Type-Enforcement Declarations
Type-enforcement (TE) declarations are of seven types:
Attribute declarations
Type declarations
Type alias declarations
Boolean declarations
Transition declarations
TE access vector table declarations
Conditional statement declarations
Type Declarations
The SELinux policy language requires that all type names be explicitly defined. In the simplest possible form, a type declaration merely defines a name as a type. For instance, the type declaration:
type ping_t;
would mark ping_t
as the name of a type. Type
declarations need not precede all statements that refer to the types
they define; you can place type declarations any place within a TE
Optionally, a type declaration may define one or more aliases for the type name. Any alias associated with a type can be freely used in place of the primary name of the type. A type declaration can also optionally associate one or more attributes with the type name.
Figure 7-1 shows the syntax of a type declaration.
As an example, the ping.te
file contains two
type declarations:
type ping_t, domain, privlog; type ping_exec_t, file_type, sysadmfile, exec_type;
The first declaration identifies ping_t
as a type
name, and associates the attributes domain
with the type name, marking the type as a
domain that communicates with the system log process. The second
declaration identifies ping_exec_t
as a type name, and associates ...
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