Chapter 16


*All figures and tables in this chapter, unless otherwise specified, have been taken from Arun Kumar, 1989, ‘Engineering Education and Public Works Department, 1905–1947’, Ph.D. thesis, University of Delhi, and have been used with the author's permission.

1. K.N. Panikkar, Presidential Address: Section III, Indian History Congress, December 1975.

2. Arthur Howell, Education in British India, p. 5.

3. Deepak Kumar, ‘Science in Higher Education: A Study in Victorian Era’, p. 253.

4. J.A. Richey (ed.), Selections from Educational Records of the Government of India, Part II, p. 343.

5. Bengal Engineering College Centenary, 1856–1956, p. 7.

6. Account of Roorkee College Establishment for the Instruction of Civil Engineers, with a scheme ...

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