Workshop 3.2: Creating and Populating a Document Library

In this workshop, you will create and populate a document library for the case study project. Your project team has a lot of shared files that are currently stored in a local folder. You will now put these files in a document library to centralize storage.

For fields and settings that aren’t mentioned in the workshop steps, accept the default settings.

Part 1: Creating a Document Library

Use the following steps to create a document library:

  1. On your PMIS home page, click Site ActionsMore Options.

  2. In the Library category, click Document Library and More Options (see Figure 3-38).

    Accessing the Document Library

    Figure 3-38. Accessing the Document Library

  1. A page similar to the one shown in Figure 3-39 will be displayed. Enter the following information:

    Name: Project Documents
    Description: Our project's shared documents
    Display this document library on the Quick Launch?: Yes
    Create a version each time you edit a file in this document library?: Yes
    Document Template: Microsoft Office Word document
    Creating a document library

    Figure 3-39. Creating a document library

  2. Click Create. The new document library will be displayed (see Figure 3-40).

    Document library

    Figure 3-40. Document library

Part 2: Populating a Document Library ...

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