Notas bibliográficas

1. Emprender, consolidar

  • [1] Para el nacimiento y desarrollo de una nueva empresa, NUENO, PEDRO: Emprendiendo hacia el 2020, Deusto, Barcelona, 2009.

  • [2] The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation: The Hilton Legacy. Serving Humanity Worldwide, Los Angeles, 2009, pp. 18-20.

    VV.AA.: Los Hilton, Bio. Grandes dinastías, Plaza & Janés, Barcelona, 2010, pp. 371-397.

  • [3] TEDLOW, RICHARD S.: Sam Walton: Great From the Start, Harvard Business School. Working Knowledge, 23/07/2011.

  • [4] WALTON, SAM: Sam Walton. Made in America. My Story, Bantam Books, 1993.

  • [5] Oil: The Do-It-Yourself Tycoon, Time, 24/02/1958.

    WHITMAN, ALDEN: J. Paul Getty Dead at 83; Amassed Billions From Oil, Obituary, The New ...

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