Installing Windows XP
Okay, the time has finally come to turn your Mac into a dual-booting powerhouse. After clicking the Start Installation button (Figure 17), your Mac reboots and the screen goes through a series of color changes: first white, then blue, then black, then gray, then blue again. The next thing you see is the text, "Windows Setup" at the top of the screen, and a bunch of messages at the bottom of the screen. The on- screen text should read:
Welcome to Setup. This portion of the Setup program prepares Microsoft<R> Windows<R> XP to run on your computer. * To set up Windows XP now, press ENTER. * To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console, press R. * To quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.
Press Enter (the Return key on your Mac's keyboard) to start the installation process. The next screen displays the Windows XP License Agreement. If you have the time (and patience) to read through this, you should. If not, press F8 to agree to the terms of the license and continue. (You can also press the Esc key if you don't agree to the license's terms, and you can use the Page Down key to go to the next page in the license.)
The next screen displays the following information:
Windows XP Professional Setup ============================= The following list shows the existing partitions and unpartitioned space on this computer. Use the UP and DOWN ARROW keys to select an item in the list. * To set up Windows XP on the selected item, press ENTER. * To create ...
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