Chapter 4. Date and Time

With no concept of time, our lives would be a mess. Without software programs to constantly manage and record this bizarre aspect of our universe…well, we might actually be better off. But why take the risk?

Some programs manage real-world time on behalf of the people who’d otherwise have to do it themselves: calendars, schedules, and data gatherers for scientific experiments. Other programs use the human concept of time for their own purposes: they may run experiments of their own, making decisions based on microsecond variations. Objects that have nothing to do with time are sometimes given timestamps recording when they were created or last modified. Of the basic data types, a time is the only one that directly corresponds to something in the real world.

Ruby supports the date and time interfaces you might be used to from other programming languages, but on top of them are Ruby-specific idioms that make programming easier. In this chapter, we’ll show you how to use those interfaces and idioms, and how to fill in the gaps left by the language as it comes out of the box.

Ruby actually has two different time implementations. There’s a set of time libraries written in C that have been around for decades. Like most modern programming languages, Ruby provides a native interface to these C libraries. The libraries are powerful, useful, and reliable, but they also have some significant shortcomings, so Ruby compensates with a second time library written in pure Ruby. The pure Ruby library isn’t used for everything because it’s slower than the C interface, and it lacks some of the features buried deep in the C library, such as the management of Daylight Saving Time.

The Time class contains Ruby’s interface to the C libraries, and it’s all you need for most applications. The Time class has a lot of Ruby idioms attached to it, but most of its methods have strange un-Ruby-like names, such as strftime and strptime. This is for the benefit of people who are already used to the C library, or one of its other interfaces (like Perl’s or Python’s).

The internal representation of a Time object is a number of seconds before or since “time zero.” Time zero for Ruby is the Unix epoch: the first second GMT of January 1, 1970. You can get the current local time with, or create a Time object from seconds-since-epoch with                 # => 2013-10-03 15:13:50 -0700               # => 1969-12-31 16:00:00 -0800

This numeric internal representation of the time isn’t very useful as a human-readable representation. You can get a string representation of a Time, as just shown, or call accessor methods to split up an instant of time according to how humans reckon time:

t =
t.sec                    # => 0
t.min                    # => 0
t.hour                   # => 19                    # => 31
t.month                  # => 12
t.year                   # => 1969
t.wday                   # => 3      # Numeric day of week; Sunday
is 0
t.yday                   # => 365    # Numeric day of year
t.isdst                  # => false  # Is Daylight Saving Time in
                         # effect?                   # => "EST"  # Time zone

See Recipe 4.3 for more human-readable ways of slicing and dicing Time objects.

In Ruby 2.1, the Time implementation uses a signed 63-bit integer, Bignum or Rational. The integer is a number of nanoseconds since the epoch, which can represent 1823-11-12 to 2116-02-20. When Bignum or Rational is used (before 1823, after 2116, under a nanosecond), Time works slower than when Integer is used.

In Ruby 1.8, apart from the awkward method and member names, the biggest shortcoming of the Time class is that on a 32-bit system, its underlying implementation can’t handle dates before December 1901 or after January 2037. To represent those times, you’ll need to turn to Ruby’s other time implementation: the Date and DateTime classes. You can probably use DateTime for everything, and not use Date at all:

require 'date', 4, 9).to_s            # => "1865-04-09T00:00:00Z", 1, 1).to_s            # => "2100-01-01T00:00:00Z"

Recall that a Time object is stored as a fractional number of seconds since “time zero” in 1970. The internal representation of a Date or DateTime object is an astronomical Julian date: a fractional number of days since a “time zero” in 4712 BCE, over 6,000 years ago:

# Time zero for the date library:                        # => "-4712-01-01T00:00:00Z"

# The current date and time:
DateTime::now.to_s                       # => "2006-03-18T14:53:18-0500"

A DateTime object can precisely represent a time further in the past than the universe is old, or further in the future than the predicted lifetime of the universe. When DateTime handles historical dates, it needs to take into account the calendar reform movements that swept the Western world throughout the last 500 years. See Recipe 4.1 for more information on creating Date and DateTime objects.

Clearly DateTime is superior to Time for astronomical and historical applications, but you can use Time for most everyday programs. Table 4-1 should give you a picture of the relative advantages of Time objects and DateTime objects.

Table 4-1. Comparison of the Time and DateTime objects
Time DateTime

Date range

1901–2037 on 32-bit systems

Effectively infinite

Handles Daylight Saving Time



Handles calendar reform



Time zone conversion

Easy with the tz gem

Difficult unless you work only with time zone offsets

Common time formats like RFC822


Write them yourself




Both Time and DateTime objects support niceties like iteration and date arithmetic: you can basically treat them like numbers, because they’re stored as numbers internally. But recall that a Time object is stored as a number of seconds, while a DateTime object is stored as a number of days, so the same operations will operate on different time scales on Time and DateTime objects. See Recipes 4.4 and 4.5 for more on this.

So far, we’ve talked about writing code to manage specific moments in time: a moment in the past or future, or right now. The other use of time is duration, the relationship between two times: “start” and “end,” “before” and “after.” You can measure duration by subtracting one DateTime object from another, or one Time object from another: you’ll get a result measured in days or seconds (see Recipe 4.5). If you want your program to actually experience duration (the difference between now and a time in the future), you can put a thread to sleep for a certain amount of time: see Recipes 4.12 and 4.13.

You’ll need duration most often, perhaps, during development. Benchmarking and profiling can measure how long your program took to run, and which parts of it took the longest. These topics are covered in Recipe 19.12 and Recipe 19.13.

4.1 Finding Today’s Date


You need to create an object that represents the current date and time, or a time in the future or past.


The factory method creates a Time object containing the current local time. If you want, you can then convert it to GMT time by calling Time#gmtime. The gmtime method actually modifies the underlying time object, though it doesn’t follow the Ruby naming conventions for such methods (it should be called something like gmtime!):

now                    # => 2013-10-03 15:21:59 -0700
now.gmtime                       # => 2013-10-03 22:21:59 UTC

#The original object was affected by the time zone conversion.
now                              # => 2013-10-03 22:21:59 UTC

To create a DateTime object for the current local time, use the factory method Convert a DateTime object to GMT by calling DateTime#new_offset with no argument. Unlike Time#gmtime, this method returns a second DateTime object instead of modifying the original in place:

require 'date'
now =
# => #<DateTime: 2013-10-03T15:20:35-07:00>
now.to_s                          # => "2013-10-03T15:20:35-07:00"
now.new_offset.to_s               # => "2013-10-03T22:20:35+00:00"

#The original object was not affected by the time zone conversion.
now.to_s                          # => "2013-10-03T15:20:35-07:00"


Both the Time and DateTime objects provide accessor methods for the basic ways in which the Western calendar and clock divide a moment in time. Both classes provide year, month, day, hour (in 24-hour format), min, sec, and zone accessors. Time#isdst lets you know if the underlying time of a Time object has been modified by Daylight Saving Time in its time zone. DateTime pretends Daylight Saving Time doesn’t exist:

now_time =
now_datetime =
now_time.year                      # => 2013
now_datetime.year                  # => 2013
now_time.hour                      # => 18
now_datetime.hour                  # => 22                      # => "PDT"                  # => "-07:00"
now_time.isdst                     # => true

You can see that Time#zone and DateTime#zone are a little different. Time#zone returns a time zone name or abbreviation, and DateTime#zone returns a numeric offset from GMT in string form. You can call DateTime#offset to get the GMT offset as a number: a fraction of a day:

now_datetime.offset                # => (-7/24)

Both classes can also represent fractions of a second, accessible with Time#usec (that is, μsec or microseconds) and DateTime#sec_fraction. In the preceding example, the DateTime object was created after the Time object, so the numbers are different even though both objects were created within the same second:

now_time.usec                      # => 180167
# That is, 180167 microseconds
now_datetime.sec_fraction          # => (2057/12500)

The date library provides a Date class that is like a DateTime, without the time. To create a Date object containing the current date, the best strategy is to create a DateTime object and use the result in a call to a Date factory method. DateTime is actually a subclass of Date, so you need to do this only if you want to strip time data to make sure it doesn’t get used:

class Date
    return Date.jd(
# 2013-10-03

In addition to creating a time object for this very moment, you can create one from a string (see Recipe 4.2) or from another time object (see Recipe 4.5). You can also use factory methods to create a time object from its calendar and clock parts: the year, month, day, and so on.

The factory methods Time.local and take arguments Time object for that time. For local time, use Time.local; for GMT, use All arguments after the year are optional and default to zero:

Time.local(1999, 12, 31, 23, 21, 5, 1044)
# => 1999-12-31 23:21:05 -0800, 12, 31, 23, 21, 5, 22, 1044)
# => 1999-12-31 23:21:05 UTC

Time.local(1991, 10, 1)
# => 1991-10-01 00:00:00 -0700
# => 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC

The DateTime equivalent of Time.local is the civil factory method. It takes almost, but not quite, the same arguments as Time.local:

[year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
timezone_offset, date_of_calendar_reform].

The main differences from Time.local and Time.gmt are:

  • There’s no separate usec argument for fractions of a second. You can represent fractions of a second by passing in a rational number for second.

  • All the arguments are optional. However, the default year is 4712 BCE, which is probably not useful to you.

  • Rather than providing different methods for different time zones, you must pass in an offset from GMT as a fraction of a day. The default is zero, which means that calling DateTime.civil with no time zone will give you a time in GMT.

DateTime.civil(1999, 12, 31, 23, 21, Rational(51044, 100000)).to_s
# => "1999-12-31T23:21:00+00:00"

DateTime.civil(1991, 10, 1).to_s
# => "1991-10-01T00:00:00+00:00"

# => "2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"

The simplest way to get the GMT offset for your local time zone is to call offset on the result of Then you can pass the offset into DateTime.civil:

my_offset =                   # => (-7/24)

DateTime.civil(1999, 12, 31, 23, 21, Rational(51044, 100000), my_offset).to_s
# => "1999-12-31T23:21:00-07:00"

Oh, and there’s the calendar reform thing, too. If you’re using old dates, you may run into a gap caused by a switch from the Julian calendar (which made every fourth year a leap year) to the more accurate Gregorian calendar (which occasionally skips leap years).

This switch happened at different times in different countries, creating differently sized gaps as the local calendar absorbed the extra leap days caused by using the Julian reckoning for so many centuries. Dates created within a particular country’s gap are invalid for that country.

By default, Ruby assumes that Date objects you create are relative to the Italian calendar, which switched to Gregorian reckoning in 1582. For American and Commonwealth users, Ruby has provided a constant Date::ENGLAND, which corresponds to the date that England and its colonies adopted the Gregorian calendar. DateTime’s constructors and factory methods will accept Date::ENGLAND or Date::ITALY as an extra argument denoting when calendar reform started in that country. The calendar reform argument can also be any Julian day, letting you handle old dates from any country:

#In Italy, 4 Oct 1582 was immediately followed by 15 Oct 1582.
#, 10, 4).to_s
# => "1582-10-04", 10, 5).to_s
# ArgumentError: invalid date, 10, 4).succ.to_s
# => "1582-10-15"

#In England, 2 Sep 1752 was immediately followed by 14 Sep 1752.
#, 9, 2, Date::ENGLAND).to_s
# => "1752-09-02", 9, 3, Date::ENGLAND).to_s
# ArgumentError: invalid date, 9, 2, DateTime::ENGLAND).succ.to_s
# => "1752-09-14", 10, 5, Date::ENGLAND).to_s
# => "1582-10-05"

You probably won’t need to use Ruby’s Gregorian conversion features: it’s uncommon that computer applications need to deal with old dates that are both known with precision and associated with a particular locale.

4.2 Parsing Dates, Precisely or Fuzzily


You want to transform a string describing a date or date/time into a Date object. You might not know the format of the string ahead of time.


The best solution is to pass the date string into Date.parse or DateTime.parse. These methods use heuristics to guess at the format of the string, and they do a pretty good job:

require 'date'

# => "2007-02-09"
DateTime.parse('02-09-2007 12:30:44 AM').to_s
# => "2007-09-02T00:30:44+00:00"

DateTime.parse('02-09-2007 12:30:44 PM EST').to_s
# => "2007-09-02T12:30:44-0500"
Date.parse('Wednesday, January 10, 2001').to_s
# => "2001-01-10"


The parse methods can save you a lot of the drudgework associated with parsing times in other programming languages, but they don’t always give you the results you want. Notice in the first example how Date.parse assumed that 2/9/2007 was a month-first date instead of a day-first date. Date.parse also tends to misinterpret two-digit years:

Date.parse('2/9/07').to_s                   # => "2002-09-07"

Let’s say that Date.parse doesn’t work for you, but you know that all the dates you’re processing will be formatted a certain way. You can create a format string using the standard strftime directives, and pass it along with a date string into DateTime.strptime or Date.strptime. If the date string matches up with the format string, you’ll get a Date or DateTime object back. You may already be familiar with this technique, since date formatting is done similarly in many programming languages, as well as the Unix date command.

Some common date and time formats include:

american_date = '%m/%d/%y'
Date.strptime('2/9/07', american_date).to_s            # => "2007-02-09"
DateTime.strptime('2/9/05', american_date).to_s
                                        # => "2005-02-09T00:00:00+00:00"
Date.strptime('2/9/68', american_date).to_s            # => "2068-02-09"
Date.strptime('2/9/69', american_date).to_s            # => "1969-02-09"

european_date = '%d/%m/%y'
Date.strptime('2/9/07', european_date).to_s            # => "2007-09-02"
Date.strptime('02/09/68', european_date).to_s          # => "2068-09-02"
Date.strptime('2/9/69', european_date).to_s            # => "1969-09-02"

four_digit_year_date = '%m/%d/%Y'
Date.strptime('2/9/2007', four_digit_year_date).to_s   # => "2007-02-09"
Date.strptime('02/09/1968', four_digit_year_date).to_s # => "1968-02-09"
Date.strptime('2/9/69', four_digit_year_date).to_s     # => "0069-02-09"

date_and_time = '%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S %Z'
DateTime.strptime('02-09-2007 12:30:44 EST', date_and_time).to_s
# => "2007-02-09T12:30:44-05:00"
DateTime.strptime('02-09-2007 12:30:44 PST', date_and_time).to_s
# => "2007-02-09T12:30:44-08:00"
DateTime.strptime('02-09-2007 12:30:44 GMT', date_and_time).to_s
# => "2007-02-09T12:30:44+00:00"

twelve_hour_clock_time = '%m-%d-%Y %I:%M:%S %p'
DateTime.strptime('02-09-2007 12:30:44 AM', twelve_hour_clock_time).to_s
# => "2007-02-09T00:30:44+00:00"
DateTime.strptime('02-09-2007 12:30:44 PM', twelve_hour_clock_time).to_s
# => "2007-02-09T12:30:44+00:00"

word_date = '%A, %B %d, %Y'
Date.strptime('Wednesday, January 10, 2001', word_date).to_s
# => "2001-01-10"

If your date strings might be in one of a limited number of formats, try iterating over a list of format strings and attempting to parse the date string with each one in turn. This gives you some of the flexibility of Date.parse while letting you override the assumptions it makes. Date.parse is still faster, so if it’ll work, use that:

Date.parse('1/10/07').to_s                             # => "0007-01-10"
Date.parse('2007 1 10').to_s
# ArgumentError: invalid date

TRY_FORMATS = ['%d/%m/%y', '%Y %m %d']
def try_to_parse(s)
  parsed = nil
  TRY_FORMATS.each do |format|
      parsed = Date.strptime(s, format)
    rescue ArgumentError
  return parsed

try_to_parse('1/10/07').to_s                          # => "2007-10-01"
try_to_parse('2007 1 10').to_s                        # => "2007-01-10"

Several common date formats cannot be reliably represented by strptime format strings. Ruby defines class methods of Time for parsing these date strings, so you don’t have to write the code yourself. Each of the following methods returns a Time object.

Time.rfc822 parses a date string in the format of RFC822/RFC2822, the Internet email standard. In an RFC2822 date, the month and the day of the week are always in English (for instance, Tue and Jul), even if the locale is some other language:

require 'time'
mail_received = 'Tue, 1 Jul 2003 10:52:37 +0200'
# => 2003-07-01 01:52:37 -0700

To parse a date in the format of RFC2616, the HTTP standard, use Time.httpdate. An RFC2616 date is the kind of date you see in HTTP headers like Last-Modified. As with RFC2822, the month and day abbreviations are always in English:

last_modified = 'Tue, 05 Sep 2006 16:05:51 GMT'
# => 2006-09-05 09:05:51 -0700

To parse a date in the format of ISO 8601 or XML Schema, use Time.iso8601 or Time.xmlschema:

timestamp = '2001-04-17T19:23:17.201Z'
t = Time.iso8601(timestamp)    # => 2001-04-17 19:23:17 UTC
t.sec                          # => 17
t.tv_usec                      # => 201000

Don’t confuse these class methods of Time with the instance methods of the same names. The class methods create Time objects from strings. The instance methods go the other way, formatting an existing Time object as a string:

t =        # => 2001-09-08 18:46:40 -0700
t.rfc822                       # => "Sat, 08 Sep 2001 18:46:40 -0700"
t.httpdate                     # => "Sun, 09 Sep 2001 01:46:40 GMT"
t.iso8601                      # => "2001-09-08T18:46:40-07:00"

See Also

  • The RDoc for the Time#strftime method lists most of the supported strftime directives (ri Time#strftime); for a more detailed and complete list, see the table in Recipe 4.3, “Printing a Date”

4.3 Printing a Date


You want to print a date object as a string.


If you just want to look at a date, you can call Time#to_s or Date#to_s and not bother with fancy formatting:

require 'date'                               # => "2013-10-04 14:44:17 -0700"                           # => "2013-10-04T14:44:24-07:00"

If you need the date in a specific format, you’ll need to define that format as a string containing time-format directives. Pass the format string into Time#strftime or Date#strftime. You’ll get back a string in which the formatting directives have been replaced by the corresponding parts of the Time or DateTime object.

A formatting directive looks like a percent sign and a letter: %x. Everything in a format string that’s not a formatting directive is treated as a literal:'The year is %Y!')   # => "The year is 2013!"

The Discussion lists all the time formatting directives defined by Time#strftime and Date#strftime. Here are some common time-formatting strings, shown against a sample date of about 1:30 in the afternoon, GMT, on the last day of 2013:

time =, 12, 31, 13, 22, 33)
american_date = '%D'
time.strftime(american_date)                # => "12/31/13"
european_date = '%d/%m/%y'
time.strftime(european_date)                # => "31/12/13"
four_digit_year_date = '%m/%d/%Y'
time.strftime(four_digit_year_date)         # => "12/31/2013"
date_and_time = '%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S %Z'
time.strftime(date_and_time)                # => "12-31-2013 13:22:33 UTC"
twelve_hour_clock_time = '%m-%d-%Y %I:%M:%S %p'
time.strftime(twelve_hour_clock_time)       # => "12-31-2013 01:22:33 PM"
word_date = '%A, %B %d, %Y'
time.strftime(word_date)                    # => "Saturday, December 31, 2013"


Printed forms, parsers, and people can all be very picky about the formatting of dates. Having a date in a standard format makes dates easier to read and scan for errors. Agreeing on a format also prevents ambiguities: is 4/12 the fourth of December, or the twelfth of April?

If you require time, your Time objects will sprout special-purpose formatting methods for common date representation standards: Time#rfc822, Time#httpdate, and Time#iso8601. These make it easy for you to print dates in formats compliant with email, HTTP, and XML standards:

    require 'time'
    time =, 12, 31, 13, 22, 33)
    time.rfc822                       # => "Tue, 31 Dec 2013 13:22:33 -0000"
    time.httpdate                     # => "Sat, 31 Dec 2013 13:22:33 GMT"
    time.iso8601                      # => "2013-12-31T13:22:33Z"

DateTime provides only one of these three formats. ISO8601 is the default string representation of a DateTime object (the one you get by calling #to_s). This means you can easily print DateTime objects into XML documents without having to convert them into Time objects.

For the other two formats, your best strategy is to convert the DateTime into a Time object (see Recipe 4.9 for details). Even on a system with a 32-bit time counter, your DateTime objects will probably fit into the 1901–2037 year range supported by Time, since RFC822 and HTTP dates are almost always used with dates in the recent past or near future.

Sometimes you need to define a custom date format. Time#strftime and Date#strftime define many directives for use in format strings. Table 4-2 says what they do. You can combine these in any way within a formatting string.

Some of these may be familiar to you from other programming languages; virtually all languages since C have included a strftime implementation that uses some of these directives. Some of the directives are unique to Ruby.

Table 4-2. Date/time formatting directives
Formatting directive What it does Example for 13:22:33 on December 31, 2005


English day of the week.



Abbreviated English day of the week.



English month of the year.



Abbreviated English month of the year.



The century part of the year, zero-padded if necessary.



This prints the date and time in a way that looks like the default string representation of Time, but without the time zone. Equivalent to %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y

Sat Dec 31 13:22:33 2005.


American-style short date format with two-digit year. Equivalent to %m/%d/%y



Day of the month, zero-padded.



Day of the month, not zero-padded.



Short date format with four-digit year.; equivalent to %Y-%m-%d



Commercial year with century, zero-padded to a minimum of four digits and with a minus sign prepended for dates BCE. (See Recipe 4.11. For the calendar year, use %Y.)



Year without century, zero-padded to two digits.



Hour of the day, 24-hour clock, zero-padded to two digits.



Abbreviated month of the year; the same as %b.



Hour of the day, 12-hour clock, zero-padded to two digits.



Julian day of the year, padded to three digits (from 001 to 366).



Hour of the day, 24-hour clock, not zero-padded; like %H but with no padding.



Hour of the day, 12-hour clock, not zero-padded; like %I but with no padding.



Minute of the hour, padded to two digits.



Month of the year, padded to two digits.



A newline. Don’t use this; just put a newline in the formatting string.



Lowercase meridian indicator (am or pm).



Uppercase meridian indicator. Like %P, except gives AM or PM; note, the uppercase P gives the lowercase meridian, and vice versa.



Short 24-hour time format; equivalent to %H:%M.



Long 12-hour time format; equivalent to %I:%M:%S %p.

01:22:33 PM


Second of the minute, zero-padded to two digits.



Seconds since the Unix epoch.



Long 24-hour time format; equivalent to %H:%M:%S.



A tab. Don’t use this; just put a tab in the formatting string.



Calendar week number of the year. Assumes that the first week of the year starts on the first Sunday; if a date comes before the first Sunday of the year, it’s counted as part of “week zero” and “00” is returned.



Commercial weekday of the year, from 1 to 7, with Monday being day 1.



Commercial week number of the year (see Recipe 4.11).



The same as %V, but if a date is before the first Monday of the year, it’s counted as part of “week zero” and “00” is returned



Calendar day of the week, from 0 to 6, with Sunday being day 0.



Preferred representation for the time; equivalent to %H:%M:%S.



Preferred representation for the date; equivalent to %m/%d/%y.



Year with century, zero-padded to four digits and with a minus sign prepended for dates BCE.



Year without century, zero-padded to two digits.



The time zone abbreviation (Time) or GMT offset (Date). Date will use Z instead of "+0000" if a time is in GMT.

GMT for Time, Z for Date


The time zone as a GMT offset.



A literal percent sign.



European-style date format with month abbreviation; equivalent to %e-%b-%Y.



Prints a Date object as though it were a Time object converted to a string. Like %c, but includes the time zone information; equivalent to %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y.

Sat Dec 31 13:22:33 Z 2005

Date defines two formatting directives that won’t work at all in Time#strftime. Both are shortcuts for formatting strings that you could create manually.

If you need a date format for which there’s no formatting directive, you should be able to compensate by writing Ruby code. For instance, suppose you want to format our example date as “The 31st of December”. There’s no special formatting directive to print the day as an ordinal number, but you can use Ruby code to build a formatting string that gives the right answer:

class Time
  def day_ordinal_suffix
    if day == 11 or day == 12
      return "th"

      case day % 10
      when 1 then return "st"
      when 2 then return "nd"
      when 3 then return "rd"
      else return "th"

time.strftime("The %e#{time.day_ordinal_suffix} of %B") # => "The 31st of December"

The actual formatting string differs depending on the date. In this case, it ends up "The %est of %B", but for other dates it will be "The %end of %B", "The %erd of %B", or "The %eth of %B".

See Also

4.4 Iterating Over Dates


Starting at a certain arbitrary date, you want to generate a series of sequential dates.


All of Ruby’s Time objects can be used in ranges as though they were numbers. Date and DateTime objects iterate in increments of one day.

In Ruby 1.8, Time objects iterate in increments of one second.

In Ruby 2.1, Time objects no longer iterate in a range:

require 'date'
(, 7, 2), 7, 4)).each { |x| puts x }
# 1776-07-02
# 1776-07-03
# 1776-07-04

span =, 7, 2, 1, 30, 15), 7, 4, 7, 0, 0)
span.each { |x| puts x }
# 1776-07-02T01:30:15+00:00
# 1776-07-03T01:30:15+00:00
# 1776-07-04T01:30:15+00:00

Ruby’s Date class defines step and upto, the same convenient iterator methods used by numbers:

the_first =, 1, 1)
the_fifth =, 1, 5)

the_first.upto(the_fifth) { |x| puts x }
# 2004-01-01
# 2004-01-02
# 2004-01-03
# 2004-01-04
# 2004-01-05


Ruby Date objects are stored internally as numbers, and a range of those objects is treated like a range of numbers. For Date and DateTime objects, the internal representation is the Julian day: iterating over a range of those objects adds one day at a time. For Time objects, the internal representation is the number of seconds since the Unix epoch: iterating over a range of Time objects adds one second at a time.

Time doesn’t define the step and upto method, but it’s simple to add them:

class Time
  def step(other_time, increment)
   raise ArgumentError, "step can't be 0" if increment == 0
    increasing = self < other_time
    if (increasing && increment < 0) || (!increasing && increment > 0)
      yield self
      d = self
        yield d
        d += increment
      end while (increasing ? d <= other_time : d >= other_time)

    def upto(other_time)
      step(other_time, 1) { |x| yield x }

  the_first = Time.local(2004, 1, 1)
  the_second = Time.local(2004, 1, 2)
  the_first.step(the_second, 60 * 60 * 6) { |x| puts x }
  # Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2004
  # Thu Jan 01 06:00:00 EST 2004
  # Thu Jan 01 12:00:00 EST 2004
  # Thu Jan 01 18:00:00 EST 2004
  # Fri Jan 02 00:00:00 EST 2004

  the_first.upto(the_first) { |x| puts x }
  # Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2004

4.5 Doing Date Arithmetic


You want to find how much time has elapsed between two dates, or add a number to a date to get an earlier or later date.


Adding or subtracting a Time object and a number adds or subtracts that number of seconds. Adding or subtracting a Date object and a number adds or subtracts that number of days:

require 'date'
y2k =, 1, 1)                   # => 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
y2k + 1                                     # => 2000-01-01 00:00:01 UTC
y2k - 1                                     # => 1999-12-31 23:59:59 UTC
y2k + (60 * 60 * 24 * 365)                  # => 2000-12-31 00:00:00 UTC

y2k_dt =, 1, 1)
(y2k_dt + 1).to_s                           # => "2000-01-02T00:00:00+00:00"
(y2k_dt - 1).to_s                           # => "1999-12-31T00:00:00+00:00"
(y2k_dt + 0.5).to_s                         # => "2000-01-01T12:00:00+00:00"
(y2k_dt + 365).to_s                         # => "2000-12-31T00:00:00+00:00"

Subtracting one Time from another gives the interval between the dates, in seconds. Subtracting one Date from another gives the interval in days:

day_one =, 12, 31)
day_two =, 1, 1)
day_two - day_one                           # => 86400.0
day_one - day_two                           # => -86400.0

day_one =, 12, 31)
day_two =, 1, 1)
day_two - day_one                           # => (1/1)
day_one - day_two                           # => (-1/1)

# Compare times from now and 10 seconds in the future.
before_time =
before_datetime =
sleep(10) - before_time                      # => 10.003414 - before_datetime              # => (10005241/86400000000)

The activesupport gem, a prerequisite of Ruby on Rails, defines many useful functions on Numeric and Time for navigating through time:1

gem 'activesupport'
require 'active_support/all'

10.days.ago                                 # => 2013-09-24 15:00:33 -0700
1.month.from_now                            # => 2013-11-04 15:00:47 -0800
2.weeks.since(Time.local(2006, 1, 1))       # => 2006-01-15 00:00:00 -0800

y2k -                                 # => 1999-12-31 00:00:00 UTC
y2k + 6.years                               # => 2006-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
6.years.since y2k                           # => 2006-01-01 00:00:00 UTC


Ruby’s date arithmetic takes advantage of the fact that Ruby’s Time objects are stored internally as numbers. Additions to dates and differences between dates are handled by adding to and subtracting the underlying numbers. This is why adding 1 to a Time object adds one second and adding 1 to a DateTime object adds one day: a Time object is stored as a number of seconds since a time zero, and a Date or DateTime object is stored as a number of days since a (different) time zero.

Not every arithmetic operation makes sense for dates: you could “multiply two dates” by multiplying the underlying numbers, but that would have no meaning in terms of real time, so Ruby doesn’t define those operators. Once a number takes on aspects of the real world, there are limitations to what you can legitimately do to that number.

Here’s a shortcut for adding or subtracting big chunks of time: using the right-or left-shift operators on a Date or DateTime object will add or subtract a certain number of months from the date:

(y2k_dt >> 1).to_s                          # => "2000-02-01T00:00:00+00:00"
(y2k_dt << 1).to_s                          # => "1999-12-01T00:00:00+00:00"

You can get similar behavior with activesupport’s Numeric#month method, but that method assumes that a “month” is 30 days long, instead of dealing with the lengths of specific months:

y2k + 1.month                               # => 2000-02-01 00:00:00 UTC
y2k - 1.month                               # => 1999-12-01 00:00:00 UTC

By contrast, if you end up in a month that doesn’t have enough days (for instance, you start on the 31st and then shift to a month that only has 30 days), the standard library will use the last day of the new month:

# Thirty days hath September…
halloween =, 10, 31)
(halloween << 1).to_s                       # => "2000-09-30"
(halloween >> 1).to_s                       # => "2000-11-30"
(halloween >> 2).to_s                       # => "2000-12-31"

leap_year_day =, 2, 29)
(leap_year_day << 1).to_s                   # => "1996-01-29"
(leap_year_day >> 1).to_s                   # => "1996-03-29"
(leap_year_day >> 12).to_s                  # => "1997-02-28"
(leap_year_day << 12 * 4).to_s              # => "1992-02-29"

4.6 Counting the Days Since an Arbitrary Date


You want to see how many days have elapsed since a particular date, or how many remain until a date in the future.


Subtract the earlier date from the later one. If you’re using Time objects, the result will be a floating-point number of seconds, so divide by the number of seconds in a day:

def last_modified(file)
  t1 = File.stat(file).ctime
  t2 =
  elapsed = (t2-t1)/(60*60*24)
  puts "#{file} was last modified #{elapsed} days ago."

# /etc/passwd was last modified 135.61505719175926 days ago.
# /Users/lucas/ was last modified 6.394927884837963 days ago.

If you’re using DateTime objects, the result will be a rational number. You’ll probably want to convert it to an integer or floating-point number for display:

require 'date'
def advent_calendar(
  christmas =, 12, 25)
  christmas =, 12, 25) if date > christmas
  difference = (christmas-date).to_i
  if difference == 0
    puts "Today is Christmas."
    puts "Only #{difference} day#{"s" unless difference==1} until Christmas."

advent_calendar(, 12, 24))
# Only 1 day until Christmas.
advent_calendar(, 12, 25))
# Today is Christmas.
advent_calendar(, 12, 26))
# Only 364 days until Christmas.


Since times are stored internally as numbers, subtracting one from another will give you a number. Since both numbers measure the same thing (time elapsed since some “time zero”), that number will actually mean something: it’ll be the number of seconds or days that separate the two times on the timeline.

Of course, this works with other time intervals as well. To display a difference in hours, for Time objects divide the difference by the number of seconds in an hour (3,600, or 1.hour if you’re using Rails). For DateTime objects, divide by the number of days in an hour (that is, multiply the difference by 24):

sent =, 10, 4, 3, 15)
received =, 10, 5, 16, 33)
elapsed = (received-sent) * 24
puts "You responded to my email #{elapsed.to_f} hours after I sent it."
# You responded to my email 37.3 hours after I sent it.

You can even use divmod on a time interval to hack it down into smaller and smaller pieces. Once when I was in college, I wrote a script that displayed how much time remained until the finals I should have been studying for. This method gives you a countdown of the days, hours, minutes, and seconds until some scheduled event:

require 'date'
def remaining(date, event)
  intervals = [["day", 1], ["hour", 24], ["minute", 60], ["second", 60]]
  elapsed = - date
  tense = elapsed > 0 ? "since" : "until"
  interval = 1.0
  parts = intervals.collect do |name, new_interval|
    interval /= new_interval
    number, elapsed = elapsed.abs.divmod(interval)
  "#{number.to_i} #{name}#{"s" unless number == 1}"
  puts "#{parts.join(", ")} #{tense} #{event}."

remaining(, 4, 15, 0, 0, 0,,
          "the book deadline")
# 27 days, 4 hours, 16 minutes, 9 seconds until the book deadline.
remaining(, 4, 23, 8, 0, 0,,
          "the Math 114A final")
# 2521 days, 11 hours, 43 minutes, 50 seconds since the Math 114A final.

4.7 Converting Between Time Zones


You want to change a Time object so that it represents the same moment of time in some other time zone.


The most common time zone conversions are the conversion of system local time to UTC, and the conversion of UTC to local time. These conversions are easy for both Time and DateTime objects.

The Time#gmtime method modifies a Time object in place, converting it to UTC. The Time#localtime method converts in the opposite direction:

now =                 # => 2013-10-10 08:36:41 -0700
now = now.gmtime               # => 2013-10-10 15:36:41 UTC
now = now.localtime            # => 2013-10-10 08:36:41 -0700

The DateTime#new_offset method converts a DateTime object from one time zone to another. You must pass in the dstination time zone’s offset from UTC; to convert local time to UTC, pass in zero. Since DateTime objects are immutable, this method creates a new object identical to the old DateTime object, except for the time zone offset:

require 'date'
local =
local.to_s                     # => "2013-10-10T08:37:22-07:00"
utc = local.new_offset(0)
utc.to_s                       # => "2013-10-10T15:37:22+00:00"

To convert a UTC DateTime object to local time, you’ll need to call DateTime#new_offset and pass in the numeric offset for your local time zone. The easiest way to get this offset is to call offset on a DateTime object known to be in local time. The offset will usually be a rational number with a denominator of 24:

local =
utc = local.new_offset

local.offset                  # => (-7/24)
local_from_utc = utc.new_offset(local.offset)
local_from_utc.to_s           # => "2013-10-10T08:37:55-07:00"
local == local_from_utc       # => true


Time objects created with, Time.local, Time.mktime,, and are created using the current system time zone. Time objects created with and Time.utc are created using the UTC time zone. Time objects can represent any time zone, but it’s difficult to use a time zone with Time other than local time or UTC.

Suppose you need to convert local time to some time zone other than UTC. If you know the UTC offset for the destination time zone, you can represent it as a fraction of a day and pass it into DateTime#new_offset:

# Convert local (Pacific) time to Eastern time
pacific =
pacific.to_s                   # => "2013-10-10T08:39:04-07:00"

eastern_offset = Rational(-5, 24)
eastern = pacific.new_offset(eastern_offset)
eastern.to_s                   # => "2013-10-10T10:39:04-05:00"

DateTime#new_offset can convert between arbitrary time zone offsets, so for time zone conversions, it’s easiest to use DateTime objects and convert back to Time objects if necessary. But DateTime objects only understand time zones in terms of numeric UTC offsets. How can you convert a date and time to UTC when all you know is that the time zone is called WET, Zulu, or Asia/Taskent?

On Unix systems, you can temporarily change the “system” time zone for the current process. The C library underlying the Time class knows about an enormous number of time zones (this “zoneinfo” database is usually located in /usr/share/zoneinfo/, if you want to look at the available time zones). You can tap this knowledge by setting the environment variable TZ to an appropriate value, forcing the Time class to act as though your computer were in some other time zone. Here’s a method that uses this trick to convert a Time object to any time zone supported by the underlying C library:

class Time
  def convert_zone(to_zone)
    original_zone = ENV["TZ"]
    utc_time = dup.gmtime
    ENV["TZ"] = to_zone
    to_zone_time = utc_time.localtime
    ENV["TZ"] = original_zone
    return to_zone_time

Let’s do a number of conversions of a local (Eastern) time to other time zones across the world:

t =                # => 2001-09-08 18:46:40 -0700

t.convert_zone("US/Eastern")           # => 2001-09-08 21:46:40 -0400
t.convert_zone("US/Alaska")            # => 2001-09-08 17:46:40 -0800

t.convert_zone("UTC")                  # => 2001-09-09 01:46:40 +0000
t.convert_zone("Turkey")               # => 2001-09-09 04:46:40 +0300

Note that some time zones, like India’s, are half an hour offset from most others:

t.convert_zone("Asia/Calcutta")        # => 2001-09-09 07:16:40 +0530

By setting the TZ environment variable before creating a Time object, you can represent the time in any time zone. The following code converts Lagos time to Singapore time, regardless of the “real” underlying time zone:

ENV["TZ"] = "Africa/Lagos"
t =                # => 2001-09-09 02:46:40 +0100
ENV["TZ"] = nil

t.convert_zone("Singapore")            # => 2001-09-09 09:46:40 +0800

# Just to prove it's the same time as before:
t.convert_zone("US/Eastern")           # => 2001-09-08 21:46:40 -0400

Since the TZ environment variable is global to a process, you’ll run into problems if you have multiple threads trying to convert time zones at once.

4.8 Checking Whether Daylight Saving Time Is in Effect


You want to see whether the current time in your locale is normal time or Daylight Saving/Summer Time.


Create a Time object and check its isdst method:

Time.local(2006, 1, 1)                 # => Sun Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2006
Time.local(2006, 1, 1).isdst           # => false
Time.local(2006, 10, 1)                # => Sun Oct 01 00:00:00 EDT 2006
Time.local(2006, 10, 1).isdst          # => true


Time objects representing UTC times will always return false when isdst is called, because UTC is the same year-round. Other Time objects will consult the Daylight Saving Time rules for the time locale used to create the Time object. This is usually the system locale on the computer you used to create it: see Recipe 4.7 for information on changing it. The following code demonstrates some of the rules pertaining to Daylight Saving Time across the United States:

eastern = Time.local(2006, 10, 1)      # => Sun Oct 01 00:00:00 EDT 2006
eastern.isdst                          # => true

ENV['TZ'] = 'US/Pacific'
pacific = Time.local(2006, 10, 1)      # => Sun Oct 01 00:00:00 PDT 2006
pacific.isdst                          # => true

# Except for the Navajo Nation, Arizona doesn't use Daylight Saving Time.
ENV['TZ'] = 'America/Phoenix'
arizona = Time.local(2006, 10, 1)      # => Sun Oct 01 00:00:00 MST 2006
arizona.isdst                          # => false

# Finally, restore the original time zone.
ENV['TZ'] = nil

The C library on which Ruby’s Time class is based handles the complex rules for Daylight Saving Time across the history of a particular time zone or locale.

Daylight Saving Time was mandated across the U.S. in 1918, but abandoned in most locales shortly afterward. The “zoneinfo” file used by the C library contains this information, along with many other rules:

# Daylight saving first took effect on March 31, 1918.
Time.local(1918, 3, 31).isdst         # => false
Time.local(1918, 4, 1).isdst          # => true
Time.local(1919, 4, 1).isdst          # => true

# The federal law was repealed later in 1919, but some places
# continued to use Daylight Saving Time.
ENV['TZ'] = 'US/Pacific'
Time.local(1920, 4, 1)                # => Thu Apr 01 00:00:00 PST 1920

ENV['TZ'] = nil
Time.local(1920, 4, 1)                # => Thu Apr 01 00:00:00 EDT 1920

# Daylight Saving Time was reintroduced during the Second World War.
Time.local(1942,2,9)                  # => Mon Feb 09 00:00:00 EST 1942
Time.local(1942,2,10)                 # => Tue Feb 10 00:00:00 EWT 1942
# EWT stands for "Eastern War Time"

A U.S. law passed in 2005 expanded Daylight Saving Time into March and November, beginning in 2007. Depending on how old your zoneinfo file is, Time objects you create for dates in 2007 and beyond might or might not reflect the new law:

Time.local(2007, 3, 13)               # => Tue Mar 13 00:00:00 EDT 2007
# Your computer may incorrectly claim this time is EST.

This illustrates a general point. There’s nothing your elected officials love more than passing laws, so you shouldn’t rely on isdst to be accurate for any Time objects that represent times a year or more into the future. When that time actually comes around, Daylight Saving Time might obey different rules in your locale.

The Date class isn’t based on the C library, and knows nothing about time zones or locales, so it also knows nothing about Daylight Saving Time.

4.9 Converting Between Time and DateTime Objects


You’re working with both DateTime and Time objects, created from Ruby’s two standard date/time libraries. You can’t mix these objects in comparisons, iterations, or date arithmetic because they’re incompatible. You want to convert all the objects into one form or another so that you can treat them all the same way.


To convert a Time object to a DateTime, you can use built-in methods.

If you are using Ruby 1.8, you need to add your own methods for conversion:

require 'date'
class Time
  def to_datetime
    # Convert seconds + microseconds into a fractional number of seconds
    seconds = sec + Rational(usec, 10**6)

    # Convert a UTC offset measured in minutes to one measured in a
    # fraction of a day.
    offset = Rational(utc_offset, 60 * 60 * 24), month, day, hour, min, seconds, offset)

Then you con convert from Time to DateTime via the Time#to_datetime method:

time =, 6, 4, 10, 30, 22, 4010)
# => Sun Jun 04 10:30:22 UTC 2000
# => "2000-06-04T10:30:22Z"

Converting a DateTime to a Time is similar; you just need to decide whether you want the Time object to use local time or GMT. This code adds the conversion method to Date, the superclass of DateTime, so it will work on both Date and DateTime objects:

require 'date'
(datetime =, 10, 1, 22, 16, Rational(41,2))).to_s
# => "1990-10-01T22:16:20Z"
# => 1990-10-01 15:16:20 -0700


In Ruby 1.8, Ruby’s two ways of representing dates and times didn’t coexist very well. But since neither can be a total substitute for the other, you’ll probably use them both during your Ruby career.

Since Ruby 2.1, the conversion methods let you get around incompatibilities by simply converting one type to the other:

time < datetime
# ArgumentError: comparison of Time with DateTime failed
time.to_datetime < datetime
# => false
time < datetime.to_gm_time
# => false

time - datetime
# TypeError: can't convert DateTime into Float
(time.to_datetime - datetime).to_f
# => 3533.50973962975                      # Measured in days
time - datetime.to_gm_time
# => 305295241.50401                       # Measured in seconds

The methods just defined are reversible: you can convert back and forth between Date and DateTime objects without losing accuracy:

time                                       # => 2000-06-04 10:30:22 UTC
time.usec                                  # => 4010

time.to_datetime.to_time                   # => 2000-06-04 03:30:22 -0700
time.to_datetime.to_time.usec              # => 4010

datetime.to_s                              # => "1990-10-01T22:16:20+00:00"
datetime.to_time.to_datetime.to_s          # => "1990-10-01T15:16:20-07:00"

Once you can convert between Time and DateTime objects, it’s simple to write code that normalizes a mixed array, so that all its elements end up being of the same type. This method tries to turn a mixed array into an array containing only Time objects. If it encounters a date that won’t fit within the constraints of the Time class, it starts over and converts the array into an array of DateTime objects instead (thus losing any information about Daylight Saving Time):

require 'date'
def normalize_time_types(array)
  # Don't do anything if all the objects are already of the same type.
  first_class = array[0].class
  first_class = first_class.super if first_class == DateTime
  return unless array.detect { |x| !x.is_a?(first_class) }

  normalized = array.collect do |t|
    if t.is_a?(Date)
      rescue ArgumentError # Time out of range; convert to DateTimes instead.
        convert_to = DateTime

  unless normalized
    normalized = array.collect { |t| t.is_a?(Time) ? t.to_datetime : t }
  return normalized

When all objects in a mixed array can be represented as either Time or DateTime objects, this method makes them all Time objects:

mixed_array = [,]
# => [2013-10-10 09:27:10 -0700,
#        #<DateTime: 23556610914534571/9600000000,-5/24,2299161>]
# => [2013-10-10 09:27:10 -0700, 2013-10-10 09:27:10 -0700]

If one of the DateTime objects can’t be represented as a Time, normalize_time_types turns all the objects into DateTime instances. This code is run on a system with a 32-bit time counter:

mixed_array << DateTime.civil(1776, 7, 4)
normalize_time_types(mixed_array).collect { |x| x.to_s }
# => ["2013-10-10 09:27:10 -0700", "2013-10-10 09:27:10 -0700",
# =>  "1776-07-03 16:00:00 -0800"]

4.10 Finding the Day of the Week


You want to find the day of the week for a certain date.


Use the wday method (supported by both Time and DateTime) to find the day of the week as a number between 0 and 6. Sunday is day zero.

The following code yields to a code block the date of every Sunday between two dates. It uses wday to find the first Sunday following the start date (keeping in mind that the first date may itself be a Sunday). Then it adds seven days at a time to get subsequent Sundays:

def every_sunday(d1, d2)
  # You can use instead of 60*60*24 if you're using Rails.
  one_day = d1.is_a?(Time) ? 60*60*24 : 1
  sunday = d1 + ((7-d1.wday) % 7) * one_day
  while sunday < d2
    yield sunday
    sunday += one_day * 7

def print_every_sunday(d1, d2)
  every_sunday(d1, d2) { |sunday| puts sunday.strftime("%x")}

print_every_sunday(Time.local(2006, 1, 1), Time.local(2006, 2, 4))
# 01/01/06
# 01/08/06
# 01/15/06
# 01/22/06
# 01/29/06


The most commonly used parts of a time are its calendar and clock readings: year, day, hour, and so on. Time and DateTime let you access these, but they also give you access to a few other aspects of a time: the Julian day of the year (yday) and, more usefully, the day of the week (wday).

The every_sunday method will accept either two Time objects or two DateTime objects. The only difference is the number you need to add to an object to increment it by one day. If you’re only going to be using one kind of object, you can simplify the code a little.

To get the day of the week as an English string, use the strftime directives %A and %a:

t = Time.local(2006, 1, 1)
t.strftime("%A %A %A!")                    # => "Sunday Sunday Sunday!"
t.strftime("%a %a %a!")                    # => "Sun Sun Sun!"

You can find the day of the week and the day of the year, but Ruby has no built-in method for finding the week of the year (there is a method to find the commercial week of the year; see Recipe 4.11). If you need such a method, it’s not hard to create one using the day of the year and the day of the week. This code defines a week method in a module, which it mixes in to both Date and Time:

require 'date'
module Week
 def week
    (yday + 7 - wday) / 7

class Date
  include Week

class Time
  include Week

saturday =, 1, 1)
saturday.week                              # => 0
(saturday+1).week                          # => 1 #Sunday, January 2
(saturday-1).week                          # => 52 #Friday, December 31

4.11 Handling Commercial Dates


When writing a business or financial application, you need to deal with commercial dates instead of civil or calendar dates.


DateTime offers some methods for working with commercial dates. Date#cwday gives the commercial day of the week, Date#cweek gives the commercial week of the year, and Date#cwyear gives the commercial year.

Consider January 1, 2006. This was the first day of calendar 2006, but since it was a Sunday, it was the last day of commercial 2005:

require 'date'
sunday =, 1, 1)
sunday.year                                # => 2006
sunday.cwyear                              # => 2005
sunday.cweek                               # => 52
sunday.wday                                # => 0
sunday.cwday                               # => 7

Commercial 2006 started on the first weekday in 2006:

monday = sunday + 1
monday.cwyear                              # => 2006
monday.cweek                               # => 1


Unless you’re writing an application that needs to use commercial dates, you probably don’t care about this, but it’s kind of interesting (if you think dates are interesting). The commercial week starts on Monday, not Sunday, because Sunday’s part of the weekend. DateTime#cwday is just like DateTime#wday, except it gives Sunday a value of seven instead of zero.

This means that DateTime#cwday has a range from one to seven instead of from zero to six:

(sunday...sunday+7).each do |d|
  puts "#{d.strftime("%a")} #{d.wday} #{d.cwday}"
# Sun 0 7
# Mon 1 1
# Tue 2 2
# Wed 3 3
# Thu 4 4
# Fri 5 5
# Sat 6 6

The cweek and cwyear methods have to do with the commercial year, which starts on the first Monday of a year. Any days before the first Monday are considered part of the previous commercial year. The example given in the Solution demonstrates this: January 1, 2006 was a Sunday, so by the commercial reckoning it was part of the last week of 2005.

See Also

4.12 Running a Code Block Periodically


You want to run some Ruby code (such as a call to a shell command) repeatedly at a certain interval.


Create a method that runs a code block, then sleeps until it’s time to run the block again:

def every_n_seconds(n)
  loop do
    before =
    interval = n-(
    sleep(interval) if interval > 0
every_n_seconds(5) do
 puts "At the beep, the time will be #{"%X")}... beep!"
# At the beep, the time will be 12:21:28... beep!
# At the beep, the time will be 12:21:33... beep!
# At the beep, the time will be 12:21:38... beep!
# …


There are two main times when you’d want to run some code periodically. The first is when you actually want something to happen at a particular interval: say you’re appending your status to a logfile every 10 seconds. The other is when you would prefer for something to happen continuously, but putting it in a tight loop would be bad for system performance. In this case, you compromise by putting some slack time in the loop so that your code isn’t always running.

The implementation of every_n_seconds deducts from the sleep time the time spent running the code block. This ensures that calls to the code block are spaced evenly apart, as close to the desired interval as possible. If you tell every_n_seconds to call a code block every five seconds, but the code block takes four seconds to run, every_n_seconds only sleeps for one second. If the code block takes six seconds to run, every_n_seconds won’t sleep at all: it’ll come back from a call to the code block, and immediately yield to the block again.

If you always want to sleep for a certain interval, no matter how long the code block takes to run, you can simplify the code:

def every_n_seconds(n)
  loop do

In most cases, you don’t want every_n_seconds to take over the main loop of your program. Here’s a version of every_n_seconds that spawns a separate thread to run your task. If your code block stops the loop with the break keyword, the thread stops running:

def every_n_seconds(n)
  thread = do
    while true
      before =
      interval = n-(
      sleep(interval) if interval > 0
  return thread

In this snippet, we use every_n_seconds to spy on a file, waiting for people to modify it:

def monitor_changes(file, resolution=1)
  last_change =
  every_n_seconds(resolution) do
    check = File.stat(file).ctime
    if check > last_change
      yield file
      last_change = check
    elsif - last_change > 60
      puts "Nothing's happened for a minute, I'm bored."

That example might give output like this, if someone on the system is working on the file /tmp/foo:

thread = monitor_changes("/tmp/foo") { |file| puts "Someone changed #{file}!" }
# "Someone changed /tmp/foo!"
# "Someone changed /tmp/foo!"
# "Nothing's happened for a minute; I'm bored."
thread.status                 # => false

4.13 Waiting a Certain Amount of Time


You want to pause your program, or a single thread of it, for a specific amount of time.


The Kernel#sleep method takes a floating-point number and puts the current thread to sleep for some (possibly fractional) number of seconds:

3.downto(1) { |i| puts "#{i}..."; sleep(1) }; puts "Go!"
# 3...
# 2...
# 1...
# Go!                     # => Sat Mar 18 21:17:58 EST 2013
sleep(10)                     # => Sat Mar 18 21:18:08 EST 2013
sleep(1)                     # => Sat Mar 18 21:18:09 EST 2013
# Sleep for less then a second.                # => 377185
sleep(0.1)                # => 479230


Timers are often used when a program needs to interact with a source much slower than a computer’s CPU: a network pipe, or human eyes and hands. Rather than constantly poll for new data, a Ruby program can sleep for a fraction of a second between each poll, giving other programs on the CPU a chance to run. That’s not much time by human standards, but sleeping for a fraction of a second at a time can greatly improve a system’s overall performance.

You can pass any floating-point number to sleep, but that gives an exaggerated picture of how finely you can control a thread’s sleeping time. For instance, you can’t sleep for 10–50 seconds, because it’s physically impossible (that’s less than the Planck time). You can’t sleep for Float::EPSILON seconds, because that’s almost certainly less than the resolution of your computer’s timer.

You probably can’t even reliably sleep for a microsecond, even though most modern computer clocks have microsecond precision. By the time your sleep command is processed by the Ruby interpreter and the thread actually starts waiting for its timer to go off, some small amount of time has already elapsed. At very small intervals, this time can be greater than the time you asked Ruby to sleep in the first place.

Here’s a simple benchmark that shows how long sleep on your system will actually make a thread sleep. It starts with a sleep interval of one second, which is fairly accurate. It then sleeps for shorter and shorter intervals, with lessening accuracy each time:

interval = 1.0
10.times do |x|
  t1 =
  actual = - t1

  difference = (actual-interval).abs
  percent_difference = difference / interval * 100
  printf("Expected: %.9f Actual: %.6f Difference: %.6f (%.2f%%)\n",
         interval, actual, difference, percent_difference)

  interval /= 10
# Expected: 1.000000000 Actual: 0.999420 Difference: 0.000580 (0.06%)
# Expected: 0.100000000 Actual: 0.099824 Difference: 0.000176 (0.18%)
# Expected: 0.010000000 Actual: 0.009912 Difference: 0.000088 (0.88%)
# Expected: 0.001000000 Actual: 0.001026 Difference: 0.000026 (2.60%)
# Expected: 0.000100000 Actual: 0.000913 Difference: 0.000813 (813.00%)
# Expected: 0.000010000 Actual: 0.000971 Difference: 0.000961 (9610.00%)
# Expected: 0.000001000 Actual: 0.000975 Difference: 0.000974 (97400.00%)
# Expected: 0.000000100 Actual: 0.000015 Difference: 0.000015 (14900.00%)
# Expected: 0.000000010 Actual: 0.000024 Difference: 0.000024 (239900.00%)
# Expected: 0.000000001 Actual: 0.000016 Difference: 0.000016 (1599900.00%)

A small amount of the reported time comes from the overhead caused by creating the second Time object, but not enough to affect these results. On my system, if I tell Ruby to sleep for a millisecond, the time spent running the sleep call greatly exceeds the time I wanted to sleep in the first place! According to this benchmark, the shortest length of time for which I can expect sleep to accurately sleep is about 1/100 of a second.

You might think to get better sleep resolution by putting the CPU into a tight loop with a certain number of repetitions. Apart from the obvious problems (this hurts system performance, and the same loop will run faster over time since computers are always getting faster), this isn’t even reliable.

The operating system doesn’t know you’re trying to run a timing loop: it just sees you using the CPU, and it can interrupt your loop at any time, for any length of time, to let some other process use the CPU. Unless you’re on an embedded operating system where you can control exactly what the CPU does, the only reliable way to wait for a specific period of time is with sleep.

Waking up early

The sleep method will end early if the thread that calls it has its run method called. If you want a thread to sleep until another thread wakes it up, use Thread.stop:

alarm = { sleep(5); Thread.main.wakeup }
puts "Going to sleep for 1000 seconds at #{}..."
sleep(10000); puts "Woke up at #{}!"
# Going to sleep for 1000 seconds at Thu Oct 27 14:45:14 PDT 2005...
# Woke up at Thu Oct 27 14:45:19 PDT 2005!

alarm = { sleep(5); Thread.main.wakeup }
puts "Goodbye, cruel world!";
puts "I'm back; how'd that happen?"
# Goodbye, cruel world!
# I'm back; how'd that happen?

4.14 Adding a Timeout to a Long-Running Operation


You’re running some code that might take a long time to complete, or might never complete at all. You want to interrupt the code if it takes too long.


Use the built-in timeout library. The Timeout.timeout method takes a code block and a deadline (in seconds). If the code block finishes running in time, it returns true. If the deadline passes and the code block is still running, Timeout.timeout terminates the code block and raises an exception.

The following code would never finish running were it not for the timeout call. But after five seconds, timeout raises a Timeout::Error and execution halts:

# This code will sleep forever... OR WILL IT?
require 'timeout'
before =
  status = Timeout.timeout(5) { sleep }
rescue Timeout::Error
  puts "I only slept for #{} seconds."
# I only slept for 5.035492 seconds.


Sometimes you must make a network connection or take some other action that might be incredibly slow, or that might never complete at all. With a timeout, you can impose an upper limit on how long that operation can take. If it fails, you can try it again later, or forge ahead without the information you were trying to get. Even when you can’t recover, you can report your failure and gracefully exit the program, rather than sitting around forever waiting for the operation to complete.

By default, Timeout.timeout raises a Timeout::Error. You can pass in a custom exception class as the second argument to Timeout.timeout; this saves you from having to rescue the Timeout:Error just so you can raise some other error that your application knows how to handle.

If the code block had side effects, they will still be visible after the timeout kills the code block:

def count_for_five_seconds
  $counter = 0
    Timeout::timeout(5) { loop { $counter += 1 } }
  rescue Timeout::Error
    puts "I can count to #{$counter} in 5 seconds."

# I can count to 2532825 in 5 seconds.
$counter                                 # => 2532825

This may mean that your dataset is now in an inconsistent state.

1 So does the Facets library.

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