
Note to the reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations.


abstract classes, 138143

declaring, 138143, 166

defined, 138

abstract keyword, 138, 140

abstract methods, 140143

child classes and, 140, 141, 166, 410

overriding, 410

private methods and, 398

abstract modifier, 397399, 410

abstraction, 139. See also object–oriented programming

access modifiers (access specifiers), 393–397, 410. See also default access; private; protected; public

inheritance and, 393397, 410

local inner classes and, 158

for methods, 116

nested classes and, 163

for top-level classes, 4

accessor methods (getter methods), 119, 165, 382, 387, 423

ActionListener, 17

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