Chapter 16. Standards
Over the years, various organizations have attempted to create standard architectural approaches, techniques, and tools for software systems. Other standards simply emerged as a result of common use among many organizations, such as the Unified Modeling Language (UML).
Some of these standards have achieved widespread adoption and significant backing in industry and government, and often are mandated for use on different projects. In general, these standards encapsulate a significant amount of engineering knowledge and guidance. However, it is important for software architects and other stakeholders to establish and maintain a rational perspective concerning these standards: what they are good for, what they can provide, and what they fail to provide. Often, the momentum behind a standard creates a (vastly) overinflated perception of its real value and impact. This chapter puts some of the most influential standards in context and identifies their strengths and weaknesses.
Outline of Chapter 16
16 Standards
16.1 What Are Standards?
16.1.1 Why Use Standards?
16.1.2 Drawbacks of Standards
16.1.3 When to Adopt
16.2 Specific Standards
16.2.1 Conceptual Standards
16.2.2 Notational Standards
16.2.3 SysML
16.2.4 Standard Tools
16.2.5 Telelogic System Architect
16.3 Process Standards
16.3.1 Rational Unified Process
16.3.2 Model-Driven Architecture
16.4 End Matter
16.5 Review Questions
16.6 Exercises
16.7 Further Reading
Definition. A standard is a form of agreement between ...
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