The Iterative Rendering Process

During this step (Fig. 3.11), the various IRP menus (in SketchUp) are used to assign values to textures, fine-tune the lighting, set the image output resolution, and generate the image. This step includes the draft-to-final render process, which encompasses creating a series of draft images, assessing them, and adjusting the previously mentioned values. This leads to the final rendered graphic.

Texture Values

For textures to render with real-world character, values such as reflection and coarseness need to be applied to each material (Fig. 3.12). To do this, you’ll need to use the individual IRP’s Material menu (Fig. 3.13). Although the IRPs use different approaches to applying values, the general technique is the same for all of them. Part 6 provides IRP-specific values for a range of textures.

Fig. 3.11: The Iterative Rendering Process flowchart


Fig. 3.12: Highlight of IRP value process


Fig. 3.13: The Material menus (shown in SketchUp) for SU Podium v2, Shaderlight, and Twilight Render v1



As previously noted, each individual IRP references the SketchUp Shadow menu to determine lighting. The IRPs adjust the exposure and further refine ...

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