absolute effect, 296
aggregated binomial regression, 292
AIC, 189
Akaike information criterion, 189
autocorrelation, of samples, 255
automatic relevance determination, 419
, 114
barplot, 203
Bayes factor, 192
Bayes' theorem, 36
Bayesian imputation, 424
Bayesian information criterion, 167, 192
Bayesian updating, 29
Bayesianism, 12
Bertrand's box paradox, 423
bias-variance trade-off, 174
bias-variance tradeoff, see also overfitting
binomial distribution, 275
binomial regression, 291
Buridan's ass, 223
burn-in, 256
categorical, 323
categorical variable, 152
categorical variables, 120
Cholesky decomposition, 409
, 201
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