Chapter 7

Becoming an Expert at Performance Appraisal and Management


Bullet Quantifying and qualifying your goals

Bullet Developing a performance management and appraisal system

Bullet Putting your system into practice and making sure it works

Bullet Avoiding the pitfalls of evaluating performance

Setting goals – for individuals, teams and the overall organisation – is extremely important if you are to achieve superior performance. (Chapter 5 of this minibook addresses the whys and wherefores of encouraging your employees to up their game.) However, ensuring that the organisation is making progress towards the successful completion of its goals (in the manner and time frames agreed to) is equally important. The organisation’s performance depends on each individual who works within it. Achieving goals is what this chapter is all about.

Measuring and monitoring the performance of individuals in your organisation is like walking a tightrope: You don’t want to over-measure or over-monitor your employees. Doing so only leads to needless bureaucracy and red tape, which can negatively affect your ...

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