
A/D converters, 264, 266


collision detection, 296300

screen, 3D space, 1113

space, expanding, 37

3D space:

describing, 23

2D screen, 1113

3DS Max, 21558


collision detection, 294

fonts, 370


complexity, 259

libraries, 381

Toon3D, 4201

ActiveX, 395404

Actors, 2603

AddEdge, 33341


Bresenham’s, 1825

Cyclic Coordinate Descent, 17782

Quadric Error Metrics, 3504

Alignment, bitmaps, 69

Ambient lighting, 33, 60

Analytic techniques, multiple link chains, 1707


axis rotation, 9

camera, 21112

Euler, 79, 148, 1559, 2446, 265

lighting, 59

storing data, 148

vectors, 5


3DS Max, 2289

bones deformation, 1249

facial, 30419

frame rates, 147

keyframe, 14567

storing data, 1479

Toon3D, ...

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