Chapter 2
Creating and Sharing Content on Facebook
Planning a Facebook content strategy
Coming up with shareable content
Creating a community with groups
Your brand’s Facebook page, just like everything else you do for your brand both online and off, requires a strategy and a set of goals. Plan what you hope to achieve with Facebook, as well as how you hope to achieve it, before you make your first post or upload your brand’s cover photo. Just as you would take time to plan a marketing or advertising campaign, so should you also think through your Facebook campaign.
Facebook may look like a random bunch of comments and images, but it’s much more than that. For your brand page, it’s a way to create the type of content people want to both digest and pass along to others. However, creating interesting content isn’t necessarily your most important objective. Most marketers use Facebook as a way to engage with customers, to sell, or to raise brand awareness. The content is a way to make that happen.
In this chapter, we discuss how to create the type of content that inspires your Facebook community to react.
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