
NeXT, Darwin, and Mac OS X NetInfo V8.7 and later

NetInfo is NeXT’s implementation of a network-based information service. It has also been adopted by the Darwin and Mac OS X operating systems. The netinfo type expects a database-map declaration to be of the following form:

Kname netinfo  database-map

The database-map name defaults to /aliases.

The netinfo type uses only a handful of database switches, as shown in Table 23-18.

Table 23-18. The netinfo database-map type K command switches





-a on page 887

Append tag on successful match.


-D on page 887

Don’t use this database map if DeliveryMode=defer.


-k on page 888

Specify column for key or key name.


-m on page 888

Suppress replacement on match.


-q on page 889

Don’t strip quotes from key.


-S on page 890

Space replacement character.


-T on page 890

Suffix to append on temporary failure.


-t on page 891

Ignore temporary errors.


-v on page 891

Specify the value’s column.


-z on page 891

Specify the column delimiter.

The -v property returns defaults to members. The -z column delimiter defaults to a comma.

Support of netinfo database maps is available only if you declare NETINFO when compiling sendmail (NETINFO on page 127).

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