
Part I: Introducing SolidWorks Basics

Chapter 1: Introducing SolidWorks

Installing SolidWorks for the First Time

Starting SolidWorks for the First Time

Examining the SolidWorks license agreement

Viewing the Welcome to SolidWorks screen

Using Quick Tips

Creating a new document

Exploring SolidWorks documentation

Accessing tutorials

Keeping up with what's new

Moving from 2D to 3D

Exploring SolidWorks Help

Checking out the Tip of the Day

Switching from hardcopy documentation

Identifying SolidWorks Documents

Saving your setup

Using templates

Having multiple document templates available

Sharing templates

Understanding Feature-Based Modeling

Understanding History-Based Modeling

Sketching with Parametrics

Understanding Design Intent

Editing Design Intent

Choosing sketch relations

Selecting display/delete relations

Using suppressed sketch relations

Working with Associativity

Tutorial: Creating a Part Template

Tutorial: Using Parametrics in Sketches


Chapter 2: Navigating the SolidWorks Interface

Identifying Elements of the SolidWorks Interface

Using the CommandManager and toolbars

Exploring the CommandManager

Using toolbars

Using Tool tips

Managing toolbars

Customizing your workflow

Controlling menus

Changing cursors

Working with models in the FeatureManager and PropertyManager windows

Using the FeatureManager.

Using the PropertyManager.

Introducing the DisplayManager

Getting around the Task pane.

Getting familiar with the Status bar

Assigning tags

Making use of Quick ...

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