
A relay is a rule that sends all of one type of mail to a specific destination. One example is email fax transmissions. Clearly, even though local mail should be delivered locally, mail to the pseudouser fax should always be sent to a special fax-handling machine.

The complete list of relays supported by the V8 sendmail mc technique is shown in Table 17-4.

Table 17-4. Relays






BITNET_RELAY mc Macro on page 603

V8.1 and later

The BITNET relay


DECNET_RELAY mc Macro on page 604

V8.7 and later

The DECnet relay


FAX_RELAY mc Macro on page 604

V8.6 and later

The FAX relay


LOCAL_RELAY mc Macro on page 604

V8.1 and later

Relay for unqualified users


LUSER_RELAY mc Macro on page 605

V8.7 and later

Relay for unknown local users


MAIL_HUB mc Macro on page 605

V8.6 and later

All local delivery on a central server


SMART_HOST mc macro on page 597

V8.6 and later

The ultimate relay


UUCP_RELAY mc Macro on page 606

V8.1 and later

The UUCP relay

All relays are declared in the same fashion. For example:


Here, agent is the name of a delivery agent to use, and host is the name of the machine to which all such mail will be relayed. If agent: is missing, it defaults to a literal relay:.

If the host is listed under a domain that uses wildcard MX records (Wildcard MX Records on page 335), you should specify it with a trailing ...

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