
Page references followed by “f” denote figures; those followed by “t” denote tables


Absolute loudness, 347348


low frequency active, 220

mechanically resonant, diaphragmatic, 219, 476

acoustically resonant, Helmholtz, 220, 477


historical origins, 17,

fibrous and foam materials, 217, 219, 476477

random incidence absorption coefficients, 482f

directional absorption coefficients, 483

thickness requirements, 494

Absorption, 472473, 476477

Absorption coefficients, audience, concert, 44f, 84, 474, 479, 484, 493

carpet, 478f

defined and discussed, 472476

diffusers with and without fabric cover, 508

drapes, 478f

fiberglass (and mineral wool and foam slab)

random incidence, 482f

random incidence, with air space behind, ...

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