8.3 Random Walk Graph Kernels

The idea of random walk graph kernels is to perform random walks on two graphs and compare the resulting label sequences. They can be seen as kernels on label sequences marginalized with respect to these random walks, and thus are also called marginalized graph kernels. Specific kernels differ in their random walk model and the kernels used to compare vertex and edge labels. Random walk kernels include label sequence kernels [58,28], marginalized graph kernels [27], and geometric graph kernels [65].

8.3.1 Definition

A random walk on a graph G (Fig. 8.2) starts in vertex x1 V with probability ps, goes from xi−1 to xi with transitional probability pt conditional on xi−1, and ends with probability pq. A random walk instance x = x1 img xl has probability

(8.6) equation

Default choices are img, img for a small constant 0 < c ≤ 1, and, img, where img is the degree of . The random walk x

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