Chapter 26, The X (Milters) Configuration Command

Root Won’t Remove Socket File on page 1179

Root won’t remove a Milter socket file (V8.13)

Milter smfi_addrcpt_par() on page 1186

The Milter smfi_addrcpt_par() routine has been added to add a recipient with additional ESMTP arguments (V8.14)

Milter smfi_chgfrom() on page 1187

The Milter smfi_chgfrom() routine has been added to change the envelope sender (V8.14)

Milter smfi_getsymval() on page 1190

sendmail macros may be passed to xxfi_eom (8.13)

Milter smfi_opensocket() on page 1193

The Milter smfi_opensocket() routine has been added to force an immediate setup for listening (V8.13)

Milter smfi_progress() on page 1193

The Milter smfi_progress() routine has been added to reset the sendmail-to-Milter timeout (V8.13)

Milter smfi_quarantine() on page 1194

The Milter smfi_quarantiime() routine has been added to quarantine messages (V8.13)

Milter smfi_setbacklog() on page 1197

The Milter smfi_setbacklog() routine has been added to tune the size of the listen() queue (V8.13)

Milter smfi_setdbg() on page 1198

The Milter smfi_setdbg() routine has been added to turn on/off Milter-library debugging (V8.13)

Milter smfi_setmlreply() on page 1198

The Milter smfi_setmlreturn() routine has been added to define a multilined error return value (V8.13)

Milter smfi_setreply() on page 1200

The use of a 421 return code and returning a temporary failure to drop a connection now works with xxfi_helo() too.

Milter smfi_setsymlist() ...

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