

1. Pilat (2005).

2. OECD (2005).

Chapter 1

1. Satariano (2010).

2. Cross (1997).

3. Many of us might think that nothing has changed!

4. Ekelund (1970).

5. Ramsay (2010).

Chapter 2

1. Steiner, Miner, & Gray (1986), p. 11.

2. Bartol & Martin (1991), p. 157.

3. Steiner, Miner, & Gray (1986), p. 16.

4. Adapted from Rouse (1997).

5. Porter (1980, 2008).

6. Cooper & Slagmulder (1997).

7. Strategic business units (SBUs) are distinct businesses within an organization—often characterized by product families—that can be managed independently of other businesses within the organization.

8. Feller, Shunk, & Callarman (2006).

9. Prahalad & Hamel (1990).

10. Prahalad & Hamel (1990).

11. Prahalad & Hamel (1990).

12. Kim & Mauborgne (2005).

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