Co-Occurrence Constraints
Another, and considerably more frequent, use of
patterns is to define
co-occurrence constraints, in which the value
of a node (often an attribute) changes the content model of another
node (often an element). In our library, the
and character
are very similar. You can group them under the
element and use a type
attribute to differentiate between the kind of
“person” being described. To make
the example clearer, to make it more visually obvious that something
is different between the two, I’m going add some
additional elements describing Peppermint Patty, creating an instance
document that contains:
<person id="CMS" type="author"> <name>Charles M Schulz</name> <born>1922-11-26</born> <dead>2000-02-12</dead> </person>
<person id="PP" type="character"> <name>Peppermint Patty</name> <born>1966-08-22</born> <qualification>bold, brash and tomboyish</qualification> <shoecolor>green</shoecolor> <hairstyle>thatched roof</hairstyle> <favoriteathlete>that black and white kid with the big nose</favoriteathlete> <likelycareer>olympic coach or unemployed gym teacher</likelycareer> </person>
You can see that both examples use the person
element, yet because of the type
attribute’s contents, a different set of child
elements is listed. Support for this approach is a key area in which
RELAX NG allows more functionality than other schema languages. In these kind of schemas, validation tools need to recognize that the content models might vary ...
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