  • The URL of the image it represents

  • A Boolean value that will be true while the “created” animation is running

  • A Boolean value that will be true while the “deleted” animation is running

Here is the example code to animate images into and out of the collection:

import { useState } from 'react'
import { pulse, zoomOut, shake, merge } from 'react-animations'
import Radium, { StyleRoot } from 'radium'

import './App.css'

const styles = {
  created: {
    animation: 'x 0.5s',
    animationName: Radium.keyframes(pulse, 'pulse'),
  deleted: {
    animation: 'x 0.5s',
    animationName: Radium.keyframes(merge(zoomOut, shake), 'zoomOut'),

function getStyleForItem(item) {
  return item.deleting
    ? styles.deleted
    : item.creating
    ? styles.created
    : null

function App() {
  const [data, setData] = useState([])

  let deleteItem = (i) =>
    setData((d) => {
      const result = [...d]
      result[i].deleting = true
      return result
  let createItem = () => {
    setData((d) => [
        url: `${d.length * 3}/200`,
        creating: true,
  let completeAnimation = (d, i) => {
    if (d.deleting) {
      setData((d) => {
        const result = [...d]
        result.splice(i, 1)
        return result
    } else if (d.creating) {
      setData((d) => {
        const result = [...d]
        result[i].creating = false
        return result
  return (
    <div className="App">
          Images from&nbsp;
          <a href="">Lorem Picsum</a>
        <button onClick={createItem}>Add</button>
        {, i) => (
            onAnimationEnd={() => completeAnimation(d, i)}
              title="Click to delete"
              onClick={() => deleteItem(i)}

export default App


When choosing which animation to use, we should first ask: what will this animation mean?

All animation should have meaning. It can show something existential (creation or deletion). It might indicate a change of state (becoming enabled or disabled). It might zoom in to show detail or zoom out to reveal a broader context. Or it might illustrate a limit or boundary (a spring-back animation at the end of a long list) or allow a user to express a preference (swiping left or right).

Animation should also be short. Most animations should probably be over in half a second so that the user can experience the meaning of the animation without being consciously aware of its appearance.

An animation should never be merely attractive.

You can download the source for this recipe from the GitHub site.

4.8 Animate Infographics with TweenOne


CSS animations are smooth and highly efficient. Browsers might defer CSS animations to the graphics hardware at the compositing stage, which means that not only are the animations running at machine-code speeds, but the machine-code itself is not running on the CPU.

However, the downside to running CSS animations on graphics hardware is that your application code won’t know what’s happening during an animation. You can track when an animation has started, ended, or is repeated (onAnimationStart, on​Ani⁠ma⁠tionEnd, onAnimationIteration), but everything that happens in between is a mystery.

If you are animating an infographic, you may want to animate the numbers on a bar chart as the bars grow or shrink. Or, if you are writing an application to track cyclists, you might want to show the current altitude as the bicycle animates its way up and down the terrain.

But how do you create animations that you can listen to while they are happening?


The TweenOne library creates animations with JavaScript, which means you can track them as they happen, frame by frame.

Let’s begin by installing the TweenOne library:

$ npm install rc-tween-one

TweenOne works with CSS, but it doesn’t use CSS animations. Instead, it generates CSS transforms, which it updates many times each second.

You need to wrap the thing you want to animate in a <TweenOne/> element. For example, let’s say we want to animate a rect inside an SVG:

<TweenOne component='g' animation={...details here}>
    <rect width="2" height="6" x="3" y="-3" fill="white"/>

TweenOne takes an element name and an object that will describe the animation to perform. We’ll come to what that animation object looks like shortly.

TweenOne will use the element name (g in this case) to generate a wrapper around the animated thing. This wrapper will have a style attribute that will include a set of CSS transforms to move and rotate the contents somewhere.

So in our example, at some point in the animation, the DOM might look like this:

<g style="transform: translate(881.555px, 489.614px) rotate(136.174deg);">
  <rect width="2" height="6" x="3" y="-3" fill="white"/>

Although you can create similar effects to CSS animations, the TweenOne library works differently. Instead of handing the animation to the hardware, the TweenOne library uses JavaScript to create each frame, which has two consequences. First, it uses more CPU power (bad), and second, we can track the animation while it’s happening (good).

If we pass TweenOne an onUpdate callback, we will be sent information about the animation on every single frame:

<TweenOne component='g' animation={...details here} onUpdate={info=>{...}}>
    <rect width="2" height="6" x="3" y="-3" fill="white"/>

The info object passed to onUpdate has a ratio value between 0 and 1, representing the proportion of the way the TweenOne element is through an animation. We can use the ratio to animate text that is associated with the graphics.

For example, if we build an animated dashboard that shows vehicles on a race track, we can use onUpdate to show each car’s speed and distance as it animates.

We’ll create the visuals for this example in SVG. First, let’s create a string containing an SVG path, which represents the track:

export default 'm 723.72379,404.71306 ...  -8.30851,-3.00521 z'

This is a greatly truncated version of the actual path that we’ll use. We can import the path string from track.js like this:

import path from './track'

To display the track inside a React component, we can render an svg element:

<svg height="600" width="1000" viewBox="0 0 1000 600"
     style={{backgroundColor: 'black'}}>
  <path stroke='#444' strokeWidth={10}
        fill='none' d={path}/>

We can add a couple of rectangles for the vehicle—a red one for the body and a white one for the windshield:

<svg height="600" width="1000" viewBox="0 0 1000 600"
     style={{backgroundColor: 'black'}}>
  <path stroke='#444' strokeWidth={10}
        fill='none' d={path}/>
  <rect width={24} height={16} x={-12} y={-8} fill='red'/>
  <rect width={2} height={6} x={3} y={-3} fill='white'/>

Figure 4-16 shows the track with the vehicle at the top-left corner.

Figure 4-16. The static image with a tiny vehicle at the top left

But how do we animate the vehicle around the track? TweenOne makes this easy because it contains a plugin to generate animations that follow SVG path strings.

import PathPlugin from 'rc-tween-one/lib/plugin/PathPlugin'


We’ve configured TweenOne for use with SVG path animations. That means we can look at how to describe an animation for TweenOne. We do it with a simple JavaScript object:

import path from './track'

const followAnimation = {
  path: { x: path, y: path, rotate: path },
  repeat: -1,

We tell TweenOne two things with this object: first, we’re telling it to generate translates and rotations that follow the path string that we’ve imported from track.js. Second, we’re saying that we want the animation to loop infinitely by setting the repeat count to –1.

We can use this as the basis of animation for our vehicle:

<svg height="600" width="1000" viewBox="0 0 1000 600"
     style={{backgroundColor: 'black'}}>
  <path stroke='#444' strokeWidth={10}
        fill='none' d={path}/>
  <TweenOne component='g' animation={{...followAnimation, duration: 16000}}>
    <rect width={24} height={16} x={-12} y={-8} fill='red'/>
    <rect width={2} height={6} x={3} y={-3} fill='white'/>

Notice that we’re using the spread operator to provide an additional animation parameter: duration. A value of 16000 means we want the animation to take 16 seconds.

We can add a second vehicle and use the onUpdate callback method to create a very rudimentary set of faked telemetry statistics for each one as they move around the track. Here is the completed code:

import { useState } from 'react'
import TweenOne from 'rc-tween-one'
import Details from './Details'
import path from './track'
import PathPlugin from 'rc-tween-one/lib/plugin/PathPlugin'
import grid from './grid.svg'

import './App.css'


const followAnimation = {
  path: { x: path, y: path, rotate: path },
  repeat: -1,

function App() {
  const [redTelemetry, setRedTelemetry] = useState({
    dist: 0,
    speed: 0,
    lap: 0,
  const [blueTelemetry, setBlueTelemetry] = useState({
    dist: 0,
    speed: 0,
    lap: 0,

  const trackVehicle = (info, telemetry) => ({
    dist: info.ratio,
    speed: info.ratio - telemetry.dist,
      info.ratio < telemetry.dist ? telemetry.lap + 1 : telemetry.lap,

  return (
    <div className="App">
        viewBox="0 0 1000 600"
        style={{ backgroundColor: 'black' }}
        <image href={grid} width={1000} height={600} />
        <path stroke="#444" strokeWidth={10} fill="none" d={path} />
          strokeDasharray="3 4"

            duration: 16000,
            onUpdate: (info) =>
              setRedTelemetry((telemetry) =>
                trackVehicle(info, telemetry)
          <rect width={24} height={16} x={-12} y={-8} fill="red" />
          <rect width={2} height={6} x={3} y={-3} fill="white" />

            delay: 3000,
            duration: 15500,
            onUpdate: (info) =>
              setBlueTelemetry((telemetry) =>
                trackVehicle(info, telemetry)
          <rect width={24} height={16} x={-12} y={-8} fill="blue" />
          <rect width={2} height={6} x={3} y={-3} fill="white" />

export default App

Figure 4-17 shows the animation. The vehicles follow the path of the race track, rotating to face the direction of travel.

Figure 4-17. Our final animation with telemetry generated from the current animation state


CSS animations are what you should use for most UI animation. However, in the case of infographics, you often need to synchronize the text and the graphics. TweenOne makes that possible, at the cost of greater CPU usage.

You can download the source for this recipe from the GitHub site.

1 You can download all source code for this recipe on the GitHub repository.

2 See Recipe 4.5 for details on how to use Markdown in your application.

3 See the GitHub repository for the tests we used to drive out this code.

4 Paper books are beautiful things, but to fully experience the animation effect, see the complete code on GitHub.

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