
By representing atmospheric properties, enhancing textures, and creating focus, effects are used to add another layer of realism to renderings.


Haze is an excellent addition to exterior renders. You should include or add a sky to the background of a render prior to adding haze. Creating haze requires masking an additional layer to create a mist/fog/vapor effect over the image (Fig. 31.27).

Fig. 31.27: The completed preproduction rendering (top); haze added to soften up the image and create more depth (bottom)


To create haze, follow these steps:

1. Create a new layer at the top of the layer list and name it Haze. Make sure the layer is active (Fig. 31.28, Fig. 31.29).
2. Select the entire image (Ctrl+A for Windows, Option+A for Mac).
3. Go to Edit ⇒ Fill. Fill this new layer with a white color (Fig. 31.30).
4. Lower the white layer’s opacity to between 10 percent and 20 percent (Fig. 31.31).
5. Create a Mask option in the haze layer. Use the Paint Brush (set to Black) and lower the opacity to 45 percent (Fig. 31.31).
6. Start to mask out the selected color from the image. Focus on the foreground and midground. Remember to expose the sky and background underneath the haze layer (Fig. 31.32). Objects in the distance and tall objects (buildings) should possess more haze. When working, occasionally turn off the haze layer for comparison (Fig. 31.33).

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