Chapter 16

What is Waving and Why

by Eugene Patronis, Jr.

16.1  General Properties of Air

16.2  Plane Waves

16.3  Non-Planar Wave Motion in a Tube

16.4  Plane Wave Tubes having Arbitrary Terminations

16.5  Impedance Tube

16.6  More General Waves

Pulsating Sphere

16.7  Acoustic Intensity

16.8  Boundaries

16.9  Acoustic Dipole



Unlike electromagnetic waves that can exist in a vacuum as well as in material substances, sound waves are mechanical waves and require a material medium in which to exist. The medium may be either a solid such as a bar of steel or a fluid such as water or air. Fluids are distinguished from solids in that a fluid will assume the shape of the container in which it is placed. If the fluid in question is a liquid ...

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