

Access-Control-Allow-Origin (HTTP-Header) 56

Action (Redux) 230, 234

Action-Creators (Redux) 230

asynchron 249

all() (ES6 Promises) 325

Angular 1 36

Angular 2 37

any 88

applyMiddleware() (Redux) 251

arrayOf() 88

Arrow-Funktionen (ES6) 132, 320


Babel 8, 22, 293

Plug-ins 294

Presets 294

babel 274

babel-loader (npm) 296

babel-polyfill 168

Beispielanwendung (Votes as a Service)

Beispielcode 48

Choice-Objekt 45


Server 49

VoteApp-Server 53

Vote-Objekt 45

Benannte Exporte 319

bindActionCreators() (Redux) 240

bind() 131

BrowserHistory (React Router) 191

Browserify 9


cancel() 176

checkbox (HTML) 154, 158

checked (HTML) 154

Children 114

children 110, 115

class (CSS) 61

className 61

combineReducers() (Redux) 235, 248

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