E and M lead signaling, 38-16–17
E-beam, definition of, 20-5
e\u-n\U, exponentials of, table of, 48-7
e\un\U, exponentials of, table of, 48-7
EAROM, definition of, 20-5
effective radius, 33-29–30
-space communication, 33-33
stations, 27-40–43
antennas, 27-40–43
categories, 27-40–43
power ranges, 27-40–43
surface, illumination of, approximate, 16-48
-to-spacecraft communications, 27-3
Ec, definition of, 20-5
control, 38-8
listener, definition of, 38-10
return loss, definition of, 38-10
talker, definition of, 38-10
ECL circuits, definition of, 20-5
ECL storage cell, definition of, 20-5
Eclipses, solar, effect on satellite communications, 27-9–11 ...

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