9Overview of Fast Charging Technologies of Electric Vehicles

Sohan R. Alva, Vishal H. Kanchan, Preethesh B., Hithesh Alen D’Costa and Rathishchandra Ramachandra Gatti*

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management, Mangalore, India


Advances in new fast chargeable batteries, as well as fast-charging infrastructure, have accelerated the growth of the electric vehicle market. So far, slow charging of electric vehicles has been one major hurdle for people to migrate from fossil fuel vehicles to electric vehicles. Recharge times must be comparable to the time it takes to fill a gasoline tank to acquire widespread consumer acceptance. Electric vehicle (EV) battery charging durations must be decreased to an average of seven minutes to contend with fossil fuel-powered transportation. This chapter examines EV fast-charging technologies and their effects on EV power train systems such as battery systems and power electronic systems. The chapter also discusses recent novel approaches and the leveraging of emerging technologies such as wireless networks, AI/ML, and energy storage materials. For systems-level design and power conversion topologies to advance state-of-the-art fast charging. The feasibility of different levels of EV charging, namely, Level 1 (5 kW or less), level 2 (5–50 kW) and level 3 (Ultra-fast charging > 50 kW), as per the Department of Energy, US, is discussed.

As the charging rates increase, new issues emerge in the power ...

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