An operator is a symbol specifying an action to be performed on one or more expressions. Operators are used most often in DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, and UPDATE statements, but they are also used frequently in the creation of database objects such as stored procedures, functions, triggers, and views.
Operators typically fall into these categories:
- Arithmetic operators
Supported by all databases
- Assignment operators
Supported by all databases
- Bitwise operators
Supported by MySQL and SQL Server
- Comparison operators
Supported by all databases
- Logical operators
Supported by all databases
- Unary operators
Supported by MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server
Arithmetic operators
Arithmetic operators perform mathematical operations on two expressions of any datatype in the numeric datatype category. See Table 2-2 for a listing of the arithmetic operators.
Arithmetic operator | Meaning |
+ | Addition |
− | Subtraction |
* | Multiplication |
/ | Division |
% | Modula (SQL Server only); returns the remainder of a division operation as an integer value |
In MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server, the + and − operators can be used to perform arithmetic operations on date values.
The various platforms also offer their own unique methods for performing arithmetic operations on date values.
Assignment operators
Except in Oracle, which uses :=, the assignment operator (=) assigns a value to a variable or the alias of a column heading. In all of the database platforms covered in this text, the keyword AS may serve as an operator ...
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