Enterprise performance optimization architecture depicts an array of disciplines required to optimize enterprise performance. A review of the architecture is given in Figure 3.13. The first column is labeled “Service-Oriented Enterprise & Smart Data Paradigm” that embraces three structural elements: (1) Smart data, (2) smart grid, and (3) smart services. Below that we list CMMI, six sigma, and balanced scorecard as applicable ideas and techniques. You will configure your own application of ideas and techniques from the body of expertise within your enterprise and augment with external contributions like ours.
The six-by-six array features disciplines that are employed by enterprises under executive management for the purpose of optimizing performance. What is the relationship among the elements?
The array is best read from top left and down the first column. Each column connotes an approximation of logical ordering, although the elements may be accessed as needed by the enterprise as one or combinations thereof to improve performance. The arrangement of elements by columns again connotes some logical ordering, although it is approximation for convenience.
Employing the process modeling technique, where would these disciplines reside?
Figure 3.14 illustrates the context diagram for optimizing enterprise performance, featuring primary inputs such as capital and materials being transformed under enterprise controls into outputs ...
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