6.6 Circulator

The previously discussed passive circuits (matching networks, filters) have two ports. We will now look at circuits with three ports. As discussed in Section 5.4.7 a three-port network cannot satisfy the following conditions simultaneously

  • matching (at all ports),
  • reciprocity and
  • loss-lessness.

In order to construct a practical three-port network at least one condition must be dropped. If we allow losses we can build a power divider that is matched at all ports (see Section 6.7). Furthermore, an interesting non-reciprocal (sijsji) network that is matched at all ports is a circulator.

An ideal circulator transfers signals from port 1 to port 2, from port 2 to port 3 and from port 3 to port 1 as shown in Figure 6.32a. The signal flow graph shows that the forward transmission factors are s21 = s32 = s13 = 1. All other scattering parameters are zero (Figure 6.32b). If we consider propagation delay, a more realistic term for the transmission coefficients includes a phase term ejφ. The corresponding scattering matrices are

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A non-ideal circulator is usually described by non-zero reflection coefficients ρ, non-zero backward transmission coefficients σ and forward transmission coefficients τ with a magnitude of less than one. The corresponding signal flow diagram is shown in Figure 6.32c. The scattering matrix is given as


A typical application of a circulator ...

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