4Ps (product, place, price and promotion) model 279, 280

absence of communication 314, 314, 315–16

acceptable quality 128

accessibility 210–11, 388

accountability 435

acquisition costs 161–2

active relational mode 27–8, 28

acts 108

adaptability 56

additional value 173–4

administrative recovery 147

administrative service recovery 147

administrative strategy 147

advocacy bonds 316

after-sales services 464 27

Apple 214, 222, 223

asymmetric quality function 135, 136

attitude management 413–15

attraction 29, 30–1

attribute-based measurement instruments 101, 102–4, 103

augmented service offering 205, 206, 207, 209–13, 209, 215, 388

case study 216–20

on Internet 226–8

auxiliary services 206

bad costs 243, 244, 255

barriers to implemented service management 508–9

base profit 162

basic package 215

basic service package 207–8, 224

blogs 364, 367

blueprinting model 393–5

BMW 54

bonds 26, 111–14, 115, 178, 272, 295

brand awareness 343, 345

brand contacts 339–41, 340, 341

brand definition 337–8, 342–3

brand equity 187, 342–3, 345

brand formation process 345

brand fulfilment 343, 345

brand identity 339

brand image 339, 342, 345

brand involvement 343

brand knowledge 342

brand messages 339

brand promise 343

brand–relationship–value triangle 345, 346

brand relationships 339–41, 340, 342

brand value 342–3

branding 312, 339

budgets for customer management and customer-focused performance 501

business effectiveness 475

business logic 87, 477

business mission 80–1, 81, 390, 451,

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