Composing Light Strategies

Set the lighting based on model type and camera view. Architecture, interiors, and sites have different focuses and lighting needs. Some general strategies for each model type are discussed here. These guidelines are not intended to be comprehensive. Only you know what type of focus and light your model requires.


Set light to provide depth to building fenestrations and facade volumes. Extruded sills, mullions, columns, etc. should cast and receive light. Create an even balance of shaded and exposed facade surfaces. The resulting depth gives focus to a building. Generally, SketchUp shadows should run slightly parallel to the facade face that is the focus of the rendering (Fig. 18.17, Fig. 18.18).

Fig. 18.17: The sun is set behind the building causing a shadow to be cast on the building facades facing the view. This creates excess darkness and obscures the building facades and details (Twilight Render).


Fig. 18.18: The shadow direction is adjusted to highlight the facade details, creating good contrast and depth (Twilight Render).


Use adjacent building faces, other buildings, and shadow boxes to accentuate the contrast of light and dark throughout a rendering. Cast shadows onto the foreground, between buildings, and onto building facades. ...

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