Literatur und Links

[1]SWEBOK. Software Engineering Body of Knowledge. [Online]

[2]Oestereich, Bernd. [Online]

[3]Martin, Robert C. Clean Code. s.l.: Prentice Hall, 2009. ISBN 0-13-235088-2.

[4]Manifesto for Agile Software Development. [Online]

[5]Scrum Guides. [Online]

[6]Brooks, Frederick. The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering. s.l.: Addison Wesley, 1975. ISBN 0201006502.

[7]Oestereich, Bernd. Objektorientierte Softwareentwicklung − Analyse und Design mit der Unified Modeling Language. s.l.: Oldenbourg, 2001. ISBN 3-486-25573-8.

[8]McConnell, Steve. ...

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