Creating a Spring web application

In this recipe, we will build a simple Spring web application with Eclipse. We will:

  • Create a new Maven project
  • Add Spring to it
  • Add two Java classes to configure Spring
  • Create a "Hello World" web page

In the next recipe, we will compile and run this web application.

How to do it…

In this section, we will create a Spring web application in Eclipse.

Creating a new Maven project in Eclipse

  1. In Eclipse, in the File menu, select New | Project….
  2. Under Maven, select Maven Project and click on Next >.
  3. Select the Create a simple project (skip archetype selection) checkbox and click on Next >.
  4. For the Group Id field, enter com.springcookbook. For the Artifact Id field, enter springwebapp. For Packaging, select war and click on Finish ...

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